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Elsia Flores

Certificate: Mental Health Worker

What made you come to Cerritos College and why?

I had wanted to attend college for a while, but life situations always seemed to get in the way. I ended up getting married, having children, and decided to be a stay-at-home mom to raise my kids. In the second part of my life, I chose to pursue a career helping others, but I knew I needed to obtain an education.

I chose Cerritos College because many of my peers who attended spoke highly of their experiences. I initially started at East LA City College, but for some reason, it just didn’t align with the challenges I was facing in life. When I inquired about Cerritos College, I met with one of the counselors who made the experience very inviting. I decided that Cerritos College was the right place for me.

Several programs were instrumental in helping me, with one of the most impactful being the Re-Entry Resource Program. This program assists adult learners aged 23 or older, and in my case, I was 47 years old. It specifically aids students returning after a break of 3 years or more.

It was in this program that I encountered the counselor who informed me that I suffered from imposter syndrome. He believed that I could make a difference through my education and spoke positively about my attributes. This was a major factor that helped me commit to Cerritos College. I wanted to do more than just be a mom, more than just be a friend, a family member. I wanted to contribute to society in a bigger way. I knew that the only way to do it was by obtaining an education.


Whatever motive they have for pursuing the mental health program, I encourage them to treasure and guard it because it can be discouraging. I don’t want them to be discouraged by the heaviness that often comes with mental health.

Regardless of their motives, whether it’s to help others, personal experiences with mental health, or knowing a family member who has struggled, it’s essential to remember those reasons and not lose focus on the goal. Regardless of the challenges mental health may bring, their educational endeavor serves a purpose—to help not only their inner circle but society at large.


As someone with a mental health disorder, specifically PTSD, I understand the challenges. However, seeking the support services that Cerritos College offers has made my journey less stressful, burdensome, and easier. I utilized every resource possible to reach the point where I am today. While it hasn’t been easy and I faced many triggers during my educational journey, I stayed focused on the result. My goal is to obtain an education so that I can help others, filling the role I wished someone had played in my life. Since that person wasn’t there for me, I want to be that somebody in someone else’s life.

Ms. Martins from the Mental Health department— I enjoyed her courses, including ‘Special Populations.’ Her ability to convey the learning material through personal experiences was very helpful and made each day interesting. Ms. Martins was highly supportive, readily available to answer questions, and provided useful learning materials, such as PowerPoints.

Even my statistics professor was helpful. He provided lecture videos for us to review and allowed us to ask questions during office hours. In essence, every professor I’ve had so far at Cerritos College has been very supportive, offering multiple resources to aid my learning.

The fact that the college catered to the needs in my heart, providing a welcoming and supportive environment, has been impactful. They were there when I wanted to give up, and when I doubted myself, and they met the needs of my heart. Because they were able to address those needs, I was able to press forward in receiving my Mental Health Worker degree and certification.

Cerritos College

Mental Health Worker

For more information on enrollment, please refer to the current class schedule or consult a counselor.