Clery Reporting

Forms & Resources

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Incident Report Form 

Campus Security Authority (CSA) FAQ Sheet

Keenan Safe Colleges - Online Training

Campus Police Annual Security Report

Clery Reporting Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a Campus Security Authority (CSA)?
    The Clery Act defines a CSA ( Campus Security Authority)  as an official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including but not limited to, student discipline, and campus judicial procedures.
  2. Who are CSAs?
    At Cerritos College, the CSA’s are defined as:
      1. Campus police staff, including Cadets.
      2. Student activities, which includes Office of Student Conduct and Grievances employees.
      3. Human Resources employees
      4. Faculty or staff who act as advisors to student organizations;
      5. Athletic Director, Assistant/Associate Athletic Directors, coaches/assistant coaches.
      6. Cerritos College staff who lead, direct, and/or supervise student employees, ambassadors, interns, or work study recipients. A student employee is a person who is hired as an employee or work study recipient, is currently enrolled in Cerritos College with any number of credit, non-credit, or not for credit units, and has a valid student ID number.
  3. Why do I have to report Clery Crimes?
    The Clery Act requires campuses and universities to disclose information about crimes committed on and around their campuses. The law is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education. Compliance with the law is linked to a school’s ability to participate in federal student financial aid programs. It was original known as the Campus Security Act, but its name was changed in 1998 in memory of Jeanne Clery.
  4. What constitutes a Clery Crime?
      • Any “Hate Crime”
      • Murder (including non-negligent and negligent manslaughter)
      • Sex offenses (forcible/non forcible, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking)
      • Robbery
      • Aggravated assault
      • Burglary
      • Motor vehicle theft
      • Arson
      • Institutions are required to report on persons referred for campus disciplinary action for:
      • Liquor law violations
      • Drug-related violations
      • Weapons possession
  5. How do I report a Clery Crime?
    Go to the one of the following web sites to locate the Clery Crime Form:
      1. Contact Campus Police at (562) 402-3674
      2. Contact the Title IX Coordinator at x2276 or
  6. Do I have to provide the names of the parties involved?
    Cerritos College permits victims or witnesses to report crimes to CSAs on a voluntary, anonymous basis (and includes such anonymous reports in reported Annual Security Report crime totals) but encourages individuals who report crime to provide identifying information so that the Collee can adequately investigate the report. Should the reporting person wish to remain anonymous, CSA are not required to provide the name of the reporting person or any other involved party.
  7. When do I have to report a Clery Crime?
    CSAs are required, immediately or as soon as possible upon being informed of a crime, to report the crime.
  8. What constitutes Clery Geography:
    Cerritos College must disclose statistics for reported Clery crimes that occur: (1) on campus, (2) on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus, and (3) in or on non-campus buildings or property that Cerritos College or controls.
      1. On-campus:  Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution’s educational purposes, including residence halls; and
      2. Public Property:  All public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that is within that campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
      3. Non campus buildings or property:  Any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the institution; or Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution’s educational purposes, is frequently used by students, and is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the institution.
      4. Field Trips: Disclosure of statistics for crimes that occur on field trips at locations our institution does not own or control is not required.
      5. Overnight, school-sponsored trips:  Crimes that occur in motel rooms during an over-night trip do not meet the frequently-used-by-students criterion and do not have to be disclosed.
  9. What happens to my report after I send it?
    Your report will be reviewed by Campus Police to determine if there is an ongoing threat to the Campus community that needs to be addressed.
      1. Report will be reviewed to determine, if provided, if the involved parties are in need of any campus resources.
      2. Report will be reviewed to determine if it is a Clery crime and needs to be included in eh ASR
  10. If I am not sure if the incident is a Clery Crime or needs to be reported, who do I contact?
    Contact Campus Police for any questions at (562) 402-3674