COVID-19 Updates

Ready for Remote Instruction! (March 27, 2020)

Hello Awesome Faculty, 

First I want to thank you for your work over the last couple of weeks. It is amazing to see that in such a short time almost all of our courses were moved into a remote setting. And those that were not able to swiftly move were not for lack of trying. Thank you so very much, it exceptionally clear that Cerritos College faculty care deeply for their students. 

I want you to know that as we transition into our first week of remote instruction, you are not alone. The CTX will continue to offer support from CTX staff and Remote Teaching Guides (peer support to move remotely). Additionally, we will continue to update the Remote Teaching Resources canvas and the CTX web page with additional information. 

It is important that as we transition into remote instruction we continue to foster community across our virtual campus. We will all make mistakes, have challenges, and find new ways to engage students. Please continue to share those experiences with others. Please use the discussion board in the Remote Teaching Resources (RTR) Canvas to ask questions and share share things that worked well in your courses. You can also drop into the Faculty Senate virtual meetings on Tuesdays (except the third Tuesday) at 11:05am-12:20pm.

In the meantime, I strongly encourage you to complete the top 5 actions before you begin your remote teaching journey on Monday March 30, when your students expect to engage in your course(s). This information can also be found on the RTR Canvas Shell

  1. Communicate a reassuring message to your students that they are going to be okay in relation to finishing their class(es) and that you are doing your best to make the transition online as manageable for all as possible. Let them know you are there to support them and answer their questions or refer them to resources. You can use the email feature in your roster in Rosters+ for your initial email to your students.

  2. Communicate clear information to your students about how you, at least initially, intend to conduct your class.  For example, be sure to address whether or not your class will meet via Zoom, whether students will work individually in Canvas, or through some combination of both. Note: You may only require students to meet with you during the regularly scheduled day(s) and time of the class. Include clear information about how students will get started next week and how they will access your course.

  3. If you plan to use Zoom, ensure you have finished setting up your Pro ConferZoom account.  This account allows for more than 40-minute conferencing. Share your plan as well as your ConferZoom web link and dial-in information with your students.

  4. Publish your course(s) in Canvas. You do not need to have your course finished or even substantially built in order to publish and give your students access to critical information that allows them to prepare and reduces their anxiety. If there is content on which you are still working, you can leave that content unpublished.  However, the course itself needs to be published to provide students access.

  5. Review information posted in this Remote Teaching Resources Canvas course, CTX, and from your Dean and Department Chairs.

Also, a quick reminder that the CTX has a ton of resources for you as well as our Remote Teaching Resources Hub with streamlined resources for using Canvas and Zoom. You can also call Canvas 24/7 for technical support at 1-833-286-2860. 

April Bracamontes, Ed. D
(preferred pronouns: she\her\hers)
Faculty Senate President
Cerritos College
562-860-2451 x2849

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