2018-2019 Updates


Update 1 – November 14, 2018

Strong Workforce Round 2, Year 2 "New" and "Continuing" Applications are due to the CTE Office, Friday, November 16, 2018. Please submit the signed/approved original and email copy of the application. 

Update 2 - November 14, 2018


Please take a look at the attached document for potential regional projects in "year 4" of Strong Workforce for LA County.  No decision has been made at this time to go with the projects on the list.  It is the result of a survey.

If there is any project that "strongly interests you" or "does not interest you at all", please let me know so I can voice your opinion at tomorrow's meeting.  I will provide the updated list when I receive it. 

Update 3 - December 10, 2018


The deadline to submit regional projects for Strong Workforce round 3 (year4) was last Friday.  16 applications were submitted for potential 19/20 SWP funding. Make sure you review them before Thursday, December 13th. I will attend the regional meeting on that day at ELAC and vote for the college.  Unless I hear back from you with other recommendations, I will proceed with the projects in the following manner:

  1. Continue to support the continuing projects that I placed in folders under "Colleen for Career Pathways Specialists and Teacher Preparation Program", "Graciela for improving regional outcomes through noncredit supports", "incoming Andrew for California cloud workforce and Regional netlab hub", and "Communities bridging to results proposed by Randy Morales for Cerritos College to continue project LEAP".
  2. Continue to support the regional 19 college projects "center for competitive workforce" and "LA regional strategy, innovation, and marketing".
  3. Continue to decline the 6 projects in that folder that no dean has supported in the past.
  4. Wait to hear back from you until Thursday for the 2 brand new projects in that folder. 

The narratives for all the projects can be found in the shared ACAB folder under "LAOCRC". I created the folders to make it easier for you to find those projects.  

Update 4 - February 6, 2019

1.  Why am I getting this email? You have been identified by your dean as a faculty member who is teaching a "career education" class on the Cerritos College campus.  [Except for CIS faculty who will be getting this email directly from their dean]. Please note that the determination is made based on the TOP code for the class. If you receive this email by error, we are sorry to be clogging up your email box but you can easily "unsubscribe". 

2.  Why am I getting this email? Career education, based on TOP codes, receive special funding from the federal government (Perkins) and the state government (Strong Workforce). 

3.  What is a TOP code? The Taxonomy of Programs (TOP) coding is a way for the state to identify career education classes and programs.  It is specified at the time of curriculum or program creation. 

4.  What is Strong Workforce? It is a stream of special funding designed to enhance career education programs. Year 1 is finished. Year 2 had a round 1 and a round 2 [a.k.a. Year 2 and Year 3] that are under way. Year 4 is in the planning stages. If you want to know what your department is doing, check this page http://www.cerritos.edu/cte/strong-workforce.htm

5.  What is the special update for today? We want to make sure you are aware of the travel limitations under both the Perkins and Strong Workforce funding streams. Your dean has received detailed information on what is allowed and not allowed. Ask your dean if you have any questions. The main point to communicate today is that you should never buy an airplane ticket, pay for a reservation, or pay for a registration until you have received a signed conference request. The signature from your dean is not sufficient; it has to also be approved by the CTE office, the VP of Academic Affairs, and the President for travel over $1,000.