Falcon Information Exchange (FIE)

Senate Meeting 1/23/18

  • Peer to Peer Mentoring
    • As a strand of the CTX Mentor Program, this professional development activity provides the opportunity to engage n sincere and authentic discussions, between colleagues, about teaching practices, through peer-to-peer classroom visits. Guidelines were developed and vetted by the Faculty Professional Development Committee. A team of faculty will be trained in providng a non-judegemental, professional, valuable, relevant, applicable, and positive experience.
      • Key Parameters
        • Not part of faculty evaluation system
        • Non-compulsoory
        • Flex Credit: Observer, Instructor, Trainee, Trainer
        • Target NFOP (New Faculty Orientation Program)
        • Offered to all Faculty and TA’s
    • Senate asked that the form not look so formal
      • Overall Senate wanted a form that could be used by the observe for future reference
      • Dr. Fierro stated that the administration will not ever have a need to look at the form
      • FPD Committee will work on the form and other small details and report back to Senate later in the Semester
  • ARC Media Library
    • Instructure (the Canvas People) developed a closed captioning software program that will close caption videos with about 90% accuracy
      • Convenient for showing videos in face-to-face or online
      • Takes about 15 minutes for a 5 minute video
      • Can download YouTubes or digitize other video
        • Closed captions are overlaid
        • The software does not change the video
    • Current Options
      • You Tube – ARC is more accurate and quicker than YouTube
      • Professional Learning Network  – takes time, sometimes weeks, for closed captioning to be done
    • Senate recommended that Administration seriously consider purchasing this software for faculty and students to use within Canvas
    • A meeting with ARC is planned and more information will be brought back to the Senate, this semester
  • Syllabus requirements
    • Should the Senate recommend that an attendance policy be placed on every individual faculty’s syllabus?
      • It would be the individual faculty’s own attendance policy, but could, and should include protected classes under law (i.e. long term illness or pregnancy)
    • Discussion concerned:
      • An recommendation for an AP to administration
      • How much responsibility goes to the student?
      • What is the law?
    • Discussion will continue on Tuesday 1/30/18

Senate Meeting 12/05/17

  • AB 705 Presentation – Frank Mixson/Stephen Clifford
    • HS coursework, HS grades, and HS GPA will be used for placement
      • The English and Math departments have been exploring multiple measures for some time. This is not a rushed process on our end.
    • Math will use all three criteria
      • Math: the support you are traditionally getting from the success center is built into the classroom. Builds time into the class to do the remediation.
    • English will use overall GPA
      • There will be corequisites for English courses
      • Those who report into a lower level English can enroll in Eng 100 with a co-requisite. This ensures student success
      • English 72 allows students to complete developmental English in one semester before entering transfer level English. This meets the guidelines set out by the state.
    • ESL will use course work and GPA
  • Class Cancellation Administrative Procedure – Felipe Lopez
    • Calculations for a set minimum number of students includes
      • All instruction (FT, PT, Overload)
      • Administrative support (9% average)
        • Fluctuates between 8-15%
        • 9% is reasonable
      • Student Contact hours (525 hours)
        • One full time student taking one full-load
    • Administrative Procedure – Course Cancellation
      • Will be revised and brought back to Senate at a later date

Minutes from 11/28 and 12/5


***Accreditation coordinator position extended through January 29

The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) requires its affiliate colleges to undergo a comprehensive self-evaluation every six years. Cerritos College’s next comprehensive self-study is scheduled for fall 2020. In preparation for this self-evaluation, Cerritos College Faculty Senate and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Rick Miranda are seeking one faculty member to serve as co-chair of the college’s self-evaluation process. The term is Spring 2018-Spring 2020. Please find the flyer and tentative timeline attached. 

This position is open to all full time faculty

Applications will taken through January 29

Application Procedures: Interested parties should apply using the following links:

Faculty Accreditation Coordinator Application-



  • Senate Website Design

Planning and Budget
