Welcome Back Adjunct Faculty

Dear Colleagues:

Welcome back to Cerritos College!

We look forward to a productive semester and thank you for being part of our academic team. As part of the November 2012 Memorandum of Understanding agreed upon between the District and CCFF, the District will again allocate funds for part-time office hours. Adjunct faculty teaching credit and non-credit classes may request up to 8 office hours per semester, paid at a rate of $40 per hour. All hours must be authorized by your division dean.

To help facilitate this process, attached is the request form and below are the procedures for submitting the requests.

  1. Adjunct faculty will use the attached Adjunct Office Hours form to request up to 8 hours.

    Please note that hours must be scheduled in no less than 30 minutes and no more than 2 hour increments per office meeting.

  2. Deans will evaluate all requests and allocate/approve hours within 10 calendar days.

    Please note
    that not all office hours requests may be granted because of limited funds assigned to each Instructional Division.

  3. Requests must be submitted by the end of the first week of the semester. If you are scheduled to teach a 15-week, 12-week, and 9-week session class, your request should also be submitted by the first week (Please see your division/department for dates).

    Please note that not all divisions have designated space for office hours but the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTX) has office space available to conduct office hours. CTX is located in LC201. When completing the Adjunct Office Hours Request form, you may indicate CTX under the "Location where office hours will be rendered." Once hours are approved, contact CTX for details.

  4. Once hours are approved, adjunct faculty will submit an amended syllabi with approved office hours and dates to their students and to their dean. (If approved before the semester begins, please include your office hours on your initial syllabi).

  5. Office hours will be paid on the payroll of the pay period when the office hours are rendered. Please see your division dean if you have questions regarding this process. Please note that the District and CCFF modified the November 2012 MOU to include non-credit instructors for implementation in the fall 2013 term.

On a final note, we want to draw your attention to our adjunct faculty orientation website. If you are new to Cerritos, or just want more information about our college and your role, please go to the following link: Part-time Faculty Orientation which offers useful operational, administrative, and instructional information and resources to all faculty members.

Thank you for all you do for our students. We wish you a successful semester.

Dr. Rick Miranda
VP of Academic Affairs/Assistant Superintendent

Dr. Adriana Flores-Church 
VP of Human Resources/Assistant Superintendent

Stephanie Rosenblatt
CCFF President