Campus Community Dashboards
The Aspen dashboard has replication of the measures used in the Aspen Award’s data model and it compares Cerritos College to other institutions.
The Awards dashboard provides trends on awards conferred by Cerritos College.
The student Educational Plan dashboard provides a summarized view of finalized educational plans by term/academic year. Information is displayed based on the LCP of the student's declared major. Data is provided from the 2019-2020 academic year through the current academic year.
The Faculty Hiring Prioritization dashboard displays workload hours for departments requesting faculty and the final ranking data.
The Institutional Health dashboard shows how Cerritos College is doing compared to statewide average in terms of full-time pay scale, part-time pay scale, and overall budget.
The Learning Outcomes dashboard allows you to see CSLO's, ISLO's, and PSLO's aggregated and disaggregated tables and graphs based on division, department, course code, course title, and term.
The Scheduling Patterns dashboard displays information on enrollment, sections, fill rates and success rates by modality, time of day, and session.
Stretch Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
The Stretch Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) dashboard displays data on the first-time incoming students that begin in the fall cohorts and tracks relevant KPIs.
Student-Centered Funding Formula
The Student-Centered Funding Formula dashboard provides an analysis of the three allocations which include base allocation, supplemental allocation, and student success allocation.
The Student Equity dashboard provides data included in the 2022 Student Equity Plan provided by the Chancellor’s Office across cohort years.
Unit Planning & Program Review
The Unit Planning & Program Review dashboard provides enrollment and outcomes measure trends by term/academic year. Breakouts for student groups and attributes are available.
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