FAQs for District Employees
Q: I have a large piece of equipment that I'd really like to purchase for my department, but I'm not sure if we have to go out to bid or not. What's the bid threshold again?
A: As of January 1, 2024, the bid threshold for goods and services, except public works projects, is currently set at $114,500.00. Thus, contracts for goods and services valued at less than $114,500 may be procured on a noncompetitive informal basis unless directed otherwise by Procurement and Contract Services (PCS). Because this amount may be adjusted annually for inflation, be sure to obtain the latest bid threshold from PCS. Remember, departments should obtain 2 to 3 quotes to ensure prices are fair and reasonable.
Governing Statute: California Public Contract Code (PCC) Section 20651 defines the dollar thresholds under which an informal procurement process may be used to award contracts for goods or services, and thus avoid a formally advertised competitively bid selection and award process. Under the statute, the original threshold of $50,000 has been gradually escalated upward [PCC Section 20651(d)].
Q: Do you still offer the employee computer loan?
A: Yes. The loan is for a maximum of $2,000.00 and is repaid over a period of 20 months. To start the process, you can download the Computer Loan Promissory Note from the PCS Forms page. Simply print two copies of the Promissory note, fill out your personal information on the bottom, sign the two copies and bring them to the Procurement and Contract Services (PCS) office along with your original receipts.
Q: Where can I find the Request for Contract forms?
A: You can find the Request for Contract forms either on the college's forms page, or on the PCS Forms page. If your contract is over the bid threshold, it will require Board approval before Procurement and Contract Services (PCS) can process the request. See above FAQ entitled “BID THRESHOLD FAQS” for the current bid threshold. Please reference the BoardDocs under "Guide to Submitting Board Meeting Agenda Items" located under "Documents" for Purchasing Deadlines if your request requires Board approval.
Understanding the "Gift of Public Funds" Provision
California Constitution: In the absence of a statute granting public local educational agencies (LEAs) the legal authority to make a special expenditure (i.e., for food, clothing, awards, etc.), the legality of any expenditure is determined by the “gift of public funds” provision in the California Constitution, Article 16, section 6. This constitutional provision prohibits making any gift of public money to any individual (including public employees), corporation, or other government agency. It states, “ . . . the Legislature shall have no . . . power to make any gift, or authorize the making of any gift, of any public money or thing of value to any individual . . . whatever . . .”
As a public agency, the District is subject to the constitutional prohibition against gifts of public funds.
Exceptions to the Rule: Exceptions may exist, such as expenditures allowed under certain categorical funding sources (i.e, grants). For example, these funds may be designated for specific purposes, as detailed in grant documents and approved by the grantor. For any exceptions, please contact your designated PCS point-of-contact for guidance.
Q: Can I purchase gift cards for raffles to boost participation in events or surveys?
A: No, purchasing gift cards with public funds for raffles is considered a gift of public funds and is therefore prohibited. If categorical funding permits such expenditures, you may seek an exception by contacting your PCS point-of-contract for further discussion.
Q: I've ordered personal items. Can they be shipped to the District warehouse and then delivered to my office?
A: No, the District cannot facilitate deliveries of personal items. Using District resources, including staff time, for personal deliveries is a misuse of public funds.
Q: Can the District warehouse staff deliver flowers sent to me at the warehouse for my birthday or Valentine’s Day?
A: No, delivering personal items like flowers with District resources is not permitted, as it constitutes a gift of public funds.
Q: Is it permissible to use discretionary funds for retirement parties?
A: No, funding retirement or other parties with public funds falls under the category of a gift of public funds and is not allowed.
Q: Why was my requisition denied?
A: When a requisition is denied, there is an explanation and instructions provided in the comments area of the Requisition Approval page.
Q: How can I see if someone has approved my requisition?
A: To see where your requisition is in the approval process, please follow these steps:
Menu: Go ----> Administer Procurement ----> Requisition Items
Menu: Inquire ----> District Requisition Details ----> Req Approval History
Q: How do I know which account number/account string to use?
A: Questions regarding which account number/account string to use should be directed to Fiscal Services/Budget.
Q: What time does the mail go out each day?
A: U.S. Postal Service mail goes out at 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday; Fed Ex mailings go out at 3 pm, Monday through Friday.
Q: How much are stamps?
A: As of January 21, 2024, the price of stamps will be 68 cents each ($0.68).
Q: I need to order some business cards, what do I do?
A: You can find the Business Card order form on the Procurement and Contract Services Forms page; print and fill out the form completely, enter a requisition for the items, reference the requisition number on the order form and return it to PCS to start the process.
Q: Our department needs to order some furniture, how do I know what to order?
A: Procurement and Contract Services has posted the current campus furniture standards for your review. Please order your furniture based on the campus standard; if you have questions or would like to know if there are any modifications available to the furniture configurations, please contact your PCS point-of-contact.
Q: I understand the bid threshold limits, but I've heard that it is possible to make an exception to formally bid items over the threshold through something called a "piggyback". What is a "piggyback", exactly?
A: A piggyback contract is a form of intergovernmental cooperative procurement in which a public entity will be extended the same pricing and terms of a contract entered into by another public entity who formally awarded the contract by means of a competitively bid selection process. If a valid piggyback contract exist for the procurement of goods over the bid threshold, then a formally advertised competitive bidding process may be waived. Please note that services are not piggybackable.
Governing Statutes and Examples: Examples of piggybackable contracts include contract awarded by the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FCCC), California Multiple Awards Schedule (CMAS) through the California Department of General Services (DGS), and other cooperative contracts that adhered to certain piggybackable guidelines. [Reference:California Public Contract Code (PCC) 20652 (interagency and cooperative contracts) and PCC 20653 (CMAS contracts)].
Q: Is there a time limit on contract terms?
A: Per California Education Code (EC) Section 17596, the term of a contract is limited to no more than three (3) years for materials and supplies, and no more than five (5) years for services and equipment (i.e., leases). There are some exception to these term limits (e.g., site licenses). Contact Procurement and Contract Services (PCS) if you have any questions regarding the maximum term a contract can be for your request.
Governing Statute: California Education Code (EC) 17596
Q: I need to book travel arrangements for a conference, what do I do?
A: The Conference and Travel Form, along with the form instructions, is available for download from the PCS Forms page. Keep in mind that Conference/Travel requests over $1,000.00 must be approved by the President's Office; travel requests should be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the departure date. Please be aware that Procurement and Contract Services (PCS) will need to obtain your date of birth and your name exactly as it appears on your Driver's License/identification card in order to book airline tickets per TSA regulations. Please fill out the form completely, and submit the original to Accounting for processing. You will also need to submit a requisition for the travel/conference costs through LACOE.
Warehouse FAQs
Q: Where exactly is the Warehouse, and how can I get to it?
A: The Warehouse is located behind the Procurement and Contract Services Office at 11051
166th St., Cerritos, CA 90703. You can access the Warehouse from the driveway behind
the FPC Complex off of 166th, or if you are on foot, you can access the Warehouse
by using the breezeway on the north side of the Facilities Office and follow the building
around to the left.
Q: How do I know if an item has been delivered to the Warehouse?
A: First, contact the Warehouse to see if the item has been delivered. If the Warehouse
has not received the item yet, then contact your Procurement and Contract Services
point-of-contact and inquire on the status of the item.
Q: I received a call that there is a package for me at the Warehouse. When can I pick
it up?
A: You can pick up the package any time between 8 am and 3 pm, Monday through Friday.
We do ask that you give Miguel a courtesy call before stopping by.
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