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Student Success Story
Jonathan Thiranop
Certificates: Cabinet Making
CNC Woodworking
When did you decide to come to Cerritos College? Why?
I decided to enroll in 2019. I had recently retired from DJing after about 10 years
and wanted to pick up a new hobby that would provide me a creative outlet. I read
a lot of great things about Cerritos College and specifically the woodworking program.
They offered night and Saturday classes which worked out perfectly around my 9-5 job
Have any faculty/staff members helped you in particular?
Peter Krause, John Wood, & Carlos Sanchez were all excellent instructors, very knowledgeable,
and made a positive impact on my journey. I would highly recommend all of these instructors.
Pete has a great way of teaching students how to view their projects as if they were
business owners and putting them in the mindset of how to navigate their processes
accordingly. John has an immense wealth of knowledge and is not one to hold back on
sharing it. Carlos’ 101 class is a must take. His knowledge and positive encouragement
helped me confirm that I was on the correct path.
What about your program has helped you succeed?
The program offered a perfect balance of structure and freedom of creativity. The
fundamentals taught from the beginning in WMT 101 up through the advanced classes
trained me how to work safely and effectively, alone with showing me many tips and
tricks that help me in the workplace to this day.
What are/were your plans after college?
As soon as I completed the CNC program I was recruited by the company I currently
work for, Lab 57. The shop manager had a good relationship with our program’s director
who posted a listing on the The Woodworking Manufacturing Technologies job wall. I
plan to work here for the foreseeable future as I am learning so much in the CNC and
CAD (computer-aided design) field turning measurements into drawings, programming/cutting
them on the computer and CNC then finally assembling them into completed cabinet-related
structures. The owner is also a great person to work for. Morris has every technology
forward approach to his structure and has a massive amount of knowledge with anything
cabinet related. He works closely with our team to ensure we all reach our goals but
also gives us freedom to grow and learn on our own.
Can you tell us how you would sum up how college has made a difference in your career
and/or how it has helped you achieve your career or employment goals?
Cerritos College is a great place to further your skills and education. For me, it’s
hard to beat the hands-on learning environment WMT (Woodworking Manufacturing Technologies)
has to offer. Not to mention the awesome community and culture surrounding the program
and CSAW (Cerritos Student Association of Woodworkers), the club that is open to all
students in the WMT program. There is also an opportunity for financial assistance
that will waive your enrollment fees if you maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher. If you want
to learn woodworking, the program here is game-changer. There are also other really
solid programs/fields such as welding, automotive, medical, business, and engineering
to name a few!
Is there any advice you would like to give to a new student considering and/or entering
the same field as you?
Trust the process, take your time, and stay humble. Be open to advice and criticism
from your instructors and fellow peers, even if you think you know it already. You
never know what things you can learn today that can help out out in the future.
Certificate Requirement Courses
WMT 101 Introduction to Woodworking
WMT 151 Introduction to Face-frame Cabinetmaking or WMT 153 Introduction to Frameless
WMT 154 Introduction to Cabinet Installation or WMT 155 Architectural Millwork
WMT 181 Introduction to Cabinet Vision or WMT 182 Alphacam and the CNC Router
WMT 201 Woodworking with Hand Tools
WMT 251 Intermediate Cabinetmaking
CNC Woodworking
WMT 151 Introduction to Face-frame Cabinetmaking or WMT 153 Introduction to Frameless
WMT 181 Introduction to Cabinet Vision
WMT 182 Alphacam and the CNC Router
WMT 184 Introduction to Digital fabrication
WMT 282 Intermediate Alphacam and CNC Router
WMT 101 Introduction to Woodworking
WMT 102 Introduction to Solid Wood Casegoods
WMT 103 Introduction to Tales
WMT 107 Wood Finishing
WMT 118 Introduction to Woodturning
WMT 151 Introduction to Face-frame Cabinetmaking or WMT 153 Introduction to Frameless
WMT 154 Introduction to Cabinet Installation or WMT 155 Architectural Millwork