Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out more about scholarships?

There are books available in most libraries (public and at schools) that consist of scholarships and the addresses that you need to write to for more information. (e.g. The Higher Education MoneyBook for Minorities & Women).

The internet has some search engines, where you can put in your biographical information, and it will search for scholarships that you may qualify for. (

If you are transferring, visit that campus and inquire about scholarships.

What are the sources of scholarships?

There are on-campus scholarships that were created in memory of a family member or friend. The criteria may be specific for a certain major, or just someone with financial need.

There are companies that provide scholarship to employees if they attend school or to their family members.

There are clubs and/or organizations that give out scholarships.

There are many corporations giving scholarships.

There are non-profit organizations that also help student pay for college.

There are government funded organizations that you can join to earn money for college. (Americorps)