Applying to Cerritos College

Before you can begin taking classes through Cerritos College you will need to complete an online application. About 24 hours after your completed application has been submitted, you will receive your student ID number in an e-mail from the college. You will need that ID number in order to proceed with enrolling in classes.

The Application:

1. Apply for a Student ID# at



What to select on application - If you are taking classes to earn the WAFC Certificate only, select "Career Advancement" for your educational objective when applying for your Student ID# and the Assessment, Orientation and Counseling (AOC) process will be waved. Assessment & Orientation-Counseling (AOC) are required for first-time (new to any college) students who plan to complete an AA Degree or Transfer to a 4-year college or university.

Semester to begin - Be sure to apply for the semester you will begin taking classes.

  • Fall term - August to December
  • Spring term - January to May
  • Summer term - May to August


Major - For the WAFC Retail Management Program choose "Retail Management (WAFC)-CT- (BA_RMGT-CT)"

Residency - When the application asks about your residence, it is asking where you live now. This question is not asking for your citizenship status.

Paying for Classes

If your company is a member of the Western Association of Food Chains (WAFC) and partners with Cerritos College, be sure to contact your company education representative for further information regarding tuition payment. Many of our partners pay for a portion (or ALL!) of your tuition while participating in the retail program at Cerritos College.

Additionally, Cerritos College has a number of financial aid opportunities for students.