Accidental Plagiarism

Did you know that plagiarism can be accidental? Use this website to find helpful resources for prevention and or correction of plagiarism.

INTENTIONAL PLAGIARISM occurs when writers or researchers know full well they are passing off someone else's words or ideas as their own. Purchasing pre-written research papers through the mail or via the Internet is probably the most blatant form of intentional plagiarism (and the easiest to detect). (

UNTINTENTIONAL PLAGIARISM occurs when writers and researchers use the words or ideas of others but fail to quote or give credit, perhaps because they don't know how. (



FRAUD: Intentional use of other authors' material as one's own.

PATCHWRITING: Often unintentional plagiarism. Uses direct works and ideas from a variety of authors and sources throughout without use of quotes, and often without citation.

youtube icon 1Essay Note-Taking: A Basic Guide

FAILURE TO CITE (Non-Attribution): Paraphrasing other's works without proper citation. May include some reference to the source but formatting is improper.

youtube icon 2How to Paraphrase

FAILURE TO QUOTE (Non-Attribution): Use of exact language from another author without properly quoting and citing the work. May include some reference to the source but formatting is improper.

youtube icon 2How to Use Quotations in Writing Essays MLA or APA