Employee Directory
- Abadi, Maryam, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Maryam Abadi
- Abbruzzese, Mark, Instructor, Anthropology, ext. 2734, email Mark Abbruzzese
- Abing, Joseph (Joe), Instructor/Coach, Athletics, ext. 2870, email Joseph (Joe) Abing
- Acheson, Mike, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Mike Acheson, http://www.cerritos.edu/macheson/
- Acosta, Alva-Marie (Alva), Administrative Secretary II, Fine Arts/Communications, ext. 2633, email Alva-Marie (Alva) Acosta
- Acosta, Pauline, Instructor (Hrly), Sociology, email Pauline Acosta
- Acosta-Licea, Jennifer, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Jennifer Acosta-Licea
- Acuna, Monica, Staff Development Assistant, Human Resources, ext. 2285, email Monica Acuna
- Acuna, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Robert Acuna
- Aguilar, Isabel, Admissions & Records Tech II, Admissions and Records, email Isabel Aguilar
- Aguilar, Marisol, Counselor, LINC, ext. 2403
- Aguilar-Velasquez, Moises, Research Analyst, IERPG, email Moises Aguilar-Velasquez
- Aguiniga-Campos, Javier, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Javier Aguiniga-Campos
- Aguirre, Anna (Anna P.), Instructor (Hrly), Cosmetology, email Anna (Anna P.) Aguirre
- Aguirre, Geoffrey, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Geoffrey Aguirre
- Aiton, Amanda, Instructor (Hrly), Culinary Arts, ext. 2489, email Amanda Aiton
- Akiyama, Kevin, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling
- Albano, Randy, Sergeant, Campus Police, Campus Police, ext. 2545, email Randy Albano
- Alcala, Claudia, Counselor (Hrly), CalWORKs, email Claudia Alcala
- Alcala, Sergio, Counselor (Hrly), CalWORKs, email Sergio Alcala
- Alcala, Sharol, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Sharol Alcala
- Alcantar, Iliana, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Iliana Alcantar
- Alexander, Cynthia, Instructor, Educational Technology, ext. 2794, email Cynthia Alexander, http://www.cerritos.edu/calexander/
- Alexander, Shereese, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Shereese Alexander
- Algaze, Susan, Counselor (Hrly), Student Accessibility Services, email Susan Algaze
- Ali, Babar, Instructor (Hrly), Physics/Astronomy, email Babar Ali
- Allen, Amy, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, email Amy Allen
- Alonzo-Campos, Karina (Karina A.), Administrative Secretary, Student Equity & Success, ext. 2388, email Karina (Karina A.) Alonzo-Campos
- Altebarmakian, Tamar, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Tamar Altebarmakian
- Altermatt, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email Robert Altermatt
- Alvarado, Joanna, Counselor (Hrly), CalWORKs
- Alvarez, Lydia, Instructor, English, ext. 2838, email Lydia Alvarez, http://www.cerritos.edu/lalvarez/
- Alves, Smita Rawal (Smita), Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, ext. 2682, email Smita Rawal (Smita) Alves
- Amador, America, Certified Medical Assistant, Student Health Services, ext. 2321, email America Amador
- Amador, Hector, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Hector Amador
- Amador, Luisito, Dean, Student Equity & Success, email Luisito Amador
- Amano-Tompkins, Tommy, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Tommy Amano-Tompkins
- Ambriz, Larry, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Larry Ambriz
- Anang-Koletty, Yuhaniz, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, ext. 4350, email Yuhaniz Anang-Koletty
- Anaya, Jose, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Jose Anaya
- Andrade, Olga, Instructor, Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Olga Andrade
- Andreacchi, Bartholomew, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Bartholomew Andreacchi
- Anzures, Marco, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Marco Anzures
- Aoki, Ayako (Aya), Media Relations Coordinator, Public Affairs, ext. 2287, email Ayako (Aya) Aoki
- Applebury, Kimberly (Kim), Administrative Secretary II, Counseling, ext. 2127, email Kimberly (Kim) Applebury
- Arevalo, Sylvia, Administrative Services Tech, Community Education, ext. 2524, email Sylvia Arevalo
- Arguello, Jasmine, Program Assistant II, School Relations, email Jasmine Arguello
- Arias, Miguel, Warehousing & Delivery Asst, Purchasing, ext. 2312, email Miguel Arias
- Arias, Rogelio, Instructor (Hrly), Machine Tool Technology, email Rogelio Arias
- Arnold, Charlan (Charlan J.), Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Charlan (Charlan J.) Arnold
- Arriola, Daniel, Campus Police Officer, Campus Police, email Daniel Arriola
- Artates, Evangeline, Instructor (Hrly), Medical Assisting, email Evangeline Artates
- Artiaga, Benjamin, Instructor/Coach, Athletics, ext. 2879, email Benjamin Artiaga
- Arvizo, David, Instructor (Hrly), Welding, email David Arvizo
- Ary, Nichole, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Nichole Ary
- Asef, Tania, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Tania Asef
- Asis, Brian, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Brian Asis
- Aslanyan, Kristine, Counselor, EOPS
- Augugliaro, Mary, Librarian (Hourly), Library/LRC, email Mary Augugliaro, http://www.cerritos.edu/maugugliaro
- Avila, Ernesto, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Azolyan, Mariam, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Mariam Azolyan
- Azucena, Mario, Sr Tech Support Specialist, Information Technology/MIT, ext. 2199, email Mario Azucena
- Baber, James (Jim), Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email James (Jim) Baber
- Babiar, Ryan, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Ryan Babiar
- Badzey, Paul, Admissions & Records Tech I, Admissions and Records, ext. 2110, email Paul Badzey
- Bahhour, Fatemah, Instructor (Hrly), Economics, email Fatemah Bahhour
- Bailey, Kathryn, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Kathryn Bailey
- Bair, Richard, Instructor (Hrly), ESL, email Richard Bair
- Baker, John (John N.), Instructor (Hrly), English, email John (John N.) Baker
- Balcazar, Maria, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Maria Balcazar
- Banh, Linh (Michelle), Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Linh (Michelle) Banh
- Banks, Clarence, Instructor (Hrly), Political Science, email Clarence Banks
- Banuelos, Javier, Manager, Information Technlgy, Information Technology, email Javier Banuelos
- Barajas, Daniela, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Daniela Barajas
- Barcena, Fabiola, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Fabiola Barcena
- Barnes, James, Instructor (Hrly), Machine Tool Technology, email James Barnes
- Baron, Tony, Instructor, Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 2971, email Tony Baron
- Barone, Katie, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Katie Barone
- Barrera De Contreras, Gabriela, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Gabriela Barrera De Contreras
- Barron, Jairzinhio, Campus Police Officer, Campus Police, ext. 2325, email Jairzinhio Barron
- Bartikofsky, Irving, Specialist SAS/Instructor(LD), Student Accessibility Services, email Irving Bartikofsky
- Baskette, Shawna, Dean of Academic Success, Library, email Shawna Baskette
- Bateman, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Michael Bateman
- Baylon, Jan-Evander, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs
- Beach, Kristen, Research Analyst, Research and Planning, email Kristen Beach
- Beas, Virginia, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Virginia Beas
- Becerra, Daniel, Groundskeeper, Maintenance/Grounds, email Daniel Becerra
- Beckerleg, Nicole, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Nicole Beckerleg
- Beckham, Meri, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Meri Beckham
- Belknap, Arlene, User Support Specialist, Information Technology/MIT, ext. 2166, email Arlene Belknap
- Bell, Priscilla, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, ext. 4549, email Priscilla Bell
- Bello, Francesca, Counselor, Counseling, ext. 2749, email Francesca Bello, http://www.cerritos.edu/fbello
- Belroy, Barbara, Instructor, Reading, ext. 2835, email Barbara Belroy, http://www.cerritos.edu/bbelroy/
- Benavidez, Nadia, Student Accessibility Services Asst, Student Accessibility Services, email Nadia Benavidez
- Benedict, Jessica, Instructor (Hrly), Engineering Design Technology, email Jessica Benedict
- Benitez-Whitney, Melanie, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Melanie Benitez-Whitney
- Benson, Marie, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Hygiene, email Marie Benson
- Berekian, Beverly, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Beverly Berekian
- Berman, Lester, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Lester Berman
- Bernabe, Delfina, Admissions & Records Tech II, Admissions and Records, ext. 3732, email Delfina Bernabe
- Berney, Daniel, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, ext. 4142, email Daniel Berney
- Berry, Patricia (Patricia A.), Instructor (Hrly), ESL, ext. 2850, email Patricia (Patricia A.) Berry
- Bersaglieri, Andrea, Instructor (Hrly), Art, ext. 4587, email Andrea Bersaglieri
- Betancourt, David, Instructor, Music, ext. 2631, email David Betancourt, http://www.cerritos.edu/dbetancourt
- Beyene, Aemiro, Instructor, Mathematics, email Aemiro Beyene
- Bielik, Nicholas, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Nicholas Bielik
- Bilsley, Nicole, Instructor, Earth Science, email Nicole Bilsley, http://www.cerritos.edu/nbilsley
- Binning, Michael, Instructor, Paralegal Education, email Michael Binning
- Bird, William, Instructor (Hrly), Real Estate, email William Bird
- Birkey, James, Board Member, Board Of Trustees, email James Birkey
- Black, Kathleen, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Kathleen Black
- Blackburn, Kendall, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education
- Blake, Lesley, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Lesley Blake
- Blanchard, Ivette, Mail Clerk/Switchboard Operatr, Purchasing, email Ivette Blanchard
- Bleak, Paul, Administrative Clerk III, Teacher Trac, email Paul Bleak
- Blod, Lisa, Counselor (Hrly), CalWORKs, email Lisa Blod
- Board, Nathan, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Nathan Board
- Bodmer, Ryan, Instructor (Hrly), Administration of Justice, email Ryan Bodmer
- Bonakdar, Mehrdad, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Mehrdad Bonakdar
- Bond, William, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Bonness, Sean, Instructor, Chemistry, ext. 2693, email Sean Bonness, http://www.cerritos.edu/sbonness/
- Bordage, Nicolas, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Nicolas Bordage
- Borio, Steve, Instructor, Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 4295, email Steve Borio
- Bos, Katelyn, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Katelyn Bos
- Boss, David, Admissions & Records Tech II, Admissions and Records, ext. 2105, email David Boss
- Boss, Veronica, Student Accessibility Services Spec, Student Accessibility Services, ext. 2337, email Veronica Boss
- Boudreau, Debbie, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Debbie Boudreau
- Bow, Cady, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Cady Bow
- Boyle, John (John S.), Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, ext. 2682, email John (John S.) Boyle
- Brabender, Marcelene, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Hygiene, email Marcelene Brabender
- Bracamontes, April, Instr/Dir Forensics, Speech, email April Bracamontes
- Bradbury, Jeffery (Jeff), Instructor, Chemistry, ext. 2690, email Jeffery (Jeff) Bradbury, http://www.cerritos.edu/jbradbury/
- Bradford, Duane, Instructor (Hrly), Welding, email Duane Bradford
- Brady, Mary Ellen, Instructor, Real Estate, ext. 2717, email Mary Ellen Brady, http://www.cerritos.edu/mebrady/
- Brammer, Robyn, Vice President of Student Services/Assistant Superintendent, Student Services, ext. 2237, email Robyn Brammer
- Brantner, Larissa, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Larissa Brantner
- Brashear, Nelly, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Nelly Brashear
- Briones, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Michael Briones
- Brokenbough, Geraldine, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Geraldine Brokenbough
- Brooks, Kelli, Instructor, Nursing, ext. 2549, email Kelli Brooks
- Brooks, Kerry (Steven), Counselor (Hrly), Financial Aid, email Kerry (Steven) Brooks
- Brooks, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics
- Brown, Christian, Instructor (Hrly), Journalism, email Christian Brown
- Brown, Kristina, Instructor (Hrly), Sociology, email Kristina Brown
- Brown, Scott, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Scott Brown
- Brown Farr, Nadine, Instructor, Nursing, ext. 2503, email Nadine Brown Farr
- Brown Jr., William, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, email William Brown Jr.
- Bruin, Barbara, Instructor (Hrly), Culinary Arts, email Barbara Bruin
- Bucho, Patricia, Instructor (Hrly), Medical Assisting, email Patricia Bucho
- Budarin, Dmitri, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2676, email Dmitri Budarin
- Bueno, Melissa, CDC Instructional Associate, Child Development Center, email Melissa Bueno
- Bueno, Ni, Instructor, Health Education, ext. 2874, email Ni Bueno, http://www.cerritos.edu/nbueno
- Buffington, Deborah, Administrative Clerk II, Fine Arts/Communications, ext. 2601, email Deborah Buffington
- Bunn, Anita, Instructor (Hrly), Photography, email Anita Bunn
- Burdick, Tonee, Student Accessibility Services Spec, Student Accessibility Services, email Tonee Burdick
- Burgos, Kathryn, Accounting Manager, Accounting, email Kathryn Burgos
- Burgwin, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Michael Burgwin
- Burnham, Cynthia, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, ext. 4118, email Cynthia Burnham
- Burnham, Stephanie, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Stephanie Burnham
- Burniston, Mark, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Mark Burniston
- Buscher, Michelle, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Michelle Buscher
- Butler, Keven, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Keven Butler
- Buvinger, Nancy, Director Human Resources/Risk Mgmt, Human Resources, ext. 2283, email Nancy Buvinger
- Byun, Eui Won (James), Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2297, email Eui Won (James) Byun, http://www.cerritos.edu/jbyun/
- Cabag, Valerie, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, email Valerie Cabag
- Cable, Brian, Athletic Trainer, Physical Education/Athletics, ext. 2884, email Brian Cable
- Cabuto, Froylan, Instructor, Foreign Language, ext. 2825, email Froylan Cabuto, http://www.cerritos.edu/fcabuto/
- Cagnolatti, Damon, Instructor, English, ext. 2817, email Damon Cagnolatti
- Cai, Yanwei, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Yanwei Cai
- Caines, Thomas, Instr/Asst Coach, Athletics, ext. 2887, email Thomas Caines
- Calderon, Eric, Scholarship Relations Specialist, Foundation, ext. 2539, email Eric Calderon
- Calderon, Gladys, Assistant Director, International Student Services and Cultural Engagement, Student Equity & Success, email Gladys Calderon
- Caldwell, Caitlyn, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Caitlyn Caldwell
- Calisher, Jennifer, Instructor, Mathematics, email Jennifer Calisher
- Call, Mary Ellen (MaryEllen), Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Mary Ellen (MaryEllen) Call
- Camberos-Tharp, Casey (Casey M.), CDC Instructional Associate, Child Development Center, email Casey (Casey M.) Camberos-Tharp
- Caminiti, Carol, Instructor, Nursing, ext. 2567, email Carol Caminiti
- Campbell, Christina (Christina M.), Records Evaluator, Admissions and Records, ext. 2114, email Christina (Christina M.) Campbell
- Campeau, Lora, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2699, email Lora Campeau, http://www.cerritos.edu/lcarreon/
- Campolo, Robert (Robert B.), Instructor, Theatre Arts, ext. 2646, email Robert (Robert B.) Campolo, http://www.cerritos.edu/rcampolo/
- Canela, Victor, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Victor Canela
- Capel, Laura, Potwasher-Dishwasher/Kitchen Technician, Health Occupations/Culinary Arts, email Laura Capel
- Captan, Rashad, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Rashad Captan
- Cardenas, Ilda, Library Technical Specialist, Library/LRC, ext. 2420, email Ilda Cardenas
- Cardona, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education, email Michael Cardona
- Cardona, Rodolfo (Rudy), Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Rodolfo (Rudy) Cardona
- Carey, Jamie (Jamie E.), Instructor (Hrly), English, email Jamie (Jamie E.) Carey
- Carney, Danielle, Instructor (Hrly), English, ext. 2815, email Danielle Carney, http://www.cerritos.edu/dcarney/
- Carranza, Jaime, Instructor (Hrly), Real Estate, ext. 4011, email Jaime Carranza
- Carrell, Kenneth (Ken), Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Kenneth (Ken) Carrell
- Carrera, Wendy, Instructor (Hrly), Journalism, email Wendy Carrera
- Carrillo, Daniel, Instructor, Technology, ext. 5327, email Daniel Carrillo
- Carrillo, Marco, Librarian (Hourly), Library/LRC, email Marco Carrillo
- Carrillo, Rosa, Counselor, Counseling, email Rosa Carrillo
- Carrillo II, Joseph, Maintenance Mechanic, Maintenance/Trades, email Joseph Carrillo II
- Carroll, Donald (Donald R.), Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Donald (Donald R.) Carroll
- Carter, Sherryl, Manager, Partnership for Adult Academic and Career Education, email Sherryl Carter
- Casas, Ralph, Instructor, Pharmacy, ext. 2565, email Ralph Casas
- Casey, Linda, Cosmetology Dispensary Clerk, Cosmetology, ext. 2955, email Linda Casey
- Casillas, Jaime, Floor Maintenance Custodian, Operations/Custodial, email Jaime Casillas
- Casillas, Rocio, Counselor, Counseling, ext. 2147, email Rocio Casillas
- Casillas, Veronica, Counselor (Hrly), Financial Aid, email Veronica Casillas
- Castellanos-Gaona, Susana, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Susana Castellanos-Gaona
- Castillo, Angel, Sergeant, Campus Police, Campus Police, ext. 2540, email Angel Castillo
- Castillo, Estela, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Estela Castillo
- Castro, Griselda, Counselor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Griselda Castro
- Castro, Maria (Maria V.), Athletic Director, Physical Education/Athletics, email Maria (Maria V.) Castro
- Castro, Monica, Administrative Secretary I, Teacher Trac, ext. 2213, email Monica Castro
- Castro, Rigoberto, Counselor, Counseling, email Rigoberto Castro
- Castro, Veronica, Financial Aid Technician, Financial Aid, ext. 3226, email Veronica Castro
- Celestine, Mellonie, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Mellonie Celestine
- Cervantes, Marely, Instructor (Hrly), ESL, email Marely Cervantes
- Cesena, MiaSarah, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email MiaSarah Cesena
- Chaboya, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Chai, Ellen, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email Ellen Chai
- Chai, Yi Qun, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Yi Qun Chai
- Chamarbagwala, Shaheen, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Shaheen Chamarbagwala
- Chamras, Sevada, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email Sevada Chamras
- Chan, Judy, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Judy Chan
- Chang, Jeffrey, Instructor (Hrly), History, email Jeffrey Chang
- Chao, Iris, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Iris Chao
- Chatham, Lynne, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Lynne Chatham
- Chatman, Timothy, Instructor (Hrly), Philosophy, email Timothy Chatman, https://www.cerritos.edu/philosophy/faculty/professor-timothy-chatman.htm
- Chau, Tracy, Budget Technician, Budget, ext. 2268, email Tracy Chau
- Chavez, Albert (Albert R.), Instructor (Hrly), Manufacturing Technology, email Albert (Albert R.) Chavez
- Chavez, Mario, Campus Police Officer, Campus Police, ext. 2325, email Mario Chavez
- Chavez, Samuel, Web Support Technician, Public Affairs, ext. 2966, email Samuel Chavez
- Chavez-De Vasquez, Ana, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Ana Chavez-De Vasquez
- Chavez-Prado, Esthela, Research Analyst, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning, and Grants, email Esthela Chavez-Prado
- Cheatham, Teresa, Instructor, English, email Teresa Cheatham
- Chen, Johanna, Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4092, email Johanna Chen
- Cheng, Suming (Steven), Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, email Suming (Steven) Cheng
- Cherry, Martha, Instructor (Hrly), Real Estate, email Martha Cherry
- Cheung, Kwun, Instructor (Hrly), Physics/Astronomy, email Kwun Cheung
- Chi, Edward W., Instructor, Economics, email Edward W. Chi
- Chiros, Scarlett, Instructor (Hrly), Cosmetology, email Scarlett Chiros
- Chisum, Anthony, Instructor, Automotive Collision Repair, ext. 4298, email Anthony Chisum
- Cho, Angela, Instructor, Mathematics, email Angela Cho
- Cho, Yoon-Sung (Yoon Sung), Instructor (Hrly), Philosophy, email Yoon-Sung (Yoon Sung) Cho
- Choi, Gene, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics
- Chora, Monica, Certified Medical Assistant, Student Health Services, ext. 2321, email Monica Chora
- Chrispens, Adriana, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Adriana Chrispens
- Christensen, Valeria, Instructor, Physical Therapist Assistant, ext. 2566, email Valeria Christensen
- Christiason, Eric, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Eric Christiason
- Christou, Dayna, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, ext. 4148, email Dayna Christou
- Christov, Romy, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Romy Christov
- Chu, Tom, Multimedia Technician, Information Technology/MIT, ext. 2437, email Tom Chu
- Chugh, Ritu, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Ritu Chugh
- Chun Burbank, Seon, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Seon Chun Burbank
- Chung, Phoebe, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Phoebe Chung
- Cicino, Monte, Instructor (Hrly), Real Estate, email Monte Cicino
- Cifuentes, Otto, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Otto Cifuentes
- Ciraulo, John, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email John Ciraulo
- Ciraulo, Tamara, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Tamara Ciraulo
- Cisneros, Celeste, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, email Celeste Cisneros
- Clancy, Kristine, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Kristine Clancy
- Clansy, Andre, Instructor (Hrly), Administration of Justice, email Andre Clansy
- Clemans, Susanna, Instructor (Hrly), English, ext. 2805, email Susanna Clemans, http://www.cerritos.edu/sclemans/
- Cleveland, Charron, Dispatcher-Campus Police, Campus Police, email Charron Cleveland
- Clifford, Stephen, Instructor, English, ext. 2829, email Stephen Clifford, http://www.cerritos.edu/sclifford/
- Cocca, Stephanie, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Stephanie Cocca
- Cochran, Melody, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Melody Cochran
- Cole, Erin, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Erin Cole
- Cole, Phoenix, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, ext. 4138, email Phoenix Cole
- Coliflores, Vicmar, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education, email Vicmar Coliflores
- Collins, John, Instructor (Hrly), Administration of Justice, email John Collins
- Combs, Michelle, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Michelle Combs
- Conley, Angela, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2698, email Angela Conley, http://www.cerritos.edu/aconley/
- Conley, John, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email John Conley
- Connaughton, Mark, Instructor (Hrly), Engineering Design Technology
- Connelly, Gary, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Gary Connelly
- Contreras, Anne, Instructor, Dental Assisting, email Anne Contreras
- Contreras, Maria, Budget Technician, Budget, email Maria Contreras
- Contreras, Jr., Robert, Maintenance Mechanic, Facilities, ext. 4990, email Robert Contreras, Jr.
- Cooke, Melodie, Instructor, Nursing, ext. 2561, email Melodie Cooke
- Cooper, Johnny, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, ext. 2110, email Johnny Cooper, http://www.cerritos.edu/jcooper/
- Corbin, Steve, Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, ext. 4538, email Steve Corbin, http://www.cerritos.edu/scorbin
- Corfariu, Manuela, Instructor (Hrly), Speech/Language Pathology, ext. 4903, email Manuela Corfariu
- Coriaty, Raymond, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Raymond Coriaty
- Coronado, Jessica, Program Assistant, Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 2909, email Jessica Coronado
- Correa, Rosario, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Rosario Correa
- Cortez, Daniela, Instructor, Mathematics, email Daniela Cortez
- Cortez, Jose (Jose R.), Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Jose (Jose R.) Cortez
- Corzo, Rolando, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Collision Repair, email Rolando Corzo
- Cosio, Lydia, Instructor, Dental Assisting, ext. 2587, email Lydia Cosio
- Costello, Chad, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Chad Costello
- Cottrell, Wayne, Instructor (Hrly), Physics/Astronomy, email Wayne Cottrell
- Couey, Shannon, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Shannon Couey
- Coursey, Nancy, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Therapist Assistant, ext. 4117, email Nancy Coursey
- Covill, Mathew (Matt), Instructor, Biological Sciences, ext. 2683, email Mathew (Matt) Covill, http://www.cerritos.edu/mcovill/
- Cramer, Joe, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Joe Cramer
- Cristin, Sara, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Sara Cristin
- Crone, Cameron, Instructor (Hrly), Photography, email Cameron Crone
- Crother, Richard, Theater Technical Design Spcls, Theatre Arts, ext. 2653, email Richard Crother
- Crozier, Judith, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Judith Crozier
- Crum, Anjanette, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Anjanette Crum
- Cruz, Claudia (Claudia R.), Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Claudia (Claudia R.) Cruz
- Cruz, Shanon, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Shanon Cruz
- Cuesta, Yolanda, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, ext. 4603, email Yolanda Cuesta
- Cueva, George, Maintenance Mechanic, Facilities, ext. 4990, email George Cueva
- Cutkomp, Jeffrey, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Jeffrey Cutkomp
- Da Silva, Paul, Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4070, email Paul Da Silva
- Dahl, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email Michael Dahl
- Dahlberg, Justin, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Justin Dahlberg
- Daigle, Maurice (Maurice J.), Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, ext. 4285, email Maurice (Maurice J.) Daigle
- Daltro, Marcela, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Marcela Daltro
- Damaso, Stacy, Instructor (Hrly), Culinary Arts, email Stacy Damaso
- Danielo, Ja'net (Janet), Instructor, English, email Ja'net (Janet) Danielo
- Daugherty, Heather, Librarian (Hourly), Library/LRC, email Heather Daugherty
- Davidson, Martha, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, ext. 4363, email Martha Davidson
- Davis, Julie, Instructor, History, email Julie Davis
- Davis, Richard, Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, email Richard Davis
- De Avila, Daniel, Program Assistant, EOPS, email Daniel De Avila
- De Haas, Linda, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Therapist Assistant, email Linda De Haas
- De La Torre, Etelvina, Interim Executive Director, Foundation & Community Advancement, email Etelvina De La Torre
- De Lorenzo, Frank, Instructor (Hrly), Machine Tool Technology, email Frank De Lorenzo
- De Los Rios, Katya, Instructor (Hrly), Economics, email Katya De Los Rios
- DeKraker, Daniel, Instructor, Earth Science, email Daniel DeKraker, http://www.cerritos.edu/ddekraker
- DeMichele, Anna, Instructor, Music, ext. 2641, email Anna DeMichele
- Deere, Dana, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Dana Deere
- Deering, Mark, Instructor (Hrly), Philosophy, email Mark Deering
- Dejong, Henrietta, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Henrietta Dejong
- Del Angel, Hugo, Potwasher-Dishwasher/Kitchen Technician, Health Occupations, email Hugo Del Angel
- Del Valle, Lupe, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Lupe Del Valle
- Delawalla, Noorali, Director of Fiscal Svcs, Fiscal Services, ext. 2266, email Noorali Delawalla
- Demoner, Gustavo, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Gustavo Demoner
- Deon, Letitia, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Letitia Deon
- Der Mesropian, Emma, Instructor (Hrly), Sociology, email Emma Der Mesropian
- DiGiovanni, Sybil, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email Sybil DiGiovanni
- DiPietro-Fife, DiAnn, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Hygiene, email DiAnn DiPietro-Fife
- Diaz, Carlos, Instructor (Hrly), ESL, email Carlos Diaz
- Diaz, Emma (Emma X.), Instructor (Hrly), Pharmacy, email Emma (Emma X.) Diaz
- Dillon, Rhonda, Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4436, email Rhonda Dillon
- Dimond, Theresa, Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4589, email Theresa Dimond
- Dinh, Amber, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Amber Dinh
- Dinnen, Evelyn, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Evelyn Dinnen
- Disner, Evy, Instructor (Hrly), ESL, email Evy Disner
- Dofner, Amber, Program Facilitator, Basic Needs, email Amber Dofner
- Dokter, Derek, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Derek Dokter
- Donelan, Cynthia (Cyndi), Instructor (Hrly), English, email Cynthia (Cyndi) Donelan
- Dongell, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), English, ext. 4929, email Robert Dongell
- Dormitorio, Mark, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Mark Dormitorio
- Doshi, Grishma, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Grishma Doshi
- Doucette, Eric, Instructor (Hrly), Bus Computerized Office Tech, email Eric Doucette
- Douglas, Amber, Banquet Chef, Food Services, ext. 2456, email Amber Douglas
- Drucker, Aaron, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Aaron Drucker
- Du Plessis, Daniel, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Daniel Du Plessis
- Duane, Erik, Sr Tech Support Specialist, Information Technology/MIT, ext. 2198, email Erik Duane
- Duarte, Karla, Payroll Technician, Payroll, ext. 2273, email Karla Duarte
- Duenas, Nayeli, Program Assistant, Counseling, email Nayeli Duenas
- Duff, Kimberley, Instructor, Psychology, ext. 2780, email Kimberley Duff, http://www.cerritos.edu/kduff/
- Dukhovny, Olga, Instructor, Science, Engineering & Math, ext. 2695, email Olga Dukhovny, http://www.cerritos.edu/odukhovny
- Duncan, Christopher, Instructor (Hrly), Plastics Mfg Technology, email Christopher Duncan
- Dunk, Jason, Instructor, Fine Arts, ext. 2648, email Jason Dunk
- Dunn, Matthew, Instructor, Sociology, email Matthew Dunn
- Dupee, Justin, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Justin Dupee
- Duque, Jeremy, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 3113, email Jeremy Duque
- Ear, Chhay (Joey), Admissions & Records Tech I, Admissions and Records, ext. 2115, email Chhay (Joey) Ear
- Echevarria, John, Campus Police Officer, Campus Police, ext. 2325, email John Echevarria
- Echeverria, Diana (Diana M.), CDC Teacher (FT), Child Development Center, email Diana (Diana M.) Echeverria
- Edquist, Alicia, Instructional Lab Tech I, Fine Arts/Communications, ext. 2617, email Alicia Edquist
- Edrosa, Edward, Instructor (Hrly), Apprent - Paint/DĂ©cor/Coating, email Edward Edrosa
- Edwards, Carrie, Instructor, Fitness, ext. 2876, email Carrie Edwards, http://www.cerritos.edu/cedwards
- El Abyad, Abdelwahab, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Abdelwahab El Abyad
- Elam, Christine, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, ext. 4015, email Christine Elam, http://www.cerritos.edu/celam/
- Elarcosa, Jose, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Jose Elarcosa
- Elgindi, Isaac, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Isaac Elgindi
- Elias, Veronica, Administrative Clerk III, Humanities & Social Science, ext. 2752, email Veronica Elias
- Eliassen, Andrea, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Andrea Eliassen
- Ella, John Austin (John), Sr Tech Support Specialist, Information Technology, ext. 2195, email John Austin (John) Ella
- Ellis, Eden, Research Analyst, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning, and Grants, email Eden Ellis
- Elpidio, Yvette, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Yvette Elpidio
- Elquizabal, Christopher, Dean, Student Accessibility and Wellness Services, email Christopher Elquizabal
- Elwell, Michael, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Emmett, Karen, Instructor (Hrly), Photography, ext. 4438, email Karen Emmett
- England, Micki, Administrative Clerk III, Fine Arts/Communications, ext. 2629, email Micki England, http://www.cerritos.edu/mengland/
- Espinoza, Daniel, Groundskeeper, Maintenance/Grounds, email Daniel Espinoza
- Espinoza Lopez, Carolina, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Carolina Espinoza Lopez
- Esquer, Joe (Joseph), Instructor (Hrly), Apprent - Paint/DĂ©cor/Coating, email Joe (Joseph) Esquer
- Estrada, Laura, Assistant Director, Admissions and Records, Enrollment Services, email Laura Estrada
- Estrada, Shannon, Reentry Resource Specialist, Career Services, ext. 2362, email Shannon Estrada
- Evans, Max, Instructor (Hrly), Student Success, email Max Evans
- Fagundes, Michelle, Instructor, English, email Michelle Fagundes
- Fair, Charles, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Charles Fair
- Falcon, Dennis (Dennis P.), Instructor, Political Science, ext. 2762, email Dennis (Dennis P.) Falcon, http://www.cerritos.edu/dfalcon/
- Fantroy, Sharon, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Sharon Fantroy, http://www.cerritos.edu/sfantroy/
- Farina, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Michael Farina, https://www.cerritos.edu/mfarina/
- Farol, Ronald, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Ronald Farol
- Felix, Debbie, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Debbie Felix
- Fernandez, Christina, Instructor, Photography, ext. 2604, email Christina Fernandez
- Fernandez, Walter (Walter I.), Instructor, History, ext. 2757, email Walter (Walter I.) Fernandez, http://www.cerritos.edu/wfernandez/
- Ferre, Brian, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Collision Repair, ext. 4345, email Brian Ferre
- Fierro, Jose (Jose L.), President/Superintendent, President's Office, email Jose (Jose L.) Fierro
- Figueiredo, Virginia, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Virginia Figueiredo
- Filatoff, Alexa, Educational Partnerships Coordinator, Educational Partnership & Programs, email Alexa Filatoff
- Filer, Anthony, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, ext. 4687, email Anthony Filer
- Finney, Edith, Human Resources Tech I (Conf), Human Resources, ext. 2279, email Edith Finney
- Fischer, Anna, Inst Lab Tech II-Frgn Lngs, Student Success, ext. 2853, email Anna Fischer
- Fischer, Jeffrey (Jeff), Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Jeffrey (Jeff) Fischer
- Fisher, Chelena, Counselor, Counseling, email Chelena Fisher
- Fisher, Zolita, Program Facilitator, Community Education, email Zolita Fisher
- Fiske, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Robert Fiske
- Flanders, Mark (Mark H.), Instructor (Hrly), Photography, ext. 4810, email Mark (Mark H.) Flanders
- Flores, Mayra, Locker & Equipment Specialist, Physical Education/Athletics, ext. 2881, email Mayra Flores
- Flores, Wilfredo, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Wilfredo Flores
- Flores-Salcido, Dahlia, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email Dahlia Flores-Salcido
- Folayan, Elaine, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Elaine Folayan
- Foley, Dennis, Instructor (Hrly), Journalism, email Dennis Foley
- Foley, Julia, Research Analyst, IERPG, email Julia Foley
- Foley-Soulakis, Stephanie, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Stephanie Foley-Soulakis
- Fonti, Allison, Instructor (Hrly), Humanities/Social Sciences, email Allison Fonti
- Foral, Jason, Instructor, Welding, email Jason Foral
- Ford, Bradley, Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, ext. 4663, email Bradley Ford, http://www.cerritos.edu/bford/
- Ford, Diane, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Diane Ford, http://www.cerritos.edu/dford/
- Fortner, Anthony, Instructor, Woodworking Mfg Technology, ext. 2985, email Anthony Fortner, http://www.cerritos.edu/afortner/
- Fousek, Stephanie, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Stephanie Fousek
- Fox, Judy, LA Regional Director of Business & Entrepreneurship, Auto Partners, email Judy Fox
- Fox, Nicholas (Nick), Instructor (Hrly), English, email Nicholas (Nick) Fox
- Fragoso, Manuel, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Manuel Fragoso
- Frankki, James, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email James Frankki
- Fraser, Chance, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Chance Fraser
- Fritzler, Amythyst, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, email Amythyst Fritzler
- Fujii, Allison, Counselor (Hrly), Career Services, email Allison Fujii
- Fukunaga, Kary, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Kary Fukunaga
- Funderburk, Michelle, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, email Michelle Funderburk
- Gaffaney, Gialisa, Instructor (Hrly), Political Science, email Gialisa Gaffaney, http://www.cerritos.edu/ggaffaney
- Gaines, Kenneth, Counselor (Hrly), Financial Aid, ext. 2231, email Kenneth Gaines
- Gallardo, Berenice, Counselor, Counseling, email Berenice Gallardo
- Gallo, Samantha, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Samantha Gallo
- Gamez, Blanca, Program Facilitator, CalWORKs, email Blanca Gamez
- Garcia, Anthony, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 4347, email Anthony Garcia
- Garcia, Arturo, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Arturo Garcia
- Garcia, David, Lead Custodian, Operations/Custodial, email David Garcia
- Garcia, Fatima, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Fatima Garcia
- Garcia, Guadalupe, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Guadalupe Garcia
- Garcia, John (John B.), Instructor (Hrly), English, email John (John B.) Garcia
- Garcia, Santiago, Instructor (Hrly), Anthropology, email Santiago Garcia
- Garcia Diaz, Armando, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, email Armando Garcia Diaz
- Gardner, Daniel, Instructor, English, email Daniel Gardner
- Garner, Rodney, Sr Tech Support Specialist, Information Technology/MIT, ext. 2169, email Rodney Garner
- Garner, Tracy (Tracey), Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Tracy (Tracey) Garner
- Garriott, Donald, Specialist SAS/Instructor(LD), Student Accessibility Services, ext. 2347, email Donald Garriott
- Garrison, Charlotte, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, ext. 4364, email Charlotte Garrison
- Garza, Javier, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Javier Garza
- Gaspar, Mario, Manager, Facilities, email Mario Gaspar
- Gemmill, Orfilda, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Orfilda Gemmill
- George, Patty, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2670, email Patty George
- Gerena, Christine, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, email Christine Gerena
- Ghidella, Richard, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Richard Ghidella
- Ghuloum, Rema, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Rema Ghuloum
- Gibson, Dionne, Instructor, Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Dionne Gibson
- Giddens, Arthur, Custodian, Operations/Custodial
- Giffin, Michelle, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Michelle Giffin
- Gigliotti, Dana, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email Dana Gigliotti, http://www.cerritos.edu/dgigliotti/
- Gil, Nicholas, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Nicholas Gil
- Gillotte, Christopher, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Christopher Gillotte
- Giralt, Nuria, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Nuria Giralt
- Glick, Leonard, Instructor, Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 2933, email Leonard Glick
- Godwin, Susan, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Susan Godwin
- Gomez, Barbara, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, ext. 4204, email Barbara Gomez
- Gomez, Bellegran (Belle), Dir Community Advancement, Foundation, ext. 2510, email Bellegran (Belle) Gomez
- Gomez, Diego (Diego E.), Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Diego (Diego E.) Gomez
- Gomez, John (John D.), Lead Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email John (John D.) Gomez
- Gomez, Maribel, Administrative Clerk III, Facilities, ext. 2309, email Maribel Gomez
- Gomez, Ruben, Instructor (Hrly), Administration of Justice, email Ruben Gomez
- Gomez, Jr., John, Custodian, Operations/Custodial
- Gonis, Andrew, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Andrew Gonis
- Gonzales, David (David B.), Instructor (Hrly), Machine Tool Technology, email David (David B.) Gonzales
- Gonzales, Joana, Instructor, English, ext. 2822, email Joana Gonzales
- Gonzalez, Benjamin, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics
- Gonzalez, Cesiah A. (Cesi), Dispatcher-Campus Police, Campus Police, email Cesiah A. (Cesi) Gonzalez
- Gonzalez, Debra, CDC Teacher (Part-Time), Child Development Center, ext. 2596, email Debra Gonzalez
- Gonzalez, Elizabeth, Administrative Secretary I, Fiscal Services, ext. 2261, email Elizabeth Gonzalez
- Gonzalez, Guillermo, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Guillermo Gonzalez
- Gonzalez, Jaime (Jaime G.), Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, email Jaime (Jaime G.) Gonzalez
- Gonzalez, Keri, Instructor, Nursing, ext. 2573, email Keri Gonzalez
- Gonzalez, Lizette, Student Employment Specialist, Career Services, ext. 2395, email Lizette Gonzalez
- Gonzalez, Michael, Financial Aid Technician, Financial Aid, ext. 2207, email Michael Gonzalez
- Gonzalez, Steve (Steve R.), Groundskeeper, Maintenance/Grounds, email Steve (Steve R.) Gonzalez
- Goode, Ryan, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Ryan Goode
- Gorcik, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Robert Gorcik
- Gould, Eric, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Eric Gould
- Gracia-Iris, Holly, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Holly Gracia-Iris
- Gradin, Susan, Instructor, Child Dev/Early Childhood, ext. 2559, email Susan Gradin, http://www.cerritos.edu/sgradin
- Grady, John, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email John Grady
- Graf, Marvelina, Counselor, Counseling, ext. 2140, email Marvelina Graf
- Gray, Gary, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Gary Gray
- Graziano, Audra, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Audra Graziano
- Greas, Mina, Instructor (Hrly), Architecture, email Mina Greas
- Green, Dawn, Board Member, Board of Trustees, email Dawn Green
- Green, Karen, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Karen Green
- Greenberg, Bruce, Instructor, Paralegal Education, ext. 2741, email Bruce Greenberg
- Greene, Chad, Instructor, English, email Chad Greene
- Gregg, Holly, Instructor (Hrly), Sociology, email Holly Gregg
- Gregorio, Aline, Instructor, Earth Science, email Aline Gregorio
- Gregory, Christine, Instructor, Dance, ext. 2872, email Christine Gregory
- Gresham, Ann, Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4080, email Ann Gresham
- Griffin, Charles, Groundskeeper, Maintenance/Grounds, ext. 2305, email Charles Griffin
- Griffin, Whitney, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Whitney Griffin
- Griffy, Walker, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Walker Griffy
- Grigorieff, Annette, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email Annette Grigorieff
- Grijalva, Toni, Community Relations Coordinatr, Public Affairs, ext. 2798, email Toni Grijalva
- Grkinich, Dylan, Research Analyst, IERPG, email Dylan Grkinich
- Grosfeld, Stephen (Stephan), Instructor/Coach, Athletics, ext. 2888, email Stephen (Stephan) Grosfeld, http://www.cerritos.edu/sgrosfeld
- Guadagno, Jenel, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Jenel Guadagno
- Guardado, Cynthia, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Cynthia Guardado
- Guerrero, Mario, Instructor (Hrly), Machine Tool Technology, ext. 4377, email Mario Guerrero
- Gumuscu, Isin, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Isin Gumuscu
- Gunn, David (Dave), Multimedia Production Spc II, Student Success, ext. 2436, email David (Dave) Gunn
- Gurrola, Maria, Instructor, Medical Assisting, email Maria Gurrola
- Guter, Bruce, Librarian (Hourly), Library/LRC, email Bruce Guter
- Gutierrez, Claudia, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Claudia Gutierrez
- Gutierrez, Mercedes, VP of HR/Asst Superintendent, Human Resources, email Mercedes Gutierrez
- Gutierrez, Rocio (April Y.), Program Assistant, Student Accessibility Services, ext. 2348, email Rocio (April Y.) Gutierrez
- Gutierrez, Jr., Jose, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Jose Gutierrez, Jr.
- Guyness, Megalis (Megalis S.), Administrative Secretary II, Liberal Arts, ext. 2800, email Megalis (Megalis S.) Guyness
- Haas, John, Instructor, History, ext. 2726, email John Haas
- Hagenbach, Darleen (Darlene), Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Collision Repair, ext. 4394, email Darleen (Darlene) Hagenbach
- Haley Peaslee, Denise, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Denise Haley Peaslee
- Hall, Avery, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, ext. 4755, email Avery Hall
- Hall, Dannia (Dannia L.), Admissions & Records Tech II, Admissions and Records, email Dannia (Dannia L.) Hall
- Hall, David, Instructor (Hrly), History, ext. 4187, email David Hall
- Hall, Kathryn (Kathy S.), Instructor (Hrly), English, email Kathryn (Kathy S.) Hall
- Hallback, Alan, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Alan Hallback
- Halle, Katja, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Katja Halle
- Hamilton, Kieko, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, ext. 4229, email Kieko Hamilton
- Hammond, Jamie, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Jamie Hammond
- Han, Steven, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email Steven Han
- Hanley Jr, John (Jr., John), Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email John (Jr., John) Hanley Jr
- Hanniff, Brooke, Instructor, Speech, email Brooke Hanniff
- Hansen, Alisha, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education
- Hariz, Frank, Instructor (Hrly), Pharmacy, email Frank Hariz
- Harmon, Jeanne, Administrative Clerk III, Liberal Arts, ext. 2802, email Jeanne Harmon
- Hart, Deanna, Payroll Manager, Payroll, ext. 2275, email Deanna Hart
- Hartl, Forrest, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Forrest Hartl
- Hatami Far, Marjan, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Marjan Hatami Far
- Hathaway, Rebekah, Instructor, Dance, ext. 2846, email Rebekah Hathaway
- Hause, Thomas, Instructor (Hrly), Architecture, ext. 4312, email Thomas Hause
- Havrilla, Lori, Instructor (Hrly), Student Success, email Lori Havrilla
- Hawkins, Donnie (Donnie R.), Refuse Disposal Custodian, Operations/Custodial, email Donnie (Donnie R.) Hawkins
- Hawkins, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), History, email Michael Hawkins
- Hayter, Joshua, Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, email Joshua Hayter
- Heckerman, Edward, Instructor, Photography, ext. 2603, email Edward Heckerman
- Heddon, Stephanie, Administrative Clerk III, Health Occupations, ext. 2552, email Stephanie Heddon
- Heded, Jose, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Collision Repair, email Jose Heded
- Heeren, Jeffrey (Jeff), Instructor (Hrly), History, email Jeffrey (Jeff) Heeren
- Helberg, Bonnie, Instructor, Reading, ext. 2839, email Bonnie Helberg, http://www.cerritos.edu/bhelberg/
- Hemat, Aly, Administrative Services Technician, EOPS, email Aly Hemat
- Henderson, Scottie, Instructor, Biological Sciences, email Scottie Henderson, http://www.cerritos.edu/biology/
- Hendrix, Jeffrey, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, email Jeffrey Hendrix
- Henshaw, Ty, Instructor (Hrly), Administration of Justice, email Ty Henshaw, http://www.cerritos.edu/thenshaw
- Hernandez, Benjamin, Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, email Benjamin Hernandez
- Hernandez, Guillermo, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs
- Hernandez, Irma, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Irma Hernandez
- Hernandez-Garcia, Nellie, Counselor, CalWORKs, email Nellie Hernandez-Garcia
- Herrera, Veronica, Counselor, Counseling, ext. 2149, email Veronica Herrera
- Hicks, Rebecca, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Rebecca Hicks
- Hicks, Sarah, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Sarah Hicks
- Higgins, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Michael Higgins
- Hill, Brian, Captain, Campus Police Services, email Brian Hill
- Hill, Carmen (Carmen L.), Instructor (Hrly), Real Estate, email Carmen (Carmen L.) Hill, http://www.cerritos.edu/chill
- Hill, Shelia, Counselor, Counseling, email Shelia Hill
- Hirohama, Steven, Instructor, Theatre Arts, ext. 2637, email Steven Hirohama, http://www.cerritos.edu/shirohama
- Hiveley, Rachel, Instructor, Nursing, ext. 3514, email Rachel Hiveley
- Ho, Jen Yong (Jen-Yong), Instructor (Hrly), English, email Jen Yong (Jen-Yong) Ho
- Ho, Robert, Inst Lab Tech II-CAI, Fine Arts/Communications, ext. 2186, email Robert Ho
- Ho, Thach (Thach Son), Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, ext. 4287, email Thach (Thach Son) Ho
- Hoerner, Dawn, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Dawn Hoerner
- Hogan, David, Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, ext. 4569, email David Hogan
- Hogue, Kathy, Career Tech Education Coord, Technology, ext. 2535, email Kathy Hogue
- Hohly, Margaret (Marge), Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, ext. 2736, email Margaret (Marge) Hohly, https://www.cerritos.edu/hohly/
- Holland, Christopher, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Holliness, Dahlene (Dahlene W.), Counselor (SAS), Student Accessibility Services, email Dahlene (Dahlene W.) Holliness
- Holmes, Carolyn, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, ext. 2570, email Carolyn Holmes
- Holmes, Judi, Specialist SAS/Instructor(LD), Student Accessibility Services, ext. 2338, email Judi Holmes, http://www.cerritos.edu/jholmes/
- Holzgang, Amy, Instructor, Sociology, ext. 2768, email Amy Holzgang
- Holzhauer, Peter, Instructor (Hrly), Photography, email Peter Holzhauer
- Hoppe-Nagao, Angela, Instructor, Speech, ext. 2851, email Angela Hoppe-Nagao, http://www.cerritos.edu/anagao/
- Hovelsen, Chad, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email Chad Hovelsen
- Howard Jr, Elvie (Jr., Elvie), Groundskeeper, Maintenance/Grounds, email Elvie (Jr., Elvie) Howard Jr
- Hoyos Vences, Eliza, Dean, Counseling Services, email Eliza Hoyos Vences
- Hroch, Amber, Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning, and Grants, IERPG, email Amber Hroch
- Hu, Jianli, Instructor, Business Administration, email Jianli Hu
- Hua, Linda, Instructor, English, email Linda Hua
- Huang, Fuze (Fuze (Michael)), Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, ext. 4807, email Fuze (Fuze (Michael)) Huang
- Huemer, Sabine, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Sabine Huemer
- Huesca, Claudia, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Claudia Huesca
- Huffman, Genevieve, Instructor (Hrly), Speech/Language Pathology, email Genevieve Huffman
- Hugenberger, Scott, Instructor (Hrly), Physics/Astronomy, email Scott Hugenberger
- Hulett, Olivia, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Olivia Hulett
- Hultman, Jason, Instructor, Mathematics, email Jason Hultman
- Hunt, Ryan, Instructor (Hrly), History, email Ryan Hunt
- Hupp, Scott, Instructor (Hrly), Real Estate, email Scott Hupp
- Hurtado, Henrietta, EOPS Counselor, EOPS, ext. 2380, email Henrietta Hurtado
- Hurtado, Teresa, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Assisting, email Teresa Hurtado
- Husted, Curtis, Instructor (Hrly), Machine Tool Technology, email Curtis Husted
- Hutchison, Phillip (Phil), Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Collision Repair, ext. 4313, email Phillip (Phil) Hutchison
- Huth, Bradly, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Adult Ed/Diversity Programs
- Hyde, Nicole, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Nicole Hyde
- Ibarra, Bertha, Program Assistant, Economic Development, ext. 2492, email Bertha Ibarra
- Igolnikov, Mark, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, ext. 4879, email Mark Igolnikov
- Immel, Ralph (Conrad), Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4089, email Ralph (Conrad) Immel
- Inouye, Fang-Fang (Fang-Fang Shi), Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Fang-Fang (Fang-Fang Shi) Inouye
- Irani, Rustom, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Isaacs, David, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email David Isaacs
- Isai, Maria (Maria D.), Administrative Secretary II, Student Activities, email Maria (Maria D.) Isai
- Itokazu, Fumihide, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Fumihide Itokazu
- Jackson, Lucy, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Lucy Jackson
- Jackson, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Michael Jackson
- Jacobo, Cesar, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 4686, email Cesar Jacobo
- Jakahi, Jayson, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Collision Repair, email Jayson Jakahi
- Jalloh, Katrina, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Katrina Jalloh
- James, Jolene, Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, email Jolene James
- Jamka, Alan, Instructor (Hrly), Engineering Design Technology, email Alan Jamka
- Jarrett, George, Instructor, History, ext. 2740, email George Jarrett, http://www.cerritos.edu/gjarrett/
- Jasso, Aaron, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Aaron Jasso
- Jeanpierre, Shani, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Shani Jeanpierre
- Jensen, Deborah (Debbie), Instructor/Coach, Athletics, ext. 2867, email Deborah (Debbie) Jensen
- Jimenez, Fernando, Instructor, Administration of Justice, email Fernando Jimenez
- Jimenez, Frankie, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Jo, Jiewoon Jeannie (Jeannie), Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Jiewoon Jeannie (Jeannie) Jo
- Johnpeer, Gary, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, ext. 4047, email Gary Johnpeer
- Johnson, Debra, Instructor, Accounting/Finance, ext. 2712, email Debra Johnson, https://www.cerritos.edu/dljohnson
- Johnson, Jazzi, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Jazzi Johnson
- Johnson, John (John J.), Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email John (John J.) Johnson
- Johnson, Kimberly, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Kimberly Johnson
- Johnson, Shiny, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Shiny Johnson
- Johnson, Susan (Susan M.), Instructor (Hrly), English, email Susan (Susan M.) Johnson
- Johnson, Vicki, Instructor (Hrly), ESL, ext. 4486, email Vicki Johnson
- Johnson, Wayne, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, ext. 2685, email Wayne Johnson, http://www.cerritos.edu/wjohnson/
- Jones, Anthony (Anthony L.), Instructor (Hrly), Apprent - Builders & Contract, email Anthony (Anthony L.) Jones
- Jones, Elmer, Equipment Mechanic, Facilities, ext. 2353, email Elmer Jones
- Jones, Michael (Mike), Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, ext. 2988, email Michael (Mike) Jones
- Jones, Morris (Morris F.), Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Morris (Morris F.) Jones
- Jones, Nikeetha (Nikki), Administrative Clerk II, Student Activities, ext. 2471, email Nikeetha (Nikki) Jones
- Juarez, Yvette, Administrative Clerk III, Student Success, ext. 2405, email Yvette Juarez
- Juntilla, Timothy (Timothy J.), Instructor, English, ext. 2828, email Timothy (Timothy J.) Juntilla
- Kalaj, Linda, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Linda Kalaj
- Kalt, Kolleen, Instructor, English, email Kolleen Kalt
- Kane, John, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, ext. 4137, email John Kane
- Karshmer, Avraham, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Avraham Karshmer
- Kaufman, Linda, Administrative Assistant(Conf), Business Services, ext. 2241, email Linda Kaufman
- Kauk-Pepple, Jennifer, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Jennifer Kauk-Pepple
- Kawell, Susan, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email Susan Kawell
- Kayser, Lance, Instructor, English, ext. 2843, email Lance Kayser
- Keenan, Diane (Diane E.), Instructor (Hrly), Economics, ext. 2765, email Diane (Diane E.) Keenan
- Kelley, Heather, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Heather Kelley
- Kennedy, Wentsworth, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Wentsworth Kennedy
- Kensinger, David, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email David Kensinger
- Keshishyan, Petros, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Petros Keshishyan
- Khalil, Ragaa, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Ragaa Khalil
- Kim, Alvin, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Alvin Kim
- Kim, John, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Kim, Myung Jin (Myung), Instructor (Hrly), Ceramics, email Myung Jin (Myung) Kim
- Kim, Rick, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, email Rick Kim
- Kim, Steven, Multimedia Technician, Information Technology/MIT, ext. 2438, email Steven Kim
- Kingsbury, Deanna, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Deanna Kingsbury
- Kingston, Michele, Sr Electronics Systems Tech, Information Technology, ext. 2158, email Michele Kingston
- Kisling, Kenneth, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Kenneth Kisling
- Kiyose, Yumi, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Yumi Kiyose
- Klein, Benjamin, Instructor (Hrly), Student Success, email Benjamin Klein
- Klein, Dawn, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Assisting, email Dawn Klein
- Klein, Stephen, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Stephen Klein
- Knapp, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Michael Knapp
- Koford, Brian, Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, email Brian Koford
- Komadina, Debra (Debbie), Administrative Clerk III, Campus Police, ext. 2329, email Debra (Debbie) Komadina
- Korniakov, Alexander, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Alexander Korniakov
- Koukabi, Elham, Instructor (Hrly), Student Success, email Elham Koukabi
- Kozlowski, Trisha, Instructor/Coach, Physical Education/Athletics, email Trisha Kozlowski
- Kraft, Kaeden, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education
- Krause, Peter, Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, email Peter Krause
- Kroll, Stephen, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, ext. 2705, email Stephen Kroll, http://www.cerritos.edu/skroll
- Krulic, James, Instructor (Hrly), English, ext. 4227, email James Krulic
- Kuo, Alison, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Alison Kuo
- Kuo, YuFu, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email YuFu Kuo
- Kwan, Kelly, Graphic Designer, Public Affairs, ext. 2286, email Kelly Kwan
- Kyllingstad, Timothy (Tim), Sr Tech Support Specialist, Information Technology/MIT, ext. 2168, email Timothy (Tim) Kyllingstad
- La Curan, Jennifer, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, email Jennifer La Curan
- La Porta, Michele, Instructor (Hrly), English, ext. 4448, email Michele La Porta
- LaVigne, Steven, Counselor (SAS), Student Accessibility Services, email Steven LaVigne
- Lacy, Tor, Instructor, Earth Science, ext. 2662, email Tor Lacy, http://www.cerritos.edu/tlacy/
- Lai, Karen, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Karen Lai
- Lam, Tai, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Tai Lam
- Lamas, Catherine, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Catherine Lamas
- Lantz, Teresa, Instructor, Accounting/Finance, ext. 2729, email Teresa Lantz, http://www.cerritos.edu/tlantz/
- Laredo, Nora, Administrative Secretary II, Academic Affairs, ext. 2229, email Nora Laredo
- Larson, Mary Ann (Mary A.), Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, ext. 4799, email Mary Ann (Mary A.) Larson
- Latson, Jack, Instructor (Hrly), History, email Jack Latson
- Laughon, Lynn, Document Services Technician, Publications, ext. 2290, email Lynn Laughon, http://www.cerritos.edu/llaughon/
- Lavariere, Cynthia, Instr/Dir Forensics, Speech, ext. 2852, email Cynthia Lavariere
- Lavermon, Antonio (Nio), LGBTQ+ Liaison/Program Facilitator, Student Equity & Success, ext. 2046, email Antonio (Nio) Lavermon
- Layne, Jean, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, ext. 4121, email Jean Layne
- Layne, Jonathan (Jonathan D.), Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Jonathan (Jonathan D.) Layne
- Lazarus, Laura, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email Laura Lazarus
- LeMaster, Erin, Instructor (Hrly), Architecture, email Erin LeMaster
- Leblanc, Monique, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Hygiene, ext. 4406, email Monique Leblanc
- Ledezma, Erica, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Erica Ledezma
- Ledwitz, Samuel, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, email Samuel Ledwitz
- Lee, Ho Jin, Instructor (Hrly), Economics, email Ho Jin Lee
- Lee, Robert, Skilled Maintenance-Carpenter, Facilities, ext. 2350, email Robert Lee
- Lee, Sungae (Sung Ae), Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Sungae (Sung Ae) Lee
- Lefebvre, Lyndsey, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Lyndsey Lefebvre
- Legaspi, Patrick, Instructional Lab Tech I, Science, Engineering & Math, ext. 2724, email Patrick Legaspi
- Leguizamon, Adriana, Financial Aid Technician, Financial Aid, ext. 2387, email Adriana Leguizamon
- Leguizamon-Tunnell, Claudia, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Claudia Leguizamon-Tunnell
- Lehmeier, Marisa, Counselor (Hrly), CalWORKs, email Marisa Lehmeier
- Leighliter, Bryan, Lead Groundskeeper, Maintenance/Grounds, ext. 2305, email Bryan Leighliter
- Leis, Corey, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Corey Leis
- Lenton, Amanda, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Amanda Lenton
- Leon, Juan (Juan R.), Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Juan (Juan R.) Leon
- Leon, Ruben, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2679, email Ruben Leon
- Leon, Zomaira, EOPS/CARE/LINC Program Asst. II, EOPS
- Lepere, Susan, Instructor, Biological Sciences, ext. 2681, email Susan Lepere
- Letelier, Yvette, Instructor (Hrly), Sociology, email Yvette Letelier
- Levy, Elijah, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Elijah Levy
- Lew, Ernest, Instructor, Culinary Arts, ext. 2455, email Ernest Lew
- Lewandowski, Pamela (Pamela D.), Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2785, email Pamela (Pamela D.) Lewandowski
- Lewandowski, Thomas, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2783, email Thomas Lewandowski
- Lewellen, Rita (Rita Michelle), Instructor, Psychology, ext. 2778, email Rita (Rita Michelle) Lewellen, http://www.cerritos.edu/rlewellen/
- Lewis, Zurich, Board Member, Board Of Trustees, email Zurich Lewis
- Liang, Ivy, Administrative Clerk III, Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Ivy Liang
- Linhares, Domingos, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Domingos Linhares
- Lininger, Betty, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Betty Lininger
- Liong, Jocelle, Librarian (Hourly), Library, email Jocelle Liong
- Litonjua, Geraldine (Geraldine (Gina)), Accounting Technician II, Accounting, email Geraldine (Geraldine (Gina)) Litonjua
- Little, Lisa, Instructor (Hrly), Anthropology, email Lisa Little
- Liu, Shin, Board Member, Board of Trustees, email Shin Liu
- Livingston, Robert (Bob), Instructor, Business Administration, ext. 2744, email Robert (Bob) Livingston, http://www.cerritos.edu/blivingston/
- Lizarraga, Maria del Carmen (Carmen), Administrative Secretary II, Science, Engineering & Math, email Maria del Carmen (Carmen) Lizarraga
- Lizarraga, Raquel, Coordinator, School Relations, ext. 2904, email Raquel Lizarraga
- Lo, Cindy, Program Facilitator, Economic Development, ext. 2511, email Cindy Lo
- Lo Vetere, Crystal, Instructor, Earth Science, ext. 2639, email Crystal Lo Vetere, http://www.clovetere.com
- Lock, Bradley, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Bradley Lock
- Loera, Claudia, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Claudia Loera
- Loera, Diane, Instructor, Dental Hygiene, ext. 2564, email Diane Loera, http://www.cerritos.edu/dloera/
- Logan, Mark (Mark B.), Dir, Purchasing & Contract Admn, Purchasing, ext. 2245, email Mark (Mark B.) Logan
- Long, Judith, Instructor (Hrly), Cosmetology, email Judith Long
- Lopez, Alejandro, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Alejandro Lopez
- Lopez, David (David F.), Instructor (Hrly), Music, email David (David F.) Lopez
- Lopez, Felipe, Executive Vice President, Business Services, email Felipe Lopez
- Lopez, Irlanda, Program Facilitator, Cosmetology, ext. 2961, email Irlanda Lopez
- Lopez, Jesusita, Instructor, Culinary Arts, ext. 2585, email Jesusita Lopez, http://www.cerritos.edu/jlopez/
- Lopez, Leodomiro, Financial Aid Technician, Financial Aid, email Leodomiro Lopez
- Lopez, Manuel, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2622, email Manuel Lopez
- Lopez, Monica, Librarian, Library, ext. 2434, email Monica Lopez, http://www.cerritos.edu/mmlopez
- Lopez, Paulina, Instructor (Hrly), CalWORKs
- Losch, Jessica, Instructor (Hrly), Engineering Design Technology, email Jessica Losch
- Lou, Rena Zhihong, Instructor, Chemistry, email Rena Zhihong Lou, http://www.cerritos.edu/rlou/
- Lou, Zheng (Kenny Zheng), Instructor, Computer & Info Sciences, ext. 2721, email Zheng (Kenny Zheng) Lou, https://www.cerritos.edu/klou/
- Loucks, Eric, Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, email Eric Loucks
- Lovejoy-Robold, Nicole (Niki), Instructor, English, email Nicole (Niki) Lovejoy-Robold
- Low, Sheree, Instructor (Hrly), Art, ext. 4880, email Sheree Low
- Lozano, Jorge, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Jorge Lozano
- Lozano, Rene, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Rene Lozano
- Lu, Catherine, Administrative Secretary I, Public Affairs, ext. 2732, email Catherine Lu
- Ludvigsen, Lindsay, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Lindsay Ludvigsen
- Luna, Mercedes, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Mercedes Luna
- Lundeen, Brittany (Brittany F.), Counselor, Counseling, ext. 2142, email Brittany (Brittany F.) Lundeen
- Lunt, Terry, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Builders & Contract
- Lyles, Vlasta, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Vlasta Lyles
- Mac Devitt, James, Instructor, Art, ext. 2616, email James Mac Devitt, http://www.cerritos.edu/jmacdevitt/
- Macias, Dora, Counselor (Hrly), CalWORKs, ext. 2233, email Dora Macias
- Macias, John, Instructor, History, email John Macias
- Macias, Sergio, Instructor/Coach, Athletics, ext. 2869, email Sergio Macias
- Mackay, Scott, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Scott Mackay
- Macwan, Angelina, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing
- Madrigal, Gerardo, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Gerardo Madrigal
- Mahoney, Michelle, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Michelle Mahoney
- Majewski, Adam, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Adam Majewski
- Makarem, Nasiba, Instructor, Pharmacy, email Nasiba Makarem
- Malan, Steven, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Steven Malan
- Malig, Jannet, Statewide Director of Advanced Transportation & Logistics, Auto Partners Building, ext. 2912, email Jannet Malig
- Maline, Rama, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, email Rama Maline, http://www.cerritos.edu/rmaline/
- Manikandan, Gayathri, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Gayathri Manikandan
- Mansell, Bonnie, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Bonnie Mansell, http://www.cerritos.edu/bmansell
- Manshouri, Marjan, Instructor (Hrly), Student Success, email Marjan Manshouri
- Maravilla, Rudith, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Rudith Maravilla
- Mariani, Ilva, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2621, email Ilva Mariani, http://www.cerritos.edu/imariani/
- Markey, Marissa, Curriculum Assistant, Academic Affairs, ext. 2238, email Marissa Markey
- Marquez, Octavio, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Octavio Marquez
- Marshall, Denise, Facilities Scheduling Spclst, Facilities, ext. 2303, email Denise Marshall
- Martin, Eduardo (Eddie), Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, email Eduardo (Eddie) Martin
- Martinez, Albert, Instructor (Hrly), Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Martinez, Daniel (Daniel G.), Instructor (Hrly), Engineering Design Technology, email Daniel (Daniel G.) Martinez
- Martinez, Daryabuth, Program Assistant, Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, ext. 2518, email Daryabuth Martinez
- Martinez, Efrain, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Efrain Martinez
- Martinez, Ivann, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Ivann Martinez
- Martinez, Laura, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Laura Martinez
- Martinez, Norma, Administrative Secretary, Purchasing, email Norma Martinez
- Martinez, Paul, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Martinez, Rachel L., Specialist SAS/Instructor(LD), Student Accessibility Services, ext. 2409, email Rachel L. Martinez
- Martins, Melanie, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Melanie Martins
- Massey, Christine, Instructor (Hrly), Music
- Mastro, Edwin, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, ext. 4786, email Edwin Mastro
- Mata, Chimene, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Chimene Mata
- Matsuura, Kenneth, Counselor, Counseling, ext. 2141, email Kenneth Matsuura
- May, Russell, Instructor/Coach, Physical Education, ext. 2871, email Russell May
- Mayock, Matthew, Instructor (Hrly), Philosophy, email Matthew Mayock
- Maz, Andrew, Instructor, Music, email Andrew Maz
- McBride, Lizanne, Instructor (Hrly), Political Science, email Lizanne McBride
- McCain, Claudia, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Claudia McCain
- McCance, Ian, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 3712, email Ian McCance, http://www.cerritos.edu/imccance/
- McDonald, Susan, Instructor, Speech/Language Pathology, email Susan McDonald
- McElroy, Douglas, Instructor (Hrly), Physics/Astronomy, email Douglas McElroy
- McFarland, Joshua, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Joshua McFarland
- McGuire, James, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- McKinley, Colleen, Director of Educational Partnerships & Programs, Educational Partnerships & Programs, email Colleen McKinley
- McKinley, Patricia, Lead Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Patricia McKinley
- McKinney, Daniel, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Daniel McKinney
- McLarty-Schroeder, Janet (Janet E.), Instructor, Physics/Astronomy, ext. 2666, email Janet (Janet E.) McLarty-Schroeder, http://www.cerritos.edu/jmclarty/
- McLaughlin, Patrick, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, ext. 4235, email Patrick McLaughlin
- McMills, Anne, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Anne McMills
- McNamee, Wayne, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Builders & Contract, email Wayne McNamee
- McNulty, Susan, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Susan McNulty, http://www.cerritos.edu/smcnulty
- McQuown, Mark, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Mark McQuown
- McWhinney, Martin, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, ext. 4153, email Martin McWhinney
- Mclennan, Erica, Administrative Secretary II, Physical Education/Athletics, ext. 2866, email Erica Mclennan
- Medina, Ceci, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, ext. 2571, email Ceci Medina
- Mejia, Jenny, Financial Aid Technician, Financial Aid, email Jenny Mejia
- Mejia, Natasha, Bursar, Admissions and Records, ext. 2106, email Natasha Mejia
- Mellana, Thomas, Instructor (Hrly), Administration of Justice, email Thomas Mellana
- Mellard, Steve, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Mellas, Dean, Instructor, Computer & Info Sciences, ext. 2720, email Dean Mellas, http://www.cerritos.edu/dmellas/
- Mellgoza, Ramona, Buyer II, Purchasing, ext. 2248, email Ramona Mellgoza
- Melton, Jamahl, Instructor (Hrly), History, email Jamahl Melton
- Mendes, Manuel (Manuel J.), Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Manuel (Manuel J.) Mendes
- Mendez, Maria, PeopleSoft Database Administrator, Information Technology, ext. 2197, email Maria Mendez
- Mendoza, Luis, Instructor (Hrly), Plastics Mfg Technology, ext. 4320, email Luis Mendoza
- Mendoza, Marisela, Instructor (Hrly), English
- Mennella, Hillary, Associate Dean Student Health and Wellness, Student Health Services, email Hillary Mennella
- Mensah, James, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, email James Mensah
- Mera, Carlos, Instructor, Physics/Astronomy, ext. 2669, email Carlos Mera, http://www.cerritos.edu/cmera/
- Meraz, Rosa, Administrative Secretary II, Business Ed/Humanities/SocSci, ext. 2745, email Rosa Meraz
- Mercado, Juan, Financial Aid Systems Analyst, Financial Aid, email Juan Mercado
- Merino-Hernandez, Humberto, Instructor (Hrly), Economics, email Humberto Merino-Hernandez
- Merlo Jr, John, Instructor (Hrly), History, email John Merlo Jr
- Michelotti, Andrea, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Andrea Michelotti
- Micic, Miodrag, Instructor, Engineering Design Technology, email Miodrag Micic, http://www.cerritos.edu/mmicic
- Miles, Erin, Director, Diversity, Compliance, and Title IX Coordinator, Human Resources, email Erin Miles
- Milinich, Mark, Instructor (Hrly), English, ext. 4639, email Mark Milinich
- Millard, Samuel (Sam), Maintenance Mechanic, Woodworking Mfg Technology, ext. 2937, email Samuel (Sam) Millard
- Miller, Brian, Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, ext. 4326, email Brian Miller
- Miller, Elizabeth, Dean of Student Services, Student Activities, Student Services, ext. 2476, email Elizabeth Miller
- Milne, Laura, Health Occupations Skills Lab Coordinator, Health Occupations, ext. 3518, email Laura Milne
- Minami, Stephanie, EOPS Specialist & CARE Coordinator, EOPS, ext. 2384, email Stephanie Minami
- Miranda, Dora, Counselor (Hrly), Financial Aid, email Dora Miranda
- Miranda, Rousana, Counselor (Hrly), Financial Aid, email Rousana Miranda
- Miranda, Veronica, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Veronica Miranda
- Misanchuk, Rosemarie (Rose), Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Rosemarie (Rose) Misanchuk
- Mishler, Katherine, Program Facilitator, Veterans Resource Center, ext. 3732, email Katherine Mishler
- Mitchell, Michele, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Michele Mitchell
- Mitchell, Roxanne, Administrative Secretary II, Technology, ext. 2901, email Roxanne Mitchell
- Mitchell, Valencia, Librarian (Hourly), Library, ext. 2416, email Valencia Mitchell, http://www.cerritos.edu/vmitchell
- Mittendorf, William R, Instructor, Philosophy, email William R Mittendorf
- Mixson, Frank, Vice President, Academic Affairs/Assistant Superintendent, ext. 2228, email Frank Mixson
- Mochizuki, Steve, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Steve Mochizuki
- Moldoveanu, Minodora, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Minodora Moldoveanu
- Molina, Nancy, Testing Technician, Career Services
- Moloney, Peter, Instructor, Accounting/Finance, ext. 2742, email Peter Moloney, http://www.cerritos.edu/pmoloney/
- Mondaca, Frances, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Frances Mondaca
- Montegary, Matthew, Instructor, Mathematics, email Matthew Montegary
- Montellano, Martha, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Martha Montellano
- Montera, Frank, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Frank Montera
- Montero, Cezar, Inst Lab Tech III-Physics, Physics/Astronomy, email Cezar Montero
- Monterrubio, Gerardo, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Gerardo Monterrubio
- Montez-Ochoa, Virginia, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Virginia Montez-Ochoa
- Moore, Debra, Librarian, Library, ext. 2219, email Debra Moore, http://www.cerritos.edu/dmoore
- Moore, Jonathan, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Jonathan Moore
- Morales, Gilbert, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, ext. 4275, email Gilbert Morales
- Morales, Janette (Janette V.), Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Janette (Janette V.) Morales
- Morales, Jose (Jose F.), Floor Maintenance Custodian, Operations/Custodial, ext. 2304, email Jose (Jose F.) Morales
- Morales, Luciano, Manager, Interim Justice Scholars, email Luciano Morales
- Morales, Manny, Instructor, Mathematics, email Manny Morales
- Morales, Xochitl, Instructor (Hrly), Education, email Xochitl Morales
- Moran, Rachel, Inst Lab Tech III-Chemistry, Science, Engineering & Math, email Rachel Moran
- Morcos, Tharwat, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, ext. 4920, email Tharwat Morcos
- Morgan, Rebecca, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Rebecca Morgan
- Morgan, Vykki, Instructor (Hrly), Educational Technology, email Vykki Morgan, https://www.cerritos.edu/vmorgan/
- Moriarty, Cynthia, Instructor, Business Administration, ext. 2707, email Cynthia Moriarty, http://www.cerritos.edu/cmoriarty/
- Morrione, Deems, Instructor (Hrly), Political Science, email Deems Morrione
- Morrison, Anna (Anna C.), Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Anna (Anna C.) Morrison
- Mortezavi, Siavash, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Siavash Mortezavi
- Mosley, Yolanda, Instructor (Hrly), Political Science, email Yolanda Mosley
- Moussa, Nazem, Instructor (Hrly), Physics/Astronomy, email Nazem Moussa
- Mucciaro, Chau Aimee, Counselor (Hrly), International Students Program, email Chau Aimee Mucciaro
- Mucino, Patricia, Counselor (Hrly), Financial Aid, email Patricia Mucino
- Mueller, Don, Chief Of Campus Police, Campus Police, email Don Mueller, https://www.cerritos.edu/police
- Mulleary, Joseph (Joe), Instructor, Automotive Mechanical Repair, email Joseph (Joe) Mulleary
- Mullins, Caitlin, Instructional Scheduling Specialist, Academic Affairs, email Caitlin Mullins
- Mullins, Terrance, Instructor, Political Science, email Terrance Mullins, http://www.cerritos.edu/tmullins/
- Mun, Julie, Administrative Assistant(Conf), Academic Affairs, ext. 2223, email Julie Mun
- Munoz, Cynthia, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Cynthia Munoz
- Munoz, Davene, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Davene Munoz
- Munoz, Jessica, Program Assistant, Counseling, ext. 2220, email Jessica Munoz
- Munoz, Marta, Counselor (Hrly), CalWORKs, email Marta Munoz
- Murray, Kodee, Instructor/Coach, Athletics, ext. 2873, email Kodee Murray
- Murray, Marlen, CDC Instructional Associate, Child Development Center, email Marlen Murray
- Murray, Orlin, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, ext. 4180, email Orlin Murray
- Murugiah, Yarlmoli, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Yarlmoli Murugiah
- Myers, Kathleen (Kathy), Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Kathleen (Kathy) Myers
- Najarian, Hagop, Instructor, Art, ext. 2610, email Hagop Najarian
- Namala, Solomon, Instructor, Economics, ext. 2761, email Solomon Namala
- Nance, Wesley (Wes), Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, ext. 2719, email Wesley (Wes) Nance, http://www.cerritos.edu/nance/
- Narusawa, Gary, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair
- Natividad, Rachel, Instructor, Nursing, ext. 3515, email Rachel Natividad, http://www.cerritos.edu/rsantiago/
- Natividad, Rory, Instructional Dean, Physical Education, Kinesiology, email Rory Natividad
- Nava, Dolores, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Dolores Nava
- Nava, Michelle, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Michelle Nava
- Navarro, Blanca, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Blanca Navarro
- Navarro, David, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email David Navarro
- Navarro, Joseph, Program Facilitator, Adult Ed/Diversity Programs
- Nave, Marquis, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Marquis Nave
- Negrete, Terri, Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, email Terri Negrete, http://www.cerritos.edu/tnegrete
- Neitzke, Nicole, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Nicole Neitzke
- Neuse, James, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email James Neuse
- Neyman, Ilya, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Ilya Neyman
- Ngo, Hai Phu (Hai), Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Hai Phu (Hai) Ngo
- Nguimdjou, Emmanuel, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Emmanuel Nguimdjou
- Nguyen, Ann, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Hygiene, email Ann Nguyen
- Nguyen, Ava, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Ava Nguyen
- Nguyen, Christina, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Christina Nguyen
- Nguyen, Kristina, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Kristina Nguyen
- Nguyen, Long, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Long Nguyen
- Nguyen, Mike, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Mike Nguyen
- Nguyen, Phuong, Instructor, Computer & Info Sciences, ext. 2738, email Phuong Nguyen, http://www.cerritos.edu/pnguyen/
- Nguyen, Trinity (Trinity T.), Instructor (Hrly), Cosmetology, email Trinity (Trinity T.) Nguyen
- Nicolas, Edlyne, Instructor (Hrly), Culinary Arts
- Nicolas, Jean-Pierre, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Jean-Pierre Nicolas
- Nikdel, Mojdeh, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2674, email Mojdeh Nikdel, http://www.cerritos.edu/mnikdel/
- Nikolaou, Ursula, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, ext. 4861, email Ursula Nikolaou
- Ninh, Joseph, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Joseph Ninh
- Ninomiya, Kathlyn (Kathy), Instructor (Hrly), Dental Hygiene, ext. 2568, email Kathlyn (Kathy) Ninomiya
- Nishimura, Mark, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Mark Nishimura
- Niu, Kun (Kun (Emma)), Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Kun (Kun (Emma)) Niu
- Noyes, Nicholle, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, email Nicholle Noyes
- Nunez, Johnny, Instructor (Hrly), Welding, ext. 2949, email Johnny Nunez
- Nunez, Maria, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Maria Nunez
- Nunez, Norberto, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Norberto Nunez
- O'Brien, Meghan, Instructor (Hrly), Speech/Language Pathology, email Meghan O'Brien
- O'Connor, Jennifer, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Jennifer O'Connor
- O'Dell, Jeffery (Jeff), Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, email Jeffery (Jeff) O'Dell
- O'Donnell, Patrick, Dir Information Technology, Information Technology, ext. 2171, email Patrick O'Donnell, http://www.cerritos.edu/podonnell/
- O'Farrell, Fergus, Instructor (Hrly), Plastics Mfg Technology, ext. 4439, email Fergus O'Farrell
- O'Grady, Jennifer, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Jennifer O'Grady
- O'Neal, Janice, Student Accessibility Services Spec, Student Accessibility Services, ext. 2354, email Janice O'Neal
- O'Neil, Scott, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2784, email Scott O'Neil
- O'Neill, Cindy, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Cindy O'Neill
- Obasohan, Victor (Victor E.), Instructor, Political Science, ext. 2755, email Victor (Victor E.) Obasohan, http://www.cerritos.edu/vobasohan/
- Obazuaye, Sunday (Sunday P.), Instructor, Political Science, ext. 2754, email Sunday (Sunday P.) Obazuaye, http://www.cerritos.edu/sobazuaye/
- Ocampo, Luz, Administrative Secretary I, Facilities, ext. 2307, email Luz Ocampo
- Ochoa, Lorena, Counselor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Lorena Ochoa
- Okbamichael, Mussie, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Mussie Okbamichael
- Olague, Mark, Instructor, English, email Mark Olague
- Orozco, Rebecca, Instructor, Nursing, email Rebecca Orozco
- Orr, Alyesse, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Alyesse Orr
- Ortiz, Lorena, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Lorena Ortiz
- Ortiz, Luis (Luis F.), Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Luis (Luis F.) Ortiz
- Ortiz, Tito, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, ext. 2877, email Tito Ortiz
- Osaki, Charles, Instructor, Accounting/Finance, email Charles Osaki, http://www.cerritos.edu/cosaki/
- Otero, Kathleen, Records Evaluator, Admissions and Records, ext. 2107, email Kathleen Otero
- Ouwehand, Michael (Michael (Todd)), Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, email Michael (Michael (Todd)) Ouwehand
- Owen, Margaret (Margie), Librarian (Hourly), Library, email Margaret (Margie) Owen
- Pacheco, Mariana, Board Member, Board of Trustees, email Mariana Pacheco
- Pacheco, Rupert, Instructor (Hrly), Welding, ext. 2970, email Rupert Pacheco, http://www.cerritos.edu/rpacheco
- Pacier, Phillip, Instructor (Hrly), Music
- Page, Elizabeth, Counselor (SAS), Student Accessibility Services, ext. 2342, email Elizabeth Page
- Page, Michael, Instructional Dean, Science, Engineering and Mathematics, email Michael Page
- Paige, Matthew, Instructor, Reading, ext. 2832, email Matthew Paige, http://www.cerritos.edu/mpaige/
- Pallwitz, Karla, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, ext. 4618, email Karla Pallwitz
- Palma, Jennifer, Instructor, Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Jennifer Palma
- Palmier, Christine, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Christine Palmier, http://www.cerritos.edu/cpalmier/
- Paquette, Ronald, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Ronald Paquette
- Parackal, Elizabeth, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Elizabeth Parackal
- Paris, Jennifer, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Jennifer Paris
- Parker, Anthony, Director, Physical Plant/Construction Services, email Anthony Parker
- Parrish, Peter, Instructor (Hrly), Physics/Astronomy, email Peter Parrish
- Patil, Ashok, Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, email Ashok Patil
- Patterson, Carrie, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Carrie Patterson
- Paul, Daniel, Instructor (Hrly), Architecture, email Daniel Paul
- Pedroza, Art, Instructor (Hrly), Apprent - Paint/DĂ©cor/Coating, email Art Pedroza
- Pedroza, Maricela, Sr. Applications Analyst, Information Technology, ext. 2174, email Maricela Pedroza
- Pedroza, Mauricio (Mauricio R.), Sr. Applications Analyst, Information Technology, ext. 2161, email Mauricio (Mauricio R.) Pedroza
- Peele, Tramaine (Tramine), Custodian, Facilities, email Tramaine (Tramine) Peele
- Pelayo, Martha, Senior Development Officer, Foundation, email Martha Pelayo
- Penuelas, Ernesto, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Pereira, Joao Paulo, Instructor (Hrly), Philosophy, email Joao Paulo Pereira
- Pereira, Paula, Librarian, Library, email Paula Pereira
- Perez, Carlos (Carlos F.), Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Carlos (Carlos F.) Perez
- Perez, Marisa, Board Member, Board Of Trustees, email Marisa Perez
- Perez Juarez, Marcela, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Marcela Perez Juarez
- Perkins, David, Instructor (Hrly), Welding, ext. 4389, email David Perkins
- Pesanti, Keri, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Keri Pesanti
- Pestolesi, Kari, Instructor, Physical Education/Athletics, ext. 2264, email Kari Pestolesi
- Petrova, Rossitza (Rossi), Instructor, Cosmetology, email Rossitza (Rossi) Petrova
- Pham, Ann (Ann Hong), Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Ann (Ann Hong) Pham
- Pham, Mai- Anh (Anh-Mai), Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Mai- Anh (Anh-Mai) Pham
- Pham, Viethang, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Viethang Pham
- Phan, Henry, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, ext. 4512, email Henry Phan
- Phinney, Peter, Instructor (Hrly), Architecture, email Peter Phinney
- Pierini, Michael, Instructor, Culinary Arts, ext. 2586, email Michael Pierini
- Pike, Kari (Kari A.), Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Kari (Kari A.) Pike
- Pimentel, Susana, Instructional Lab Tech I, Student Success, ext. 2857, email Susana Pimentel, http://www.cerritos.edu/pimentel/
- Pineda, Inez, Lead Buyer, Purchasing, ext. 2247, email Inez Pineda
- Pio, Jennifer, Instructor (Hrly), CalWORKs
- Piotrowski, Casey, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, ext. 4525, email Casey Piotrowski
- Pirtle, Sarah, Multimedia Production Spc I, Student Success/Public Affairs, ext. 2439, email Sarah Pirtle, http://www.cerritos.edu/sramirez/
- Pizer, Janis, Counselor (Hrly), CalWORKs, ext. 2239, email Janis Pizer
- Plump, Sharon, Groundskeeper, Maintenance/Grounds, email Sharon Plump
- Popiel de Cazaux, Reena, CDC Lead Teacher, Child Development Center, ext. 2583, email Reena Popiel de Cazaux
- Porch, Lou, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Lou Porch
- Poturica, Vincent, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Vincent Poturica
- Powell, Laura, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Laura Powell
- Pozos Flores, Hilda, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Hilda Pozos Flores
- Prado, Sergio, Warehouse and Delivery Assistant, Warehouse, ext. 2339, email Sergio Prado
- Pratt, Susan, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Susan Pratt
- Prell, Jerry, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Jerry Prell
- Preston, Jeffrey, Instructor (Hrly), Culinary Arts, ext. 4852, email Jeffrey Preston
- Price, Drue, Dispatcher, Campus Police, email Drue Price
- Prindle, Donna, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, ext. 4877, email Donna Prindle
- Prindle, Jeanine, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education, ext. 2866, email Jeanine Prindle, http://www.cerritos.edu/prindle/
- Pritchard, Gary, Instructional Dean, Fine Arts/Communications, ext. 2602, email Gary Pritchard
- Pueblos, Daniel, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Daniel Pueblos
- Pullman, Lori, Instructor (Hrly), Architecture, email Lori Pullman
- Pullman, Stephanie, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Stephanie Pullman
- Qasqas, Areej, Instructor (Hrly), History, email Areej Qasqas
- Quaas-Berryman, Francie, Instructor, English, ext. 2806, email Francie Quaas-Berryman, http://www.cerritos.edu/fquaas/
- Quade, Joyce, Instructor (Hrly), Bus Computerized Office Tech, email Joyce Quade
- Quaye, Kaleeka, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Kaleeka Quaye
- Quilizapa, Claudia, Counselor, Counseling, email Claudia Quilizapa
- Quirk, Jean, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Assisting, ext. 4136, email Jean Quirk
- Quiroz, Jamie, Financial Aid Assistant Dir, Financial Aid, ext. 2370, email Jamie Quiroz
- Radillo, Mayra, Buyer II, Purchasing, ext. 2246, email Mayra Radillo
- Ramdass, Jeff, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Jeff Ramdass
- Ramirez, Jorge, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Jorge Ramirez
- Ramirez, Terri, Campus Police Officer, Campus Police, ext. 3076, email Terri Ramirez
- Ramirez, Yesenia, Financial Aid Specialist, Financial Aid, ext. 2389, email Yesenia Ramirez
- Ramos, Bryan, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Bryan Ramos
- Ramos, Gerardo (Gerardo (Jerry)), Instructor, Business Administration, email Gerardo (Gerardo (Jerry)) Ramos, http://www.cerritos.edu/jramos/
- Ramos, Maria, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Maria Ramos
- Ramser, Dean, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Dean Ramser
- Rath, Carolyn, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Carolyn Rath
- Raught, Kenneth, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Adult Ed/Diversity Programs
- Rawles, Dennis, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, ext. 4480, email Dennis Rawles
- Read, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), History, email Robert Read
- Real, Yannick, Instructional Dean, Technology, ext. 2903, email Yannick Real
- Rebert, Samantha, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Samantha Rebert
- Reeves, Mallory, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Mallory Reeves
- Reich, Lori, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education, email Lori Reich
- Rendon, William, Instructor (Hrly), Political Science, email William Rendon
- Renteria, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, ext. 2841, email Robert Renteria
- Resseguie, Florence, CDC Teacher (FT), Child Development Center, email Florence Resseguie
- Reyes, Amanda, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Amanda Reyes
- Reyes Lopez, Jose, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics
- Reynolds, Cathy, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Cathy Reynolds
- Reynolds, Thomas, Instructor (Hrly), English
- Rheaume, Laura, Instructor (Hrly), Educational Technology, email Laura Rheaume
- Riasati, Mohamadreza, Instructor, Mathematics, email Mohamadreza Riasati
- Ricci, Natalie, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Natalie Ricci
- Richardson, Christopher, Instructor/Coach, Physical Education/Athletics, email Christopher Richardson
- Riedel, Patricia, Instructor, Nursing, ext. 3512, email Patricia Riedel
- Rigby, Jeffrey (Jeffrey W.), Instructor, Anthropology, ext. 2758, email Jeffrey (Jeffrey W.) Rigby
- Riley, Elizabeth, Dean, Health Occupations, ext. 2554, email Elizabeth Riley
- Rincon, David, Multimedia Production Specialist II, Student Success/Public Affairs, email David Rincon
- Rios, Hugo, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Hugo Rios
- Rios, Kelly, Compliance & Employee Relations/Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Human Resources, email Kelly Rios
- Rios, Rebecca, Administrative Secretary I, Academic Affairs, email Rebecca Rios
- Rios, Santiago, Dispatcher-Campus Police, Campus Police, ext. 2325, email Santiago Rios
- Ritchie, Karen, Instructor (Hrly), ESL, email Karen Ritchie
- Rivas, Jonathan, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics
- Robbins II, Harold (Jim), Instructor, Nursing, email Harold (Jim) Robbins II
- Roberts, Lynda, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, ext. 2560, email Lynda Roberts
- Roberts, Rene, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, ext. 4367, email Rene Roberts
- Robertshaw, Manon, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Manon Robertshaw
- Robertson, Stephen (Steve), Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Stephen (Steve) Robertson
- Robinson, Donna, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Donna Robinson
- Robles, Desiree, CDC Teacher (FT), Child Development Center, email Desiree Robles
- Robles, Marta (Martha), Instructor, Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, ext. 2400, email Marta (Martha) Robles
- Rodarte, David, Counselor (SAS), Student Accessibility Services, ext. 2466, email David Rodarte
- Rodriguez, Alfred, Custodian, Operations/Custodial, email Alfred Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Bernardino, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, email Bernardino Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Carmen (Carmen B.), Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Carmen (Carmen B.) Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Catherine (Cathy A.), Instructor (Hrly), Educational Technology, email Catherine (Cathy A.) Rodriguez, http://www.cerritos.edu/carodriguez/
- Rodriguez, Elizabeth, Administrative Secretary I, Student Health Services, ext. 2323, email Elizabeth Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Ester (Ester J.), Financial Aid Specialist, Financial Aid, ext. 3228, email Ester (Ester J.) Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Marina, Administrative Services Tech, CalWORKs, ext. 2153, email Marina Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Michelle (Michelle R.), Tutoring Center Specialist, Student Success, ext. 2407, email Michelle (Michelle R.) Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Monique (Monique N.), Program Assistant, Counseling, ext. 2132, email Monique (Monique N.) Rodriguez
- Rodriguez, Vanessa, Administrative Secretary II, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning, and Grants, ext. 2412, email Vanessa Rodriguez
- Roehrs, Kurt, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Collision Repair, email Kurt Roehrs
- Rogers, Pamela, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Pamela Rogers
- Rojas, Santos, Instructor, Biological Sciences, email Santos Rojas, http://www.cerritos.edu/biology/
- Rojas Rivera, Juan Carlos, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Juan Carlos Rojas Rivera
- Roman-Rodriguez, Dorcas, Instructor (Hrly), Dance, email Dorcas Roman-Rodriguez
- Romero, Angela, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Angela Romero
- Romero, Gustavo, Counselor, Counseling, email Gustavo Romero
- Ronquillo-Adachi, Jaclyn, Instructor, Psychology, email Jaclyn Ronquillo-Adachi
- Roque, Guadalupe, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Guadalupe Roque
- Roque, Tatiana, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Tatiana Roque
- Rosa, Steve, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Steve Rosa
- Rosenblatt, Stephanie, Librarian, Library/LRC, email Stephanie Rosenblatt, http://www.cerritos.edu/srosenblatt
- Rosenfeld, Kimberly, Instructor, Speech, ext. 2845, email Kimberly Rosenfeld, http://www.cerritos.edu/khubbert/
- Rosenkrantz, Sarah, Instructor (Hrly), Culinary Arts, email Sarah Rosenkrantz
- Ross, Clara (Clara T.), Counselor, Career Services, email Clara (Clara T.) Ross
- Ross, Tracy, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Hygiene, email Tracy Ross
- Rother, Edward (Edward J.), Instructor, Architecture, ext. 2911, email Edward (Edward J.) Rother
- Rouhi, Samaneh, Instructor (Hrly), ESL, email Samaneh Rouhi
- Rubalcaba, Celia, Instructor (Hrly), Pharmacy, ext. 4133, email Celia Rubalcaba
- Rubottom, Jenese (Janese), Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Jenese (Janese) Rubottom
- Ruiz, Javier, Lead Custodian, Operations/Custodial, email Javier Ruiz
- Ruiz, Martha, Administrative Clerk I, Community Education, ext. 2529, email Martha Ruiz
- Russell, Bruce (Bruce L.), Librarian (Hourly), Library, email Bruce (Bruce L.) Russell
- Russell, Christy, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Christy Russell
- Russett, John, Instructor (Hrly), Student Accessibility Services, email John Russett
- Ryan, Peter, Groundskeeper, Maintenance/Grounds, ext. 2305, email Peter Ryan
- SIMPSON, JOSHUA, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Builders & Contract
- Sabol, Caroline, Instructor (Hrly), Student Success, email Caroline Sabol
- Sadeghipour, Allia, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Allia Sadeghipour
- Sahakyan, Suren, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Suren Sahakyan
- Saiz, Orlando, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Orlando Saiz
- Salazar, Felipe, Counselor, Counseling, email Felipe Salazar
- Salazar, Hector, Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4090, email Hector Salazar
- Salazar, Michael (Mike), PeopleSoft Database Administrator, Information Technology, ext. 2173, email Michael (Mike) Salazar, http://www.cerritos.edu/msalazar/
- Salazar, Sandra, Board Member, Board Of Trustees, email Sandra Salazar
- Salgado, Martin, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Martin Salgado
- Salim, Faryha, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Faryha Salim
- Samano, Jeffrey, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Jeffrey Samano
- Samel, Chrysna, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Chrysna Samel
- Sampson, Lynda (Lynda M.), Librarian (Hourly), Library, ext. 2415, email Lynda (Lynda M.) Sampson, http://www.cerritos.edu/lsampson
- San Nicolas, Kathleen, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Kathleen San Nicolas, http://www.cerritos.edu/ksannicolas
- Sanchez, Alba, CDC Food Service Specialist, Child Development Center
- Sanchez, Alejandro (Alejandro Z.), Instructor (Hrly), Photography, email Alejandro (Alejandro Z.) Sanchez
- Sanchez, Carlos, Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, email Carlos Sanchez
- Sanchez, Daniel, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, email Daniel Sanchez
- Sanchez, Laura, Administrative Clerk III, Science, Engineering & Math, email Laura Sanchez
- Sanchez, Marisol, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Marisol Sanchez, http://www.cerritos.edu/marisolsanchez
- Sanchez, Melissa, Program Assistant CASAS, Community Education, email Melissa Sanchez
- Sanchez, Sandra (Sandra A.), Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Sandra (Sandra A.) Sanchez
- Sanchez, Veronica, Instructor, Psychology, email Veronica Sanchez
- Sanchez-Viramontes, Jasmin, Administrative Clerk II, Academic Affairs, ext. 2235, email Jasmin Sanchez-Viramontes
- Sanderson, Janet, Instructor, Dance, ext. 2872, email Janet Sanderson
- Sandoval, Amy, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Amy Sandoval
- Sandoval, Carlos, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Carlos Sandoval
- Sandoval, Yolanda, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Yolanda Sandoval
- Sanserino, Andrea, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Andrea Sanserino
- Santos, Claudia, Accounting Technician III, Accounting, email Claudia Santos
- Sarehkhani, Ryan, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Ryan Sarehkhani
- Sarvi, Kayvon, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Kayvon Sarvi
- Sauber, David, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, email David Sauber
- Saucedo, Marisol, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Assisting, ext. 4841, email Marisol Saucedo
- Schenk, Lauren, Librarian (Hourly), Library/LRC, email Lauren Schenk
- Schmidt, Clifford, Instructor (Hrly), Medical Assisting, email Clifford Schmidt
- Schreiner, Gregory (Greg), Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4091, email Gregory (Greg) Schreiner
- Schroeder, Adam, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Adam Schroeder
- Schweitzer, Keren, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Keren Schweitzer
- Schwenkmeyer, Karen, Instructor (Hrly), Photography, ext. 4809, email Karen Schwenkmeyer
- Seeley, Tiffany, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Tiffany Seeley
- Segovia, Erika, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Assisting, email Erika Segovia
- Segura-Contreras, Lydia, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Assisting, email Lydia Segura-Contreras
- Self, Lucy, Account Tech II - Athletics, Physical Education/Athletics, ext. 2860, email Lucy Self
- Selorio, Conrad, Budget Manager, Budget, email Conrad Selorio
- Senf, Janell (Jan), Administrative Secretary II, Health Occupations, ext. 2555, email Janell (Jan) Senf
- Senf, Joylynn (Joy), Administrative Secretary II, Business Ed/Humanities/SocSci, ext. 2701, email Joylynn (Joy) Senf
- Sepulveda, Pamela, Case Manager, Basic Needs, email Pamela Sepulveda
- Seres, Frank, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Frank Seres, http://www.cerritos.edu/fseres
- Serna, Carlos, Operations Manager, Facilities, email Carlos Serna
- Serwin, Lynn, Instructor, English, ext. 2819, email Lynn Serwin
- Sevi, Kayleigh, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Kayleigh Sevi
- Shade, Stephen, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Stephen Shade
- Shah, Saba, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Saba Shah
- Shah-Williams, Nishi, Instructor, English, ext. 2831, email Nishi Shah-Williams, http://www.cerritos.edu/nwilliams
- Shaw, Tommetta, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Tommetta Shaw
- Shelton, Kevin (Kevin G.), Instr Lab Tech III-Welding, Welding, ext. 4747, email Kevin (Kevin G.) Shelton
- Shimazu, Matthew, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email Matthew Shimazu
- Shin, April (April Y.), Student Accessibility Services Asst, Student Accessibility Services, email April (April Y.) Shin
- Shore, Marlena, Instructor, Dental Hygiene, email Marlena Shore
- Shuff, Robert, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Sierra, Brenda, Administrative Secretary II, Library/LRC, email Brenda Sierra
- Silva, May, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, ext. 4837, email May Silva
- Simmons, Jim, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Jim Simmons
- Sims, Ave, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Ave Sims
- Sir, Donna, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Donna Sir
- Skoug, Dennis, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Slay, Kevin, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Kevin Slay
- Sliff, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Philosophy, email Robert Sliff
- Smart, Bobbi-Lee, Instructor (Hrly), Sociology, email Bobbi-Lee Smart
- Smith, Dana, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Smith, Harold, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email Harold Smith
- Smith, James (James B.), Instructor (Hrly), Administration of Justice, email James (James B.) Smith
- Smith, Patricia (Patricia Robbins), Director, Special Support Programs, EOPS/CARE/LINC/NextUp/CalWORKs, ext. 2525, email Patricia (Patricia Robbins) Smith
- Smith, Sean, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Sean Smith
- Smith, Shawna, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing
- Smith, Sol, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Sol Smith
- Smith, Stacey (Stacey B.), Instructor (Hrly), Economics, email Stacey (Stacey B.) Smith
- Smoley, Daren, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Daren Smoley
- Snakenborg-Seers, Ashley, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Ashley Snakenborg-Seers
- Sneed, Holly, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Holly Sneed
- Soden, Barbara, Instructor (Hrly), Bus Computerized Office Tech, ext. 2702, email Barbara Soden
- Solis, Celso, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Spaziano, Michael (Mike), Instructor (Hrly), Plastics Mfg Technology, email Michael (Mike) Spaziano
- Spicer-Cadger, Deborah, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Deborah Spicer-Cadger
- Spooner, Gregory (Gregory K.), Instructor (Hrly), Philosophy, ext. 4796, email Gregory (Gregory K.) Spooner
- Spradlin, Nancy, Instructor (Hrly), ESL, ext. 4566, email Nancy Spradlin
- St. John, Heather, Instructor, Psychology, email Heather St. John
- Stahl, Christine, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Christine Stahl
- Stanfield, Scott, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Scott Stanfield
- Stansbury, DeAnna, Instructor (Hrly), English, email DeAnna Stansbury
- Stasiuk, Pedro, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Pedro Stasiuk
- Stavast, John, Instructor (Hrly), English, email John Stavast
- Stephens, Kristen, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Hygiene, email Kristen Stephens
- Stevenson, Kevin (Kevin J.), Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Kevin (Kevin J.) Stevenson
- Stever, Eugene, Instructor (Hrly), Engineering Design Technology, email Eugene Stever
- Stewart, Tiesha, Instructor (Hrly), Child Development Center, email Tiesha Stewart
- Stieber, Michelle, Instructor, Biological Sciences, email Michelle Stieber, http://www.cerritos.edu/biology/
- Stolze, Ted, Instructor, Philosophy, ext. 2774, email Ted Stolze, http://www.cerritos.edu/tstolze
- Stone, Cathy, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Cathy Stone
- Sugihara-Cheetham, Joann, Instructor, ESL, ext. 2892, email Joann Sugihara-Cheetham, http://www.cerritos.edu/jcheetham/
- Sumida, Ryan K., Art and Culture Promotions Specialist, Fine Arts and Communications/Theatre/Public Affairs, email Ryan K. Sumida
- Supple, Martin, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, email Martin Supple
- Surfas, Lesley, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Lesley Surfas
- Suryamani, Tara, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Tara Suryamani
- Sutherland, Corine, Instructor (Hrly), Philosophy, email Corine Sutherland, http://www.cerritos.edu/csutherland/
- Sutton, Robert (Rob), Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Robert (Rob) Sutton
- Swart, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Robert Swart
- Swearengin, Rodney, Instructor (Hrly), Philosophy
- Sweet, Beverly (Beverly J.), Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, ext. 2882, email Beverly (Beverly J.) Sweet
- Swendson, Paul, Instructor (Hrly), History, ext. 4564, email Paul Swendson
- Szabo, Thad, Instructor, Physics/Astronomy, ext. 3713, email Thad Szabo
- Tafoya, Yvette, Dean, Enrollment Services, ext. 2381, email Yvette Tafoya
- Tahernia, Farshid, Instructor (Hrly), Economics, email Farshid Tahernia
- Taibjee, Sukena, Librarian (Hourly), Library/LRC, email Sukena Taibjee
- Tait, Mark, Instructor, Welding, ext. 2948, email Mark Tait, http://www.cerritos.edu/mtait/
- Takahashi, Gloria, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, ext. 4280, email Gloria Takahashi
- Takeuchi, Kevin, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Kevin Takeuchi
- Talamantes, Lourdes, Counselor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Lourdes Talamantes
- Tamminga, Scott (Scott R.), Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, ext. 4706, email Scott (Scott R.) Tamminga
- Tan, Linda, Assistant Buyer, Library, ext. 2427, email Linda Tan
- Tanamachi, Candelaria, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Candelaria Tanamachi
- Tardibuono, Joan, Instructor (Hrly), Child Dev/Early Childhood, email Joan Tardibuono
- Taylor, Katrina (Katrina L.), Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Katrina (Katrina L.) Taylor
- Taylor, Thomas, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Thomas Taylor
- Tchulluian, Laura, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, email Laura Tchulluian
- Tedtaotao, Dean, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 4894, email Dean Tedtaotao
- Templeton, Phillip, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Teng, Merica, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Merica Teng
- Ter-Petrosyan, Mariam, Instructor (Hrly), Psychology, email Mariam Ter-Petrosyan
- Teran, Sergio, Instructor, Art, email Sergio Teran
- Thein, John, Payroll Technician, Payroll, ext. 2274, email John Thein
- Thomas, Joshua, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education, email Joshua Thomas
- Thomas, Wendy, Administrative Assistant (Conf), President’s Office, ext. 2204, email Wendy Thomas
- Thornbury, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, ext. 4338, email Robert Thornbury
- Thury, Cheryl, Administrative Assistant(Conf), President's Office, ext. 2206, email Cheryl Thury
- Tilahun, David, International Admissions Sp, International Students Program, ext. 2232, email David Tilahun
- Tilley, Gerald, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email Gerald Tilley
- Tindell, Walter (Walter "Bo"), Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Walter (Walter "Bo") Tindell
- Tisdom, Edvige, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics
- Tolen, Joshua, Dispatcher-Campus Police, Campus Police, email Joshua Tolen
- Toomey, Adrian, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Adrian Toomey
- Torices, Eric, Instructor (Hrly), Paralegal Education, email Eric Torices
- Torres, Maria, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2678, email Maria Torres, http://www.cerritos.edu/mtorres/
- Torres, Martin (Martin M.), Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4526, email Martin (Martin M.) Torres
- Torres, Theresa, Admissions & Records Tech II, Admissions and Records, ext. 3730, email Theresa Torres
- Torres-Guimaraes, Nancy, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Nancy Torres-Guimaraes
- Toumajian, Elizabeth, Instructor (Hrly), Fitness, ext. 4140, email Elizabeth Toumajian, http://www.cerritos.edu/etoumajian/
- Toumajian, Mary Kay, Counselor (Hrly), Counseling, email Mary Kay Toumajian
- Towhid, Kristen, Administrative Secretary I, Library/LRC, ext. 2435, email Kristen Towhid
- Trager, Julie, Instructor, Art, ext. 2989, email Julie Trager
- Tran, Biddy, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Biddy Tran
- Tran, Henry, Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, email Henry Tran, http://www.cerritos.edu/htran
- Tran, Le, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Le Tran
- Tran, Thien, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Thien Tran
- Treadwell, Gary, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, email Gary Treadwell
- Trickett, Dawn, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, email Dawn Trickett
- Trimble, William (William C.), Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, email William (William C.) Trimble
- Trinh, Thanh, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Thanh Trinh
- Trujillo, Yolanda, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Yolanda Trujillo
- Tsai, Shi-Ting (Tammy), Instructor (Hrly), Music, ext. 4097, email Shi-Ting (Tammy) Tsai
- Tsang, William, Instructor, Accounting/Finance, ext. 2777, email William Tsang, http://www.cerritos.edu/wtsang/
- Tse, Ing-Yung, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Ing-Yung Tse, http://www.cerritos.edu/itse
- Tsuhako, Joy, Instructor (Hrly), Sociology, email Joy Tsuhako
- Tsuno, Devon, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Devon Tsuno
- Tucker, Jazmine, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, ext. 4245, email Jazmine Tucker
- Tufnell, Daniel, Locker & Equipment Specialist, Physical Education/Athletics, ext. 2880, email Daniel Tufnell
- Tydell, Carol (Chace), Instructor, Biological Sciences, email Carol (Chace) Tydell, http://www.cerritos.edu/ctydell
- Ugalde, Maria, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Maria Ugalde
- Ukita, Traci, Counselor, Career Services, ext. 2592, email Traci Ukita
- Vaja, Victoria, Administrative Clerk II, Information Technology, ext. 2157, email Victoria Vaja
- Valcarcel, Anna, Instructor, Biological Sciences, email Anna Valcarcel, http://www.cerritos.edu/avalcarcel
- Valdivia, Daisy, Library Technical Clerk, Library/LRC, ext. 2423, email Daisy Valdivia
- Valdivia, Luis, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Luis Valdivia
- Valencia, Marie, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Marie Valencia
- Valencia, Monique, Program Assistant, Student Success, email Monique Valencia
- Valencia, Ulysses, Financial Aid Technician, Financial Aid, email Ulysses Valencia
- Valentine, Marie, Instructor, Mathematics, email Marie Valentine
- Valenzuela, Patrice, Instructor (Hrly), Dental Assisting, email Patrice Valenzuela
- Valenzuela, Raul, EOPS Counselor, EOPS, ext. 2378, email Raul Valenzuela
- Van, Holly, Instructor (Hrly), Architecture, email Holly Van
- Van Dine, Barbara, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Barbara Van Dine
- Van Doornum, Chelsea, Director of Public Relations and Communications, Public Affairs, email Chelsea Van Doornum
- Van Gaston, John, Sports Information Publicist, Physical Education/Athletics, ext. 2896, email John Van Gaston
- Van Herk, Tracy, Instructor (Hrly), Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, email Tracy Van Herk
- Vanciu, Alina, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Alina Vanciu
- Vang, Burlee, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Burlee Vang
- Varela, Silvia, Financial Aid Technician, Financial Aid, ext. 3225, email Silvia Varela
- Varghese, Ninu, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Ninu Varghese
- Vasilik, Richard, Instructor (Hrly), Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 4634, email Richard Vasilik
- Vasquez, Graciela, Instructional Dean of Continuing Education, Adult Ed/Diversity Programs, ext. 2490, email Graciela Vasquez
- Vasquez, Rosario, Administrative Secretary I, Career Services, ext. 2357, email Rosario Vasquez
- Vayo, Luis, Instructor (Hrly), Economics, email Luis Vayo
- Vechayiem-Flores, Dia Nanette (Dia N.), Instructor (Hrly), Anthropology, email Dia Nanette (Dia N.) Vechayiem-Flores
- Vega, Frank, Instructor, Automotive Mechanical Repair, ext. 2973, email Frank Vega
- Vejar, Irma, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Irma Vejar
- Velasco, Monique, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Monique Velasco
- Velasquez, Angelica, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Angelica Velasquez
- Velazquez, Carlo (Carlo G.), Campus Police Officer, Campus Police, ext. 2325, email Carlo (Carlo G.) Velazquez
- Velazquez-Ortega, Maria (Maria Teresa), Locker & Equipment Specialist, Physical Education/Athletics, ext. 2881, email Maria (Maria Teresa) Velazquez-Ortega
- Veloz-Rendon, Lizette, Instructor, Nursing, email Lizette Veloz-Rendon, http://www.cerritos.edu/lvelozrendon/
- Verdugo, Allison, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Allison Verdugo
- Vijar-Myers, Rosemarie, Document Services Assistant, Publications, ext. 2289, email Rosemarie Vijar-Myers
- Villalobos, Michael, Maintenance Mechanic, Facilities, ext. 4991, email Michael Villalobos
- Villalobos, Victor, Board Member, President's Office
- Villalon Jr, Ramiro, Instructor (Hrly), Architecture, email Ramiro Villalon Jr
- Villanueva, Armando, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Armando Villanueva
- Vitela, Lisa, Instructor, Art, email Lisa Vitela
- Vizcarra, Vince, Instructional Lab Assistant, Health Occupations, email Vince Vizcarra
- Vo, Chuong, Instructor, Machine Tool Technology, email Chuong Vo
- Vogel, Karen, Librarian (Hourly), Library/LRC, email Karen Vogel
- Vu, Nam, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, email Nam Vu
- Wagner, Alycia, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Alycia Wagner
- Wagner, Helene, Instructor (Hrly), Speech, ext. 4459, email Helene Wagner
- Wagstaff, Jerrin, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Jerrin Wagstaff
- Wahlquist, Lana (Lana J.), Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Lana (Lana J.) Wahlquist
- Waider, Petja, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, email Petja Waider
- Waldman, Linda, Instructor, Chemistry, ext. 2624, email Linda Waldman, http://www.cerritos.edu/lwaldman/
- Walker, Cheryl, Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Cheryl Walker
- Wallace, Mara (Mara M.), Librarian (Hourly), Library/LRC, email Mara (Mara M.) Wallace
- Walquist, Brian, Instructor (Hrly), Administration of Justice, email Brian Walquist
- Walsh, Wendy, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Wendy Walsh
- Walther, Robert, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, ext. 2686, email Robert Walther, http://www.cerritos.edu/rwalther
- Wang, Cherie, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Cherie Wang
- Wang, Lynn, Counselor, Financial Aid, email Lynn Wang
- Wang, Sufen, Instructor (Hrly), Accounting/Finance, email Sufen Wang
- Ward, David (Dave), Theatre Production Coordinator, Theatre Arts, ext. 2645, email David (Dave) Ward
- Warken, Thomas, Instructor (Hrly), English, ext. 4249, email Thomas Warken
- Waszak, Leon, Instructor (Hrly), History, ext. 4189, email Leon Waszak
- Watanabe, Catherine, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Catherine Watanabe
- Watanabe-Lonsbury, Susan, Instructor, Theatre Arts, ext. 2649, email Susan Watanabe-Lonsbury, http://www.cerritos.edu/swatanabe
- Watnik, Webster, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Webster Watnik
- Weiss, Tracey (Tracy), Instructor (Hrly), Art, email Tracey (Tracy) Weiss
- Wen, Edward, Instructor (Hrly), Chemistry, email Edward Wen
- Werbeck, Joseph, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Westaway, Christa, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Christa Westaway
- White, Charles (Julian), Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, ext. 3099, email Charles (Julian) White
- Whiteside, Christopher, Instructional Dean, Business Education, email Christopher Whiteside
- Whitfield, Brent, Instructor (Hrly), Athletics
- Whitney, Donald (Don), Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, ext. 4489, email Donald (Don) Whitney, http://www.cerritos.edu/dwhitney/
- Whitson, Beverly, Instructor, English, ext. 2816, email Beverly Whitson, http://www.cerritos.edu/bwhitson/
- Widjaja, Sherly, Budget Technician, Budget, email Sherly Widjaja
- Widner, Sarah, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Sarah Widner
- Wikert Hoag, Rhonda (Rhonda Wikert), Instructor (Hrly), Athletics, ext. 4713, email Rhonda (Rhonda Wikert) Wikert Hoag
- Williams, Angela, Manager, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Student Health Services, email Angela Williams
- Williams, Bradford, Instructor (Hrly), Theatre Arts, email Bradford Williams
- Williams, Roberta, Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email Roberta Williams
- Williams-Manser, Danylle, Program Assistant II, Political Science, Project HOPE, ext. 2787, email Danylle Williams-Manser
- Wilmovsky, Albert (Albert Fred), Instructional Lab Tech I, Library/LRC, ext. 2208, email Albert (Albert Fred) Wilmovsky
- Wilson, Christopher, Instructor, Art, ext. 2607, email Christopher Wilson, http://www.cerritos.edu/cwilson/
- Wilson, Donna, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, ext. 4679, email Donna Wilson
- Wilson, Jennifer (Jennifer J.), Instructor (Hrly), English, email Jennifer (Jennifer J.) Wilson
- Winners, Margo, Graphic Designer, Public Affairs, ext. 2288, email Margo Winners
- Winslow, Scott, Instructor (Hrly), Earth Science, email Scott Winslow
- Wisinski, Kathleen, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Kathleen Wisinski
- Wittig, Andrea, Manager, Office of the President, Trustee Services, & Strategic Initiatives, President's Office, ext. 2202, email Andrea Wittig
- Wolfe, John, Instructor (Hrly), Administration of Justice, email John Wolfe
- Wood, John, Instructor (Hrly), Woodworking Mfg Technology, email John Wood
- Wood, Suzanne (Suzie), Librarian (Hourly), Library, email Suzanne (Suzie) Wood
- Woodruff, Ronald, Academic, 3rd Party Contract, Apprent - Field Ironworkers
- Wooledge, Connie, Instructor (Hrly), Culinary Arts, email Connie Wooledge
- Woolever, James, Instructor (Hrly), Computer & Info Sciences, ext. 4870, email James Woolever, http://www.cerritos.edu/woolever/
- Worrel, Dara, Instructor, Mathematics, ext. 2296, email Dara Worrel, http://www.cerritos.edu/dworrel/
- Wright, Michael, Instructor (Hrly), Business Administration, email Michael Wright
- Wright, Wendy, Instructor, Business Administration, email Wendy Wright
- Wu, Danette, Instructor (Hrly), English, email Danette Wu
- Wu, Suyen, Instructor (Hrly), Nursing, email Suyen Wu
- Wyszpolski, Jon, Instructor (Hrly), Bus Computerized Office Tech, ext. 4398, email Jon Wyszpolski, http://www.cerritos.edu/jwyszpolski/
- Yabroff, Allison, Instructor (Hrly), Biological Sciences, ext. 3979, email Allison Yabroff, http://www.cerritos.edu/ayabroff/
- Yang, Ruixue (Lucy (Ruixue)), Instructor (Hrly), Reading, email Ruixue (Lucy (Ruixue)) Yang
- Ybanez, Regina, International Admissions Tech, International Students Program, ext. 2156, email Regina Ybanez
- Yi, Paul, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Paul Yi
- Yi, Sally, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Sally Yi
- Yilan, Luo (Heidi), Instructor (Hrly), Economics, email Luo (Heidi) Yilan
- Yingst, Sylvia, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Sylvia Yingst
- Yoneshige, Hope, Instructor (Hrly), English, ext. 4664, email Hope Yoneshige
- Young, David, Counselor (Hrly), Career Services, ext. 2360, email David Young
- Youssef, Mariam, Instructor (Hrly), Sociology, email Mariam Youssef
- Ysais, Michelle, Instructor (Hrly), Sociology, email Michelle Ysais
- Ysais, Rey, Instructor (Hrly), Student Success, email Rey Ysais
- Yu, Andy, Instructor (Hrly), Mathematics, email Andy Yu
- Yu, Jessica, Instructor (Hrly), Culinary Arts, email Jessica Yu
- Yune, Joseph, Instructor (Hrly), Music, email Joseph Yune
- Zamora, Hector, Instructor (Hrly), Physical Education/Athletics, email Hector Zamora
- Zhang, Bing, Instructor (Hrly), Engineering Design Technology
- Zhou, Wei, Interim Instructional Dean, Humanities/Social Sciences, email Wei Zhou
- Zhou, Yiran, Instructor, Foreign Language, email Yiran Zhou
- Zumaeta, Haydee, Instructor (Hrly), Foreign Language, email Haydee Zumaeta
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