Court to College (C2C) Program
The Court to College Program ( C2C) is currently recruiting
If you are 18+ years of age AND currently on Probation in Los Angeles County we want you!
We help provide eligible students with the following:
- Individualized short term/long term educational planning
- Dedicated Faculty and staff to assist students
- Book and Supply vouchers
- Early Enrollment for classes
- Tuition, Financial Aid and scholarship assistance (for those that qualify)
- Tutoring assistance
Cerritos College is able to provide a safe environment for students to flourish while attending here.
The Court to College program (C2C) originated in the Fall of 2015. Cerritos College worked closely with the LA County Department of Health Services Office of Diversion and Reentry, Norwalk Superior Courthouse and LA County Department of Probation to develop a College/Career bridge program for first time non-violent felony offenders.
The goal was to reduce recidivism, substance abuse, and to increase educational attainment, employability.
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