English Facultys Works Featured in Creative Realm

Ja'net, Ashton, Chad, and Vincent (l-r)Creativity is an important quality of great teachers, and it is no exception for Cerritos College’s English instructors. Here are just some of our very own writers that have published their works recently. 

John Baker’s play, “The Spots of a Leopard,” was produced last year in San Francisco and has been translated in Italian as “Il Vision Del Lupo.”

Ja’net Danielo had two poems published in the fall 2016 issue of 2River View (http://www.2river.org/2RView/21_1/default.html)

Chad Greene has expanded the readership for his flash fiction to the United Kingdom through publications in a couple of literary journals out of London. In September 2015, his flash fiction "Divine" was published in Litro (http://www.litro.co.uk/2015/09/divine/). And, in April this year, "He Is Survived By" was published by Oblong (https://oblongmagazine.com/2016/04/12/he-is-survived-by-_______________/).

Two of Mark Olague’s poems, “Object Study” and “Nightmarch,” were published in October in All Ages Poetry Anthology: Shorts Poems Ain’t Got Nobody to Love.

Ashton Politanoff has had two short stories published by two journals: Hobart, and the Green Mountains Review. Ashton’s story “Hugs, Handshakes, Goodbyes”: http://www.hobartpulp.com/web_features/hugs-handshakes-goodbyes).

Since January, Vincent Poturica had stories published in Western Humanities Review, The Adroit Journal, and Per Contra, as well as poems published in Forklift, Ohio; Powder Keg; and 2River View. He also has a poem forthcoming in Harpur Palate, and his story "Dad's House" will be anthologized in the upcoming California Prose Directory 2017.

Congratulations, and stay creative!
