Safety and Hazard Reporting. 'Safety Snap'

Safety always comes first at Cerritos College.  You can help by reporting unsafe conditions that you observe on campus by using Safety Snap. These conditions may include health and safety risks (such as trip and fall hazards), fire safety issues (such as faulty wiring or equipment or tampering with fire safety equipment), security issues (such as doors propped open), and environmental concerns (such as improper disposal of chemicals).

The Safety Snap form is not to be used to report emergencies, crimes, or other incidents that would require an immediate response by the Campus Police Department or Facilities Department. For such reports, contact Campus Police by calling (562) 402-3674, use a Blue Emergency Call Box, or dial 911 from a campus telephone. If you have observed a non-emergency condition that you think may create a health or safety risk for you or another person, please report that condition by using the Safety Snap form.

Cerritos College staff will evaluate and respond to all requests submitted through Safety Snap.

The link to this form can be found at the bottom of the Cerritos College Home page, or by visiting the Campus Police or Facilities Department web page. 

If you see something, say something!