Student Resources - Fractions

  • Understanding Fractions

A fraction (rational number) consists of two parts, the numerator and the denominator, separated by the fraction bar.

The two parts together give meaning to the number represented:

  • the numerator (numer = number) tells us how many equal parts there are;
  • the denominator (nom = name) tells us the "name" of the fraction - how many equal parts make up the whole.

two-fifths fraction   

The fraction two-fifths represents two equal parts of five needed to make a whole (one). 

To see various visual representations of fractions and gain a better understanding of the meaning of fractions, go to: 

Fraction Models

This tool explores several representations for fractions using adjustable numerators and denominators. You can see decimal and percent equivalents, as well as a model that represents the fraction. -NCTM Illuminations

INDEPENDENT ACTIVITYFractions on the Number Line