Sharon Plump named Employee of the Month of April 2023

Sharon Plump and Dr. Jose FierroThe Outstanding Classified/Confidential Employee Selection Committee named Sharon Plump, groundskeeper in the Facilities Department, as Outstanding Classified/Confidential  Employee of the Month for April 2023. 

For many students and employees, Sharon is the first person that you interact with when walking onto campus. She greets everyone as though she has known them for years. Sharon's smile and attitude are infectious, and a brief moment with her on the way to your office will have you walking in feeling positive and seen. In terms of her work, Sharon tends to her assigned grounds with respect and care which can be seen every day by all. Given Sharon's work ethic and positive energy, it is no surprise this is Sharon’s second time receiving the Employee of the Month award.

“I am most impressed that regardless of whether the day is excessively hot, or terribly cold, she is happy to be on our campus and help the college's core values of promoting excellence in services, respecting others, fostering integrity, and celebrating diversity and inclusiveness,” said Vice President of Human Resources Dr. Mercedes Gutierrez.

Sharon, your dedication, commitment, and willingness to go above and beyond to meet the needs of the students and staff are exceptional. We are proud that you are a Cerritos College employee, and we commend you for your outstanding service and dedication. Thank you for a job well done!