Earth Science Courses
Below are courses currently offered by the Earth Science Department. For more information concerning a particular class, please contact Dan DeKraker the Chair of the Department at
Lecture Only Courses
Earth Science 101: Physical Ecology (3 units)
Class Hours: 2.5 and 3 required field trips.
A general studies course including problems of current concern relative to hydrologic, oceanographic, and atmospheric processes as they affect and are affected by man’s activities. The technologic, economic, and political aspects of pollution and solutions to environmental problems are studied.
Earth Science 104: Introduction to Oceanography (3 units)(online and traditional)
Class hours: 3 lecture.
A general studies course that provides an introduction to the geography of the oceans, geology of the ocean basins, and the chemistry and physics of sea water. The ecology of the sea and its effect on the ecosphere, landforms and processes of the coastal zone and use and abuse of the marine environment are also discussed.
Earth Science 106: Weather and Climate (3 units)
Class Hours: 3 lecture, to be completed online. Exams are given on campus.
An American Meteorological Society course that surveys the processes and patterns in the atmosphere which results in regional distribution of weather and climate.
Energy 110: Energy and the Way We Live (3 units)
Class Hours: 3 lecture
An introductory course that describes the importance of energy in natural systems, energy resources, and utilization of energy by Man in modern economies. The potential for conservation and use of alternatives to fossil fuels is studied.
Geography 101: Physical Geography (3 units)(online and traditional)
Class Hours: 3 lecture
A general studies course that covers the causes of variations in weather and climate; how landscapes develop; the use of maps or other tools of a geographer; and the effect of earth motions on the seasons, time, and climate.
Geography 102: Natural and Cultural Geography (3 units)
Class Hours: 3 lecture
A survey of the influence of culture and the physical environment on man’s activities in major world regions. An examination of the culture, settlement patterns, agriculture, commerce, natural resources, and industry of each region will be made. In addition, world trends in population growth and urbanization will be studied.
Geography 103: Environmental Geography (3 units)
Class Hours: 3 lecture
This course is a survey of global environmental issues and the effects on society.
Emphasis is placed on Earth's systems, sustainability, population concerns, global
warming, energy use, pollution, and availability of natural resources.
Geography 105: World Regional Geography (3 units)
Class Hours: 3 lecture
An investigation of the major cultural and political regions of the world today. Emphasis is placed on cultural relationships, land use patterns, population distribution, trade, and political alliances.
Geology 209: Natural Disasters formerly Earthquakes and Volcanoes (3 units)
Class Hours: 3 lecture
An introduction to the study of natural disasters, including how the origins are explained by atmospheric disturbances and plate tectonics, and how new knowledge can be applied to the betterment of human welfare.
Lecture/Lab Combination Classes
Earth Science 110: Introduction to Earth Science (4 units)
Class Hours: 3 lecture/ 3 laboratory
Designed for the non-science major, this integrated course gives a broad, general overview of the areas of anthropology, astronomy, geology, geography, and meteorology. It is NOT open to those with college credit in geology, physical geography, or physical anthropology.
Geology 101: Physical Geology formerly The Earth Environment (4 units)
Class Hours: 3 lecture/ 3 laboratory
An introduction to the composition and structure of the earth. Internal and external forces by which the earth’s crust and surface have been and are being changed are emphasized. There are 3 required field trips for this course.
Geology 201: Earth History (4 units)
Offered during spring semester of even numbered years. Class Hours: 3 lecture/ 3
Concerns the origin and geological history of the earth and the evolution of its plant
and animal inhabitants. Laboratory work includes exercises in the study of the principal
fossil life of geologic time and exercises in the interpretation of earth history.
Geology 207: Paleontology, Life of the Past (4 units)
Offered during spring semester of odd numbered years. Class Hours: 3 lecture/ 3 laboratory
An introduction to the study of fossils. Fossil preservation, distribution, and paleoecology are considered. Particular emphasis is placed on the fossil record as evidence of organic evolution on planet earth. Laboratory will include specimen identification. There are 2 field trips required.
Stand Alone Labs / Field Courses
Earth Science 102: Physical Ecology Laboratory formerly ESCI101L (1 unit)
Class Hours: 3 lab
A general studies lab course offering an opportunity for a more complete understanding of environmental problems discussed in Earth Science 101. It includes a hands-on approach to understanding the processes and materials involved in environmental problems by identification, measurement, and analysis in the field and in the lab. Must have passed or are currently enrolled in ESCI 101.
Earth Science 104L: Oceanography Laboratory (1 unit)
Class Hours: 3 lab
This laboratory/field study course is designed to supplement Earth Science 104. Emphasis will be placed on the interrelationships between the geological, chemical, physical, and biological aspects of the marine environment. In addition, human use and abuse of the coastal zone and marine environment will be analyzed.
Geography 101L: Physical Geography Laboratory (1 Unit)
Class Hours: 3 lab
A laboratory/field study designed to supplement Geog 101. It introduces the global physical world, its dynamics and spatial relationship. The physical environment is presented as the integration of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Furthermore, this course will introduce the physical processes that have shaped the earth, including weather and climate, plate tectonics, hydrological cycle, weathering, and glaciation. Weekend camping trip required.
Geology 100: Natural History of Southern California (1 unit)
9 hours of lecture, 4 days of field trips.
A field trip and seminar class in biology and geology of selected areas in Southern California. Minerals, geology, landforms, plants, animals, ecology, human use, and recreational value will be studied.
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