DISCUSSIONS - Introducing iFalcon into the Classroom



DISCUSSION QUESTIONS - Introducing iFalcon

Some students are familiar with the habits and understand how important they are to success. But they still choose to ignore or dismiss these practices. Why do you think this happens?

Think about your best learning experience from the past—the class where you learned the most. Which of these habits where you practicing at the time? Why do you think your learning was so successful during that period?

We know with a high degree of certainty that the habits of mind lead to success, and assuming you want to be successful, it is in your interest to adopt them. As you integrate these new skills into your life, what do you foresee as the most significant challenges you will face? What could hinder you from integrating the habits of mind into your life? What could you do to overcome these challenges?

Of the six habits, which do you think will be easiest for you to develop? Which will be the most difficult? Why?