All captioning requests should come through our online Media Services Request Form (WE RECOMMEND USING THE CHROME BROWSER TO SUBMIT THIS FORM.)
There are many different scenarios requiring different procedures for captioning. All videos shown to students and employees require captioning. Whether you are showing it live in a classroom, at an event/workshop, or just posting online for future viewing, ALL videos must be captioned. Here is a quick reference guide.
- Faculty member has made a video themselves for asynchronous instruction and would like to post in a Canvas page: They can insert a link to download the video file in the online form. Please include the the course description and ticket number in the Description section of the form. About a week turn around depending on the amount of videos submitted.
- Faculty/Staff member has made a video themselves (recorded zoom workshops, training, etc.) and would like to post on a webpage: They can insert a link to download the video file in the online form. About a week turn around depending on the amount of videos submitted.
- Faculty member has a DVD they usually show in class, but it is not captioned: They need to put the title of the film in the form, and the Library checks to see if 1. We already have it available to stream with captions and if not, then 2. We look up licensing costs and permission to stream. If the video is not captioned, it can take up to 3 months to receive permission to caption. There is a cost for streaming rights and acquiring the streaming license.
- Faculty/staff member wants to show a YouTube video that is not captioned: They will copy and paste the YouTube video link in the Description section of the form. We will need to reach out to the authors for permission to caption and show in class. This can take up to 3 weeks.
- Faculty needs live captioning for a real-time zoom class: They should fill out the same request form with the course title and section number, the first and last session dates, the day of the week the sessions are on, the start and end times, the student and teacher’s name and email address, and finally the Zoom meeting ID and password. These requests are only granted if a student enrolled in the class has an AAP (Academic Accommodation Plan) on file with the SAS department. This live captioning takes a few days to arrange ahead of time. They must also fill out this Live Captioning Booking Form and attach file to Media Services Request.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Pirtle at
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