Students First Framework
The Students First Framework was approved by the Board of Trustees at its May 8, 2024 meeting.
Cerritos College set an ambitious goal to graduate fifty percent of our students within five years or less by spring 2029. We recognize that achieving this goal requires measurable improvements to our systems and processes. To help us organize our efforts and improve the student experience, we prioritize strategies and activities organized into four levers (goals).
The first three levers - Equitable Access, Completion, and Career and Transfer Success - represent the student journey at Cerritos College, which begins before they register for classes and continues through completion, transfer, and beyond. Institutional Health, the fourth lever, is centered on maintaining our culture of excellence, where all decisions are made in order to best serve our students. This enables us to attract, develop, and retain engaged and qualified employees who embody our mission.
As we develop strategies and activities to graduate fifty percent of our students within five years or less, we make a concerted effort to move these four levers and become a truly open educational institution that drives economic impact for the region. Each lever is linked to KPIs and targets to help us monitor progress and celebrate our achievements.

Our Goal: Be a Student-Ready Institution
Cerritos College will expand opportunities for our community to participate in higher education by ensuring equitable access for every learner to enter an educational pathway.

Our Goal: More Students Complete in Less Time
Cerritos College will increase timely student completion rates and reduce excess units upon completion ensuring students' progress to complete program requirements and achieve their educational goals.

Our Goal: Increase Economic Mobility for Our Students and Community
Cerritos College will be innovative in developing career and transfer pathways. We will cultivate partnerships that enable life changing career opportunities for students and fuel the local workforce with talent that is prepared to meet the needs of the economy.

Our Goal: Foster Institutional Wellbeing
Cerritos College commits to making the most effective use of our resources. We aim for agile, caring practices that foster excellence throughout our operations. All decisions are made in order to best serve our students. As a result, we attract, develop, and retain engaged and qualified employees who embody our mission.
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