Falcons Care Campaign for the Student Emergency Fund
65% of students at Cerritos College experienced at least one form of basic needs insecurity in the past year.
Cerritos College students need your help now more than ever as they navigate these challenging times. The Cerritos College Foundation is raising support for the Student Emergency Fund, which will help the Cerritos College commitment to put students first during times of sudden change and unease.
Students need immediate funds for essentials from groceries, diapers, to the equipment needed to continue their studies at home. Students are facing job loss, and housing and food insecurity. This campaign creates a new emergency aid fund and supports ongoing basic needs for students.
The Foundation is also excited to announce a lead $10,000 gift from PIH Health toward the Falcons Care campaign.To read more about this generous donation to help Cerritos College students, please visit this link: https://www.cerritos.edu/releases-2020/03/PIH.htm
Your donation will help preserve the dreams of future nurses, first responders, business leaders, scientists, teachers and trade professionals that will give back to our community for years to come. They need your help.
Ways to Give
Text to Give: Text FalconsCare to 44321
By Phone: Please call us at 562-860-2451 ext. 2536
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