Psychology Students Present Research at National Convention

Psychology studentsEight current students and eight alumni presented their research at the 99th annual Western Psychological Association (WPA) Conference. Student Angelica Fregoso and alumni Emma McCollough, Kiara Henderson, and Anthony Castillo received the 2019 McGraw-Hill Psi Beta Regional Student Research Award for their research The Effects of Attire on Negative and Positive Trait Attributions. The students received a $150 award and certificate of achievement.

Psychology students Eriyanna Sioson-Archer, Paul Gutierrez, Anna-Luz Murphy, Jasmine Garcia, Elizabeth Del Angel, Nancy Gomez, Angelica Fregoso, and Nathan Godinez presented at the conference. Alumni Milton Enriquez, Ana Garcia, Princess Florendo, Julian Ruiz, Vanessa Altamirano also presented their research. Dr. Jaclyn Adachi-Ronquillo provided an overview on how to plan and implement Cerritos College’s Psychology Day Conference. She highlighted the one-day campus conference as an opportunity for students to learn more about psychology at the local level.

The conference was an inspiring experience for alumna Emma McCollough (2018). “I would encourage every psychology student to attend. I feel so much more prepared in presenting research for the future,” she said. Emma is currently attending California State University, Long Beach, and plans to pursue a master’s degree in art therapy.