Stats in Motion Off to a Great Start

Stats in motion classStats in Motion is a new collaboration between the Math and Athletic Departments that offers a creative way to teach students math concepts. This pilot program provides academic support in mathematics to student athletes in an untraditional way. The curriculum is customized for athletes using game scores, team performances and rankings to make content more relatable and identifiable. While student-athletes are playing their respective sports, they are also learning how to apply math to the game. The data is clear that Stats in Motion is making a big impact on student success. 

Coaches volunteer to assist in the classroom to better support students, and/or with data collection for their respective sports. The first group of 59 student athletes just completed their six-week session this month, which represents a 98.3 percent overall completion rate. We also had 55 students pass the class with a C or better, scoring a success rate of 93 percent.