Cerritos College Honored as 2020 Equity Champion for Awarding Transfer Degrees to Black Students

On November 19, Cerritos College was honored as a 2020 Equity Champion of Higher Education by The Campaign for College Opportunity for leading California community colleges in awarding Associate Degrees for Transfer to Black students. The College is one of five Equity Champions of Higher Education across the state.

The inaugural 2020 Equity Champion of Higher Education Awards honor California community colleges doing exemplary work in awarding Associate Degrees for Transfer to Black and/or Latinx students. Awards are based on a new Equity Index created by the Campaign for College Opportunity. The Equity Index assigns a value to each college that looks at the number of Associate Degrees conferred to Black and/or Latinx students relative to the population of Black and/or Latinx students intending to transfer on a particular campus. According to the Index, Cerritos College is awarding the most Associate Degrees for Transfer to Black students relative to the Black student population at Cerritos intending to transfer among California community colleges.

“We are excited to be honored as a 2020 Equity Champion of Higher Education. Improving student equity and outcomes is a primary part of the Board’s goals to increase student achievement for first-generation and underrepresented students,” said Marisa Perez, president, Cerritos College Board of Trustees. “This recognition is a testament to the hard work by our faculty and staff to provide transfer pathways that lead to success for our students.”

Providing high-quality instructional programs and services through equity-minded pathways is part of Cerritos College’s mission and commitment to addressing student success.  The College has a long history of developing programs to support disproportionately impacted students, including Black and Latinx students. To name some programs, the College’s UMOJA Success Program assists Black students and others in achieving scholastic and life success, and the Puente Program helps Latinx students achieve academic success.

“We’re proud to be among the top institutions making college dreams a reality for Black students with the Associate Degree for Transfer,” said Dr. Jose Fierro, president/superintendent, Cerritos College. “We are committed to investing resources to develop and enhance innovative programs and initiatives that support disproportionately-impacted student populations to close equity gaps in education.”