College seeks bona fide taxpayer association applicants for Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

The Cerritos Community College District is accepting applications to fill a Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee vacancy. This committee was established to oversee the expenditure of money for the construction, repair, and modernization of campus projects. This committee ensures that the bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in both Measure G and Measure CC and that no bond proceeds are used for teacher or administrative salaries or other operating expenses.

There is a vacancy for a bona fide taxpayers association member. Individuals must be 18 years or older to be eligible for an appointment. Additionally, applicants should not be employees of the college, officials of the district, or affiliated with any vendor, contractor, or consultant with the district.

Once appointed, the committee member will serve a three-year term. The legal process calls for soliciting applications for the vacancy, after which the college president will review the applications and make recommendations to the Cerritos Community College District Board of Trustees. The board will make the final decision on who is selected to serve on the committee. Bond committee members are not compensated for their service.

Applications are available online at and must be completed and submitted via email to the Cerritos College Business Services Office at no later than Friday, April 26, 2024. 

For more information, contact Linda Kaufman at (562) 860-2451 ext. 2241.