Janet Yanez named Employee of the Month of January 2024

Dr. Sandra Salazar, Janet Yanez, and Dr. Jose FierroThe Outstanding Classified/Confidential Employee Selection Committee named Janet Yanez as the recipient of the Outstanding Classified/Confidential Employee of the Month Award for January 2024. 

Janet was selected for a categorical program assistant II position for a Teacher TRAC grant about a year ago. Before working full-time in the Educational Partnerships and Programs (EPP) office, Janet was an hourly for many years, including filling a temporary full-time position in the Liberal Arts division office. Janet is truly unique. With all of the growing EPP programs, she quickly became an asset in every program. She developed several Excel pivot tables to automate dual enrollment textbook information, Teacher TRAC support, and Learning Communities. She did all that while learning each program and responding to student and community visits to the EPP office. Janet truly cares about every student and is one of our campus's most friendly and welcoming individuals.

Janet, your dedication, commitment, and willingness to go above and beyond to meet the needs of the students and staff are exceptional. The administration, staff, and students appreciate your attributes and outstanding efforts. We are proud that you are a Cerritos College employee, and we commend you for your outstanding service and dedication. Thank you for a job well done!