Stephanie Minami named Employee of the Month of February 2024

Staphanie Minami and Dr. Jose FierroThe Outstanding Classified/Confidential Employee Selection Committee named Stephanie Minami the recipient of the Outstanding Classified/Confidential Employee of the Month Award for February 2024. 

Stephanie began her career at Cerritos College in 2015 as a program assistant in Public Affairs. Within eight months, she was promoted to Foundation secretary for the Cerritos College Foundation. In 2018, Stephanie was promoted again to EOPS specialist. Stephanie provides high-quality work and excellent customer service and approaches campus daily with grace and a smile.

A student, a single mother of three, nominated her. She writes, “Stephanie has been helpful and inspiring to me. If I am having difficulty dealing with life, she is always there to talk. Stephanie is very caring and loving toward me and the other students who deal with the hardship of motherhood while being a student. Stephanie always points me in the right direction and finds resources that help me stay on track.”

Stephanie, thank you for your dedication and willingness to meet the needs of the students and staff. The administration, staff, and students appreciate your attributes and outstanding efforts. We are proud that you are a Cerritos College employee and commend you for your exceptional service and dedication.