Project Lead the Way
Pathway to Engineering
The Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Pathway to Engineering Technology program is a sequence of courses which follows a proven hands-on, real-world problem-solving approach to learning. Students will learn and apply the design process, acquire strong teamwork and communication proficiency, and develop organizational, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills. They discover the answers to questions like how are things made and what processes go into creating products. Students use the same industry-leading 3D design software used by companies like Intel and Lockheed Martin.
PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
Cerritos College ENGT 103 - Introduction to Engineering Design Using Inventor
This course introduces the student to the design process in engineering technology
by the use of activities-based learning, project-based learning, and problem-based
learning. The student will learn about the design process, geometric relationships,
visualization, technical sketching, modeling, model documentation, and assemblies.
Transfer Credit: CSU
PLTW Principles of Engineering (POE)
Cerritos College ET 101 - Principles of Engineering Technology
This course introduces the student to principles of engineering technology by the
use of activity-based learning, project-based learning, and problem-based learning.
The student will learn about the design process, communication and documentation,
engineering systems, statics and strength of materials, properties of materials and
materials testing, reliability, and kinematics.
Transfer Credit: CSU
PLTW Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
Cerritos College MTT 180 - Robotics for Computer Numerically Controlled Machines
This course introduces the student to the applications of robotics for computer numerically
controlled (CNC) machines by the use of activities-based learning, project-based learning,
and problem-based learning. The student will learn how to create a part using software
and apply computer-generated tool paths. The student will also learn about setup,
operation, and programming of CNC machines. Techniques of integration between several
CNC machines in a work cell environment will be emphasized using simulation and robotic
Transfer Credit: CSU
PLTW Digital Electronics (DE)
Cerritos College ET 102 - Electronics for Engineering Technologists
This course introduces the student to the applications of electronics in engineering
technology by the use of activities-based learning, project-based learning, and problem-based
learning. The student will learn about safety, Ohm's law, direct current circuits,
capacitance, inductance, reactance, impedance, analog and digital waveforms, basic
motors, logic gates, flip-flops, shift registers, and micro-controllers. Techniques
of troubleshooting will be emphasized using simulation and electrical measurements.
Transfer Credit: CSU
PLTW Aerospace Engineering
Cerritos College ENGT 104 - Principles of Aerospace Design Technology
In this class, students will explore the world of aeronautics, astronautics, flight
and aerospace engineering design technology. The class explores the evolution of flight,
flight fundamentals, navigation, control, aerospace materials, propulsion, space travel,
orbital mechanics, ergonomics, remotely operated systems, and related subjects. Students
will use 3D design software to help design related solutions of typical aerospace
technology problems.
Transfer Credit: CSU
PLTW Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA)
Cerritos College ARCH 101 - Principles of Civil Engineering and Architecture
This course introduces the student to the design and construction practices of residential
and commercial building projects, design teams and teamwork, communication methods,
building codes and ordinances, engineering design calculations, and technical documentation.
Students will use industry standard 3D architectural modeling software to facilitate
site and building design and technical documentation. Students will use the activity-project-problem-based
learning approach to develop their interpersonal skills and creative abilities while
applying math, science, and technology knowledge to solve design problems and communicate
their solutions.
Transfer Credit: CSU
PLTW Engineering Design and Development (EDD)
Cerritos College ENGT 105 - Product, design, development, and prototype fabrication
This is a capstone course in the Engineering Design Technology program. In this course,
students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a valid open-ended
technical problem by applying the engineering design process. Utilizing the activity-project-problem-based
teaching and learning pedagogy, students will perform research to choose, validate,
and justify a technical problem. After carefully defining the problem, students will
design, build, and test their solution. Transfer Credit: CSU
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