Welcome to the Facilities Planning Committee

The purposes of the College Committee on Facilities Planning are:

  • Reviews and makes recommendations regarding the Campus Master Plan
  • Reviews and makes recommendations about the college’s Scheduled Maintenance Plan
  • Reviews and makes recommendations about campus modification projects
  • Reviews the Campus Standards Handbook
  • Monitors trends and practices on issues within the committee’s scope and communicates them to the college

Facilities Planning Committee 2024-2025 Goals:

  • Committee members will proactively share and disseminate information and updates with their constituent groups.  (Lever D - Institutional Health - Foster Institutional Wellbeing)
  • Continue to incorporate environmental sustainability practices into campus practices.  (Lever D - Institutional Health - Foster Institutional Wellbeing)
  • Review and recommend projects regarding the Facilities Master Plan. (Lever D - Institutional Health - Foster Institutional Wellbeing)

The quorum requirement is a majority (6) of the committee members.