PACT: Pathways for Achieving Completion and Transfer
The Pathways for Achieving Completion and Transfer (PACT) is a program designed to allow students the opportunity to complete their educational goal in two or three years, depending on the pathway. To further ensure their success, students are provided with timely and pertinent academic and student services support.
The PACT Program provides five comprehensive pathways: Biology, Engineering, Pre-Nursing, Teacher TRAC and even one for Undecided majors. As part of the pathways experience, PACT students participate in structured study groups; attend career services, financial aid, and transfer workshops; and meet with a counselor at least once a semester.
Students who join a PACT Pathway are making a serious commitment to their education. For each semester of the pathway, PACT students agree to enroll in a full-time load, to fulfill the program requirements, and to maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher. To those PACT students, the college is also making a serious commitment. It is guaranteeing enrollment in each of their courses for the entirety of their pathway.
If the students do their part, then the college will do its part. That is the Cerritos PACT!
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