Senior Preview Day

Cerritos College's 26th annual Senior preview Day is April 4, 2025 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm.

This event is designed to introduce high school seniors to Cerritos College's campus and acquaint them with our academic and Career Technical Education programs, Student Services, Student Life, Athletics Programs offered.

Future Falcons will have an opportunity to meet with faculty and staff from a host of programs through our interactive resource fair. There will be demonstrations, exhibits, presentations, campus tours, and fun activities. 

View the 2025 Senior Preview Day Flyer for students.

View the 2025 Senior Preview Day Flyer for high school counselors to Sign-up.

  • Students must attend with their high school staff. This event is not open to the public to attend.
  • If you are a high school representative interested in bringing your high school seniors to the event, please use the QR code on the flyer or this link to sign up: 
  • If disability accommodations (e.g., communication access, alternate formats) are needed to participate fully in any event, please submit your request to within seven school days.


See below for the 2024 agenda. The 2025 agenda will be updated soon. 

Join us for a day of connection, celebration, and the making of unforgettable memories that will shape your college adventure. Make sure to join a Campus Tour and visit the Booth fair:

  • Performances by the Cerritos College Dance team
  • Campus Tours by the Student Ambassadors
  • Featuring 50+ departments from the College ready to connect with you and share information:
    Architecture, Automotive Technology, Biotechnology Program, Business Administration, CalFresh, CalWORKs, Career Services, Career Technical Education, Cerritos Complete Promise Program, Child Development, Cosmetology, Counseling department, Culinary Arts Department, Dance Department, Dental Assisting, Engineering Design Technology, Engineering Technology, Engineering Technology Club, English department, EOPS/CARE/LINC & NextUp, Falcon's Nest, Financial Aid, Fine Arts / Performing Arts Center, Health Education, LGBTQ+ Program, Library, Machine Tool Technology, Music, Office of Student Life, Paralegal Program, Plastics, Project HOPE, Psychology/Mental Health Worker Program, Puente Program, Scholars' Honors Program, School Relations, Student Accessibility Services, Student Health Services, Study Abroad/International Student Services, Success Center, Teacher TRAC, Transfer Center, Umoja, UndocuFalcon Scholars Program, Veterans Resource Center (VRC), Welding, Woodworking Manufacturing Technologies.

Senior Preview Day 2024 Agenda (2025 agenda will be updated soon)

Time Session Location
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Check in
Dance Performances
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM President's Welcome & Raffle Gym

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM 

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

12:30 PM  - 1:00 PM

Campus Tours

Meet at School Relations Booth.
Falcon Square

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

11:30 - AM - 12:30 PM

How to Apply to Cerritos College - Workshop

Students will learn how to apply to Cerritos College. Students that complete their application will receive their Cerritos College Student ID shortly after. They will also learn about the next steps to attend the College.

BE 117

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

11:30 - AM - 12:30 PM

How to enroll in classes - Workshop

Students can meet with Counselors to determine which classes to enroll in and can also learn how to enroll in classes at Cerritos College.
BE 122

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

11:30 - AM - 12:30 PM

Financial Aid - Workshop

Students will receive hands-on assistance in completing their FAFSA and/or CADAA applications. Financial Aid helps students pay for their college education. Make sure to join this workshop to complete your application for Financial Aid!
BE 108

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

11:30 - AM - 12:30 PM

How to Choose a Major / What are Learning and Career Pathways?

Career Counselor, Randy Lee, will also go over some common major and career
myths, such as degrees determining careers. He will also teach you about the
Learning and Career Pathways (LCPs) and how they can help you choose a major.
Conference Center

9:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Booth Fair

Visit over 50 departments to connect, learn, play games, and win prizes.

Falcon Square
10:30 AM - 1:30 PM FREE Lunch while supplies last.

Present your raffle ticket at the counter.
Falcon Square