About Advanced Transportation and Logistics
The Advanced Transportation and Logistics (ATL) program represents an array of clean energy technologies that form a critical part of California's strategy for reducing its climate change impact and its dependency on foreign energy, as well as growing a robust green economy by helping California's businesses remain competitive in a global market.
California has always been a world leader in clean energy technologies, but to advance our competitiveness, a superior workforce - skilled for the rapidly changing clean energy technologies - must exist. Ensuring that California has a highly skilled, clean energy workforce is the goal of Advanced Transportation and Logistics. An initiative of the California Community College's Economic Workforce Development (CCCEWD) program, we are leading California forward!
Electric, Hybrid, and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Programs
Gaseous Fuel Programs for Heavy Duty Vehicles
Gaseous Fuel Programs for Light Duty Vehicles
Intelligent Transportation Systems Programs
Railroad Operation Programs
Aeronautics and Flight Technology Programs
Motorcycle Maintenance Programs
Photovoltaic, Concentrated Solar, Geothermal, and Wind Technology Renewable Energy Programs
Automotive Clean Air Car Emissions Programs
At Cerritos College, our site is designed to provide students, technicians, faculty, public and other initiative centers with the education, training, and resources they need to effectively learn, teach, and work with advanced transportation and clean energy technologies.
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