U.S. Department of State Selects Cerritos College ESL Instructor as English Language Fellow for Tanzania Project

Lee Anne with Access high School students in TanzaniaThe U.S. Department of State selected Lee Anne McIlroy, full-time Credit ESL faculty at Cerritos College, as one of 13 English Language Fellows to return to Tanzania for her Instructional Technology in Limited Resource Contexts project. In 2012-13, Lee Anne served as a Senior English Language Fellow in Tanzania in 2012-13 where she and her local educational counterpart revised the English curriculum, established a teacher's resource center, created a portable library for rural elementary schools, and hosted workshops for local teachers.

Lee Anne was selected to return to Tanzania this summer to conduct workshops for English educators throughout the country on using technology in low resource areas. She was inspired to propose the project after taking Educational Technology classes at Cerritos College and learning about resources she could share with her colleagues in Tanzania. Lee Anne will also be "training the trainers" of Tanzania's Open University, which is developing a hybrid model for students. As a model, she will use teaching methods that she established in her first hybrid ESL course at Cerritos College.

This assignment is part of the Fellows@50 Encore: Go Back, Give Back contest. The contest commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the English Language Fellow Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by Georgetown University. Proposal selection was highly competitive with only 10 percent of submitted projects accepted for funding.