updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Individuals in Los Angeles and Orange County who have tested positive for the respiratory illness, 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). At present there are no cases in the campus community. Student Health & Wellness Services advises persons who recently traveled from Wuhan City or other affected areas in the past 14 days or have had close contact with someone suspected or known to have 2019-nCoV to watch for flu-like symptoms including:
-Fever (>100.4 °F or 38°C)
-Sore throat
-Difficulty breathing/shortness of breath

Students should contact Student Health & Wellness Services or go to their primary care providers for medical evaluation, if they feel unwell. Faculty and staff should contact their healthcare provider if they have flu-like symptoms. Students who are experiencing increased anxiety or stress related to concerns about the outbreak of 2019-nCoV may see a counselor; call 562-860-2471, ext. 2321 to arrange an appointment.

Additionally, the Student Health has an after-hours crisis line at (562) 653-7821 for in-the-moment crisis support from a mental health professional.

Student Health & Wellness offers flu shots on a walk-in basis: $5 for students and $15 for faculty/staff. Another option is to visit our mobile clinic located between EOPS and the library beginning February 6, 13, 20, 27 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.