Denise Marshall Named Employee of the Month of July 2022

Denise MarshallThe Outstanding Classified/Confidential Employee Selection Committee Denise Marshall was named as the recipient of the Outstanding Classified/Confidential Employee of the Month Award for July 2022. 

Denise began her career with Cerritos College in 1979 as short-term hourly and was hired into the Facilities department full-time in 1982. This is her second employee of the month award.

Denise plays an important part in all events and activities that take place on the campus. She goes out of her way to check in to ensure the set-up is done correctly or if anything is needed.
When in a bind, and not able to host the event where we want to she provides creative solutions to make things happen and keeps our vision for the event in mind. Over the years, Denise has been committed to campus scheduling and provided excellent support to us all, it can be early morning, evening, or on the weekend, we rely on her and know she will answer the call no matter what because she remembers the schedule and understands the urgency.

Denise, your dedication, commitment, and willingness to go above and beyond to meet the needs of the students and staff are exceptional. The administration, staff, and students appreciate your attributes and outstanding efforts. We are proud that you are a Cerritos College employee, and we commend you for your outstanding service and dedication.  Thank you for a job well done!