Emergency Work Request Guidelines
The following safety-based requests are considered emergencies and will be taken by telephone as they directly affect classes in session, as well as safety and security. The department/division will still need to input these requests through FacilitiesLink; phone notification does not substitute for placing a work request on-line.
Please call extension 2307 or 2309 to report emergency issues/problems during normal business hours; for after-hours assistance, please call 562-760-5579
- Slip/Fall situations
- Flowing water in urinals/toilets/sprinklers/pipes
- Plugged/inoperable urinals/toilets/sinks
- Broken glass
- Loss of electrical service (not burned-out light tubes or bulbs) to classrooms/offices
- Trees or limbs down
- Elevators stuck/inoperable
- Locks/doors -- only if the classroom access is impacted, or security is compromised.
- Loss of heating or air conditioning (air flow)
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