R25 Procedures
R25 WebViewer Procedures
Only authorized users may request space and/or resource (table/chair, equipment) set
ups in WebViewer. Administrators, Deans or Managers may authorize users of WebViewer.
When doing so they authorize the user to request space, set-ups and facility use on
their behalf.
An email from the Manager to Rodney Garner in Information Technology at garner@cerritos.edu notifying that the requestor is authorized and to set up a user account name and
Training on WebViewer may be utilized by setting up an appointment at CTX by calling x 2797 or x 2799. All WebViewer requests are to be submitted online three weeks in advance of event date. Changes to a set up request cannot be guaranteed without three days prior notice.
When requesting space online complete all applicable fields, this includes event start
time and end time, all dates, head count, and if applicable, all set-up information.
Always put exact start time of event. Scheduler will allow for set up time prior to
the start of the event.
Requests with multiple dates may be made if each event has the same start and stop
times. This can be done by using the calendar and clicking on each date (Ad Hoc) or
requesting monthly by clicking on the day of the week such as Monday(s) and Wednesday(s),
or the first and third Tuesday and second and fourth Wednesday, etc.
If multiple dates have different start and stop times for each date they will have
to be requested separately.
Expected attendance is very important. This will insure the correct room and efficiency
of space and HVAC utilization.
WebViewer Notes: When requesting online, the note section can be used for special instructions to the scheduler. Notes may include arrival time of event requestor/host before event scheduled time, special features that are needed such as computer room consisting of 30 or more computers, tables with chairs or tablet armchairs, teleconferencing capability, first floor access only, etc.
60" round tables are only used in the Student Center facility or by special request from the President's Office. Backdrops are only used within the Student Center.
Only Cerritos College events and invited guests of the college events are to receive table/chair set ups by Facilities Operations. The event requestor/host must state in the note section that the invited guest is hosted by their department.
Outside vendors not invited or hosted by a department will not receive tables/chairs from Facilities Operations. All outside vendors on the Cerritos College campus must get a permit from the Campus Police department and deliver proof of liability insurance.
All audio visual equipment and set up should be requested online through Media Services. Facilities Department does not set up sound, microphones or any audio visual equipment. Facilities Department does not have any pop-up tents or canopies in their resource inventory
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