Frequently Asked Questions
I am interested in becoming a foster parent, how do I go about getting started?
I am a kinship care provider, do I need to attend a kinship orientation and a KEPS class?
I want to register for a FKCE class at Cerritos College, what is the process?
How many renewal hours do I need to take each year to keep my license current?
I am interested in becoming a foster parent, how do I go about getting started?
The first step would be to contact the DCFS foster parent recruitment hotline at 1-888-811-1121.
They will get you started on the process of becoming a foster parent with the county
and tell you what you need to do.
I have some questions that I need answered about being a foster parent or a relative caregiver, who can I call?
There are hotlines that you can call if you have questions or concerns. If you are a foster parent, you can call 800-697-4444. If you are a kinship care provider, you can call 888-694-7263 or 562-777-1751. For foster payments, please call 800-697-4444.
I am a kinship care provider, do I need to attend a kinship orientation and a KEPS
As a relative caregiver (also known as a kinship care provider), it is now required
by DCFS for you to attend both a kinship orientation and a 36-hour KEPS training.
Please see the schedule of class listings to sign up for both of these.
I want to register for a FKCE class at Cerritos College, what is the process?
To register for our online classes, please use this Cerritos College FKCE Workshop Registration Form
How many renewal hours do I need to take each year to keep my license current?
To keep your license current, you must complete the following renewal hours:
RFA Renewal: 8 hours
B-Rate Renewal: 12 hours
D-Rate Renewal: 18 hours
F-Rate Renewal: 12 hours
W-Rate Renewal: 4 hours
*Please note that the training should always align with the needs of the child.
You can receive renewal hours by attending any of our workshops except the Pre-Service Certification Trainings. These particular trainings are offered to resource parents who are earning their D, F, or W rate certifications for the first time.
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