Guided Pathways Work Plan
To qualify for Guided Pathways funding, the Chancellor’s Office required submission of an initial 5-year work plan based on the 14 elements of the Guided Pathways self-assessment that was completed December 2017. View the Self-Assessment.
The work plan was drafted by the Guided Pathways Exploratory Committee (since renamed the Guided Pathways Advisory Committee), distributed across campus for feedback and input, and was submitted by the April 2018 deadline.
The first year of the five-year plan began in the spring 2018 semester. At that time, the college began broad discussions about the features of a comprehensive guided pathways program that would best serve the needs of Cerritos College students and about how to implement a plan. Implementation and revision of plan components continued through the 2018-2019 academic year, which also required the completion and submission of an updated work plan--now referred to (SOAA) as the Scale of Adoption Assessment--by April 30, 2019. View the Work Plan
The final SOAA will be submitted to the Chancellor's Office by March 1, 2020. For more information please visit: SOAA
Each year, the college will receive funding from the State in the amount indicated in the table below to help support this effort.
Whether you are a faculty member, a student, a classified or confidential employee, or a manager or administrator, please take part in this initiative.
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