Measure G 2012

Voters in the November 6, 2012 election approved Cerritos College's $350 million General Obligation Bond measure, providing funding for the continuing renovation of the nearly 60-year-old campus. Measure G received a total of 63,645 "yes" votes, or 69.87 percent of the total votes. Passage of the measure required at least a 55 percent vote of confidence. Thank you to the Cerritos College community for voting Yes on Measure G!

General Obligation Bond Resolution and Ballot Text

Resolutions Authorizing Sale of Bonds

Resolution Authorizing 2012 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A
Resolution Authorizing 2012 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018B 
Resolution Authorizing 2012 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019C
Resolution Authorizing 2012 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021D

Resolution Authorizing Refunding


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