Project HOPE Courses

Suggested Counseling Courses

Project HOPE suggests that its students take one or more of the courses listed below to help them to successfully complete their educational journeys. If you are interested in enrolling in the Project HOPE Community of Learners, you will either have to show proof of completing one of the courses listed below or you will need to take one of those courses during your first semester in the Community of Learners program. 

Counseling 101 A: Orientation to College — This course is designed to introduce first-time college students to services offered at Cerritos College; the history and mission of the system of higher education in California; policies and procedures that affect students at Cerritos College; and educational planning, including major and general education requirements and course sequencing. As part of the course, students may tour the Cerritos College campus, acquainting themselves with the location and function of various offices and service providers. Each student will produce a short term educational plan specific to his or her educational goal. This course is offered on a pass/no pass basis only.

Counseling 101 B: Educational Planning - This course is designed to broaden continuing students' understanding of the history and mission of the system of higher education in California, with particular emphasis on the role of the community college; policies and procedures that affect students at Cerritos College; and long-term educational planning including basic transfer requirements for the California State University and the University of California systems. Each student will produce a long-term educational plan specific to his or her educational goal. This course is offered on a pass/no pass basis only.

Counseling 101 C: Navigating the Transfer Process - This course provided an introduction to the transfer process for those students who plan to transfer to a college or university to complete a baccalaureate degree. Topics include the value of pursing higher education, selection of a transfer university, transfer requirements, admission procedures, and requirements for majors.  

Counseling 200:Success College and Career - This course will provide students with knowledge, information, and skills to better understand themselves as students, people, and members of the working world. It will assist them with establishing life, career, personal, and educational goals and help them to develop plans and strategies to successfully meet those goals.