About Project HOPE and FAQs
Program Activities
Tutoring in Science - *When funding is available.
Supplemental Instruction (SI) — tutoring sessions conducted by the instructor of the course. SI is offered each semester for various science courses. (*When funding is available>)
Outreach to high schools and middle schools
Community service opportunities are available:
- At local community health fairs
- With nonprofit organizations
Counseling 101 A (Orientation to College) and Counseling 101 B (Educational Planning) - For a detailed description of these classes, please click on the "HOPE Courses"tab in the "Department Links" column on the left side of this page.
Counseling — designated Project HOPE counselors are available by appointment for 30-60 minute sessions.
Student Workshops — periodic workshops are offered covering such topics as study skills and health/science professions.
Academic Success and Leadership Program (ASLP) - a workshop series that focuses on helping empower students to take control of their lives, develop themselves academically and personally, and achieve their full leadership potential. (*When funding is available.)
Health Occupations 100: Health of Underserved Communities — is a course which provides students with an understanding
of the healthcare crisis in this country and the various career opportunities that
allow them to contribute to improving healthcare access. (*When course is offered.)
Project HOPE Scholarship Program - scholarships are awarded through an application and interview process to students who are transferring to a four-year college/university, or entering into a health professional program.
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