About Project HOPE and FAQs
Do you have to be a certain ethnicity/race to join Project HOPE? No, Project HOPE is open to students of all ethnicities/races.
Do you have to take specific classes to be a member of Project HOPE? No, you only need to be enrolled in units at Cerritos College each semester to be a member of Project HOPE.
Do Project HOPE students receive priority registration? Only Project HOPE students who enroll in the Project HOPE Community of Learners receive priority registration for their math and science classes.
Does Project HOPE provide recommendation letters for its students? We provide letters and/or certificates that verify your Project HOPE-related community service hours and/or activities.
Where can I find out information about Project HOPE's upcoming activities and events?
Information on all Project HOPE events/activities, as well as the events/activities
of our community service partners, can be found in one or more of the following places;
1. the Project HOPE website, 2. the Project HOPE Facebook page at "Cerritos College
Project HOPE", 3. the Project HOPE Twitter page at "CC Project HOPE", 4. the Project
HOPE bulletin board and other bulletin boards in the Science building, or the bulletin
boards in the Physical Science and Technology building, and 5. at the Project HOPE
office, which is located on the second floor of the Physical Science and Technology
(PST) building in office PST 209.
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