Program Mission Statement
Program Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Pharmacy Technology Department to provide information, resources, and activities that support student learning outcomes and help students achieve the educational goals important for success in the profession and as part of their life-long mastery of physical, social, and intellectual skills. To achieve this, faculty members aspire:
- To model an environment where instructors and students are co-participants in the learning process.
- To facilitate an environment where faculty and students creatively engage one another in an ongoing dialogue concerning the issues facing health care professions.
- To share a common vision of the patient as the central focus of the health care system and, consequently, that faculty and students dedicate themselves to the health and well-being of society and the construction of healthy systems of relationships.
Philosophical Statement: The faculty members of the Pharmacy Technology Department believe that a comprehensive, integrated educational approach acknowledging the learner as the central focus of the learning process will develop pharmacy technician graduates who exhibit the appropriate skills, knowledge, and values necessary to achieve competence in the profession of pharmacy. To achieve this, clinical and academic faculty serve as guides and role models as students move from novice to competent practitioners. Faculty of the Pharmacy Technology Department affirms that they shall:
- Provide a high caliber curriculum that mirrors the current standards of practice in pharmacy.
- Provide students with a broad-based education that lays the ground-work for advancement into diverse pharmacy careers.
- Provide students with the technical skills and tools necessary to obtain employment as pharmacy technicians in a technologically advanced world.
- Provide a foundation that enables graduates to continue planning, attaining and evaluating their continuing educational needs.
- Provide training in effective oral, written and non-verbal communication skills for the benefit of patients, colleagues and other members of the health care team.
- Prepare students for employment in a variety of settings and with a diverse patient population.
- Prepare students to practice within the laws and regulations set forth by the California State Board of Pharmacy and the ethical tenets of the American Association of Pharmacy Technicians.
- Prepare students who are capable of applying knowledge, skills, and demeanor in a manner that ensures comprehensive assistance to the patient and the supervising pharmacist so that treatment may be accomplished expeditiously.
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