Welcome to the Planning and Budget Website
The purposes of the College Committee on Planning and Budget are:
- Reviews data for institutional planning
- Develops and recommends for approval the college’s strategic goals
- Collaborates in the development of college-wide plans such as the Educational Master Plan and the Technology Plan, and makes recommendations to the Board for approval
- Develops processes for unit and area planning
- Ensures that planning and resource allocation are linked
- Develops and recommends for approval the college’s annual budget and ensures that it reflects college planning priorities
- Monitors trends and practices on issues within the committee’s scope and communicates them to the college
Planning and Budget Committee 2024-25 Goals which all align with Students First Framework Lever D: Institutional Health - Foster Institutional Wellbeing:
Ensure that the planning process is aligned with the Students First Framework (SFF) to reflect our commitment to prioritizing the needs and experiences of our students.
Ensure that the resource allocation requests align with the Students First Framework Levers.
The committee Co-Chair's will regularly update the committee on the Institutional Health Dashboard and KPI's.
The committee co-chairs will be proactive in regularly sharing and disseminating information to the campus community, and committee members will continue to provide updates with their respective constituent groups.
- Continue to ensure the committee website is up-to-date, planning calendar/timelines are discussed and posted online, and budget updates are routinely provided.
The quorum requirement is a majority (11) of the committee members.
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