IPR Committee Goals
2023-2024 Goals
- The committee has scheduled 9 programs for review during the 2023-2024 academic year;
and 10 programs for 2024-2025 academic year). (EMP: Goal D)
- The committee will provide guidance and consultation to programs undergoing review.
(EMP: Goal D)
- The committee will provide feedback and offer recommendations to programs undergoing
review. (EMP: Goal F)
- The committee will hold regular meetings during the academic year (1st and 3rd Tuesday
of each month). (EMP: Goal C, D)
- The committee will schedule 2025-2026 programs for review during the academic year.
(EMP: Goal C, F)
- The committee will conduct orientation for programs scheduled for review in 2023-2024
and 2024-2025.
- The committee will update website to show the revised IPR Handbook; calendar/list
of programs up for review in 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 cycles; and guide to eLumen. (EMP: Goal F)
- The Director of IERPG will provide training for committee members on how to use eLumen
to review reports submitted by programs undergoing review. (EMP: Goal C)
- The committee will support programs undergoing review by providing a Word template
of the report sections found in eLumen and a PowerPoint template for program visitations.
(EMP: Goal D)
- The committee will encourage programs to have an equity lens when analyzing their program data and support departments to use high impact practices to address equity gaps. (EMP: Goal D)
- The committee has scheduled 9 programs for review during the 2023-2024 academic year;
and 10 programs for 2024-2025 academic year). (EMP: Goal D)
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