SAS Instructional Offerings
Student Accessibility Services offers several specialized courses, taught by SAS faculty, which provide opportunities for students to acquire the skills necessary to access the educational offerings provided by Cerritos College. Instructional offerings designed for students with disabilities are as follows:
ACLR 101: Increasing Your Access Potential (2.0 units)
You will learn the concepts of Emotional Intelligence (e.g. self-awareness, self-monitoring, social awareness and social monitoring), Executive Functioning (e.g. time management, study skills, goal setting, etc.), Growth Mindset, and much more! An Education Plan will be created for each student enrolled in ACLR 101, which also meets the requirements for Cerritos Complete (as an alternative to COUN 101B). Transfer Credit: CSU
You will develop the knowledge and skills to understand the concepts of career exploration, disability workforce navigation, accessing workplace accommodations, self-advocacy, gender inequities in the workplace, intersectionality, and overall workforce preparation. In addition, each student will interactively participate in a Mock Interview and the production of a comprehensive educational plan aligned with a selected educational goal and corresponding Learning Career Pathway. Transfer Credit: CSU
Please go to the Schedule of Classes and scroll down to ACLR Access Learning for the current and upcoming sections of ACLR 101 and 102.
AED 42.07: Independent Mediation Lab (0 units)
A Supported-Learning Environment---learn the skills you need for college: Time Management,
Study Skills, Organizational Skills, Goal Setting and Math Tutoring. AED 42.07 is
offered in the Fall and Spring semesters only.
(Open Entry-Open Exit, Non-Credit)
SPRING 2024: | FALL 2024 (new hours): |
Tuesdays 11am-1pm, In person, LA-131* Wednesdays 1-3pm, In person, LA-131* Thursdays 11am-1pm, In person, LA-131* |
Tuesdays 11am-1pm, In person, LA-131* Wednesdays 11am-1pm, In person, LA-131* Thursdays 11am-1pm, In person, LA-131* |
Come to LA-131* during any of the above times to sign up. You may attend this class at any time that it is offered (open lab). |
*LA-131 is the SAS classroom and is located in the SAS office.
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