Access to Completion and Equity (ACE) Committee
- Recommends and monitors strategies and activities designed to reduce achievement gaps
in student success
- Sets goals and recommends resource allocations based on the development, implementation,
and assessment of the following institutional initiatives:
- Student Equity and Achievement Program (Student Equity, Basic Skills, & 3SP Programs)
- Guided Pathways
- Reviews the college’s academic achievement data and makes appropriate recommendations
- Recommends and facilitates training to ensure equity-minded practices and programming
to achieve institutional goals
- Monitors trends and practices on issues within the committee’s scope and communicates them to the college
Co-Chairpersons (voting):
- Vice President, Academic Affairs/Assistant Superintendent
- Vice President, Student Services/Assistant Superintendent
Functional Resource Personnel (voting):
- Vice President, Human Resources/Assistant Superintendent or Director of Diversity, Compliance, and Title IX Coordinator as designee
- Vice President, Business Services/Assistant Superintendent or designee
- Dean of Academic Affairs & Strategic Initiatives
- Dean of Counseling Services
- Dean of Enrollment Services
- Dean of Student Equity & Success
- Dean of Academic Success
- 1 Guided Pathways Co-Chair
- 1 faculty representative from Student Accessibility Services (SAS) appointed by the Faculty Senate
- 1 faculty co-chair of the Chairs Council
Constituent Group Membership (voting):
- CCFF President or designee
- Faculty Senate President or designee
- 1 faculty representative with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) expertise appointed by the Faculty Senate
- 1 faculty representative with non-credit expertise appointed by the Faculty Senate
- 1 faculty representative appointed at large by the Faculty Senate
- 1 instructional dean appointed by ACCME
- CSEA President or designee
- 2 classified representatives appointed by CSEA
- 1 confidential representative appointed by the confidential employee group
- ASCC President or designee
- 1 student representative appointed by ASCC
Ex-officio Membership (non-voting):
- CTX Coordinator
- Director, IERP
- Director, Information Technology or designee
- Director, College Relations, Public Affairs & Governmental Relations or designee
- SLO Committee Chair
- Developmental Education Coordinator (transitional)
Meeting quorum is 30% of the committee membership.
Committee meetings occur monthly during fall and spring semesters, on the second Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.
All meeting agendas, minutes, and materials are distributed and stored with BoardDocs.
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